Nepotism in Kathmandu University - Sajha Mobile
Nepotism in Kathmandu University
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Regarding nepotism in Kathmandu University, there has been number of letters published from the faculties as well as KUPA in e-kantipur (24-27 May). Similarly, there are other write-ups in Nepali languages dailies and weeklies. We, ex graduates of KU, have compiled all these and put them in the following blog; All the graduates and ex-faculteis are welcome to give their opinion. Let us destroy nepotism in KU.
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It looks as if those calling for change in KU have run out of steam. We hope this does not mean the KU leadership thinks they do not need to change.
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Evidence is what we need to prove corruption. Maybe the reformers have not given up altogether. In the latest addition to changeinku.blogspot is some information / evidence about how top people (one of them) is paid by KU. We always suspected this type of evidence is difficult to obtain in a closed society like ours. I assume deals / commisions / bribes are accepted when major constructions like the KUMS building costing crores of rupess are made. But we have to have facts - not easy, as you can imagine. But credit goes to KUPA for making some attempts at last. We must make small talk proportion to the evidence we obtain.
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This is very sad in nepal that people always look at the negative side. This may be the case for in every institutions in nepal. Nobody cares or bother to talk about the positive things and try to do creative thinking. All are happy pointing fingers to others. That is why our county is truely "sati le sarapeko desh".
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I read the blogpost, Dr. Bhadra Man's pay was altogether less than 50K rupees. Why are u guys shouting on that, doesn;t bhadram deserve to get just 50K. He has to live, he has to survive, He desrves to get at least 100K per month. Other teachers are teaching somewhere else and earning more than. He doesn;t have any income source, than KU, then why are you pointing him out. KU is his mom, dad, and everything, I donlt even mind even his pay becomes more than 100K over there. I'm not biased to any one but these tiny earnings are not corruption. Have you ever seen Bhadra Man was working day and night together to build KU, that time you guys were some where in bar or Cafe or doing some political gossips. So far the blunder, the KU authorities have done is they have not thrown the rotten potatoes from KU. They have hired many least qualified people in KU. That's the only mistake VC and Registrar have done so far. Fight for Merit ( Either to get hired or to get admission), There is no Merit system in KU, Fight that type of Corruption. If you are not satisfied what KU paid then look for another job, if KU can offer your demand then you'll get otherwise leave KU. This is pretty straight forward. Don't cry what Bhadra Man is earning, you haven't seen his dedication. People like Samir Dixit now fighting, where they were hiding themselves when KU was built by sweats of Bhadraman. Do you think your pay rate and Bhadra Man's Pay rate should be same in KU? If so work Hard like Bhadraman and open another University and earn money.
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The question is not so much about salary but accountability. A university is a national asset not to be run like one's garage. If there is transparency, there is no problem who earns what. There should be a system applicable to everyone so any Ram, Shyam or Hanuman can earn the same pay Bhadraman is earning. We should not assume that one is entitled to life time of pay off for creating anything especially when a public institution is concernced because it is getting fees and donations in the name of Nepal.
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It is very interesting to know that the people who express themselves in a fake names (who does not want to be transparent) want transparency.
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It is also equally interesting that pardafas is someone's actual name these days.
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It is amazing what anonymity leads people to claim. We hope people in this thread have been accurate and said what they believed in their hearts. Afterall, Sajha is a forum to let your feelings out is not it, Pardafas. or are you always out in the open what you think?
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Thechangeinku.blogspot has been hacked by its opponents. Not surprisingly, they were running scared of coming revelations in the blogspot about corruption in KU. It is important for people to access informations like those presented by the blogspot. We hope the blogspot will return. We cannot pretend as if nothing has happened. The fraudsters must be exposed.
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Do you know that Pardafas used to be a faculty member at Kathmandu University making 80K Rs. a year and in 2003 he got hired by Northwestern University's Kellog School of Management because he did 'CHAKARII' to C.K. Jain (who is the dean of Kellog School of Management at Northwestern Univ.) Pardafas used to make 80K Nepali Rs. (at KU) now he is making 80 K $ plus benifits at (Northwestern Univ).
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It sounds Pardafas made progress. Good luck to him. Not everyone can leave KU and earn bigger salary elsewhere. The task is to reform KU so everyone is treated fairly.
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Who's Pardafas? What do you think of this article: KU’s quality education After 15 years, Kathmandu University looks ahead to the next 15 MALLIKA ARYAL From NepaliTimes Issue #315 (15 September 06 - 21 September 06) Since it was formed by an act of parliament after the pro-democracy movement in 1991, Kathmandu University (KU) has been selective about students and faculty, and has aimed for excellence. But, as with most institutions started with one man’s vision, KU faces the same challenges as the nation itself: how to adjust to the new demands of a new generation. When Suresh Raj Sharma got together with like-minded friends retired from academia, all they had was an idea. Today that idea stands in the form of a university that has more than 5,000 students in its departments and affiliated colleges. “We all complain that the government doesn’t do enough for us, but KU is the perfect example of what we can give back to the country,” says the silver haired professor, who worked his way up from an impoverished Sindhuli village to get a PhD and devote his life to education, “The country made me what I am, I have no right to complain.”
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Bhunte, I think this means in Nepal, we accept mediocrity as success. Act of Parliament means that KU is resource of the nation and not just one silver haired man.
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This is the dumbest suggestion-- more pay for someone who works hard. In other parts of the world, your pay is a function of how smart you are.
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khaobaadi has mentioned that Kellog School hired someone from Kathmandu University. This and his/her other postings seem to be factually incorrect. khaobaadi doesn't know a single thing about how the academic world works in the Western world, especially in the U.S. 1)Kellog doesn't hire anyone from KU. 2) Everyone can check this faculty list at Kellog: There is no one in the list that was in KU before. 3) In the U.S. universities, the dean doesn't make a hiring decision. There is always a committee of faculty members (khaobaadi has to understand one or two things about how the world works). Dean virtually plays no role. 4) If Kellog hires some one, the pay is much higher than what khaobaadi suggests. Don't insult Kellog by comparing with those incompetent people at KU. People posting in this forum should have more responsibility. Readers should be smarter-- don't just believe what people like khaobaadi write without knowing a single thing.
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KUian should work a little harder to write better. A million gramatical and other mistakes per posting makes it difficult to read.
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I don't know who this guy Navin Thapa is. But if you think he is really a scholar, search at Google Scholar and see how many entries you find for his research. Probably 0. That means, this guy is not marketable anywhere in the world except for Nepal.
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kirn: KUian should work a little harder to write better. A million gramatical and other mistakes per posting makes it difficult to read. Thanks for comments and just to let you know we are here only to express our feelings not showing off GRE vocabulary and grammer. I really don giv a damn to english when I write. kirn just to let you know for your english: KUian should work a little harder to write better. A million GRAMATICAL and other mistakes per posting MAKES it difficult to read. Yeah alright!........ it should be grammatical (not gramatical) and make (not makes). Sorry bro, try to figure out mouse in your shoulders before you comment on ants on others. No hurt feeling here please....... but I think I am done with this thread. May be I have hurt a lil bit for no. of people and may be some nepotist have taken advantage of my thread. But I said what I feeled and heard. No offense please. Sorry for Dr. Samir Daneshwor, Suresh bahadur and Anup for whatever I have said. I am really done here and I am sure this cat and mouse game will continue in KU for ever. I still love KU and want KU to be in the top but I am sick of this name calling and hatred game. God bless KU no matter whoever leads. May Goddes durga will find the best of the best person to lead and command on KU. Bye guys.
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There is Nepotism everywhere in Nepal. Thats why Nepal Sucks !! USA rocks !!!
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Kirn, I have done search on PubMed for Navin Thapa and there are atleast 9 publications, probably not all by him but not bad for Nepalese scholars. And he is mentioned on the as a researcher in a $1.3 miilion grant from the Gates Grand Challenges in Gobal Health Initiative: Live Oral BCG Moreau Rio de Janeiro Vaccine as model of gut innate immunity and infection Prof David Lewis and Professor Gordon Dougan of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Genome Campus have received a $1.3 million grant from the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health through the Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative to conduct a programme of research to apply the Brazilian strain of BCG (Moreau) as a model of gut innate immunity, in collaboration with researchers in Ecuador (Dr Phil Cooper) and Nepal (Dr Navin Thapa), together with studies of typhoid in Vietnam (Principal Invetigator Dr. J Farrar). This is part of a grant to Principal Investigator Dr. Brett Finlay, University of British Columbia, Canada, A series of clinical studies enrolling 50-75 healthy volunteers, to commence in Q1 2006, will use the oral delivery of BCG Moreau RdJ to mimic natural infection and to understand why oral vaccines do not always work as well in developing counties as in Northern regions. It is hoped these studies will unlock the key innate immune functions using biomics, and in collaboration with the Wellcome field site in Vietnam (lead by Dr J Farrar), will address these issues in relation to typhoid fever. Other studies will recruit patients with tuberculosis in the UK and abroad.
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