sikkim can be a democracy, why not nepal - Sajha Mobile
sikkim can be a democracy, why not nepal
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Monarchists should be treated liek animals, as tehy oppose democracy, and what they call, liek a tar trek villain, hugh- man disgusting hugh man rights The king is corrupt, and a dictator, he has taken over in an illegal coup, He has no right to rule as he is from a serial killer's family, unlike most politicians India is richer than Nepal, and Bhutan as it is a democratic republic,. The king will offer alliances with any side, Pakistan's islamists, China's communists, China's Capitalists, and India's Hindus, and Communists, in a mercenary satanic attitude, that forgets the rights of Hindus in Pakistan or Nepalese, in the BJP, the king is from a serial killer's family, Overthrow him, Declare a republic in Nepal I support democracy it is the best system, The king was able to take power, as Nepal's government did not have power, i.e. the Maoists, could not take over in a coup, so why could a apparently powerless king, also many hate the king as a corrupt, source of cash, living in a palace, which used to have a harem, he is a serf owner, and arrests decent child rights campaigners, and socialists, while freeing murderers, and committing murders Monarchy has killed more people in the twentieth century than Communism, when you include the flu epidemic of 199, and the world war one, etc, etc, You claim politicians are corrupt, but in what way, they are not as corrupt as king or such, who live in a palaces, and own factories, the war upped the last time the king took over, and has again, and under him, the economy slowed down for the first time in decades there was also a Maoist revolt in the 1970s, which saw deaths, and riot kills, the king has never allowed democracy, every mistake it makes he jumps on, Nepal has more child labourers and serfs per head than any land outside Africa and Saudi every mistake he makes he blames on politicians, a easy shorthand, as none can say yes i am to blame, as people are not politicians, politicians, are not politicians, they are people, just like the evil king. except politicians fight for the people, the reason why you say politicians is as they do not take all the credit even in Britain Churchill did not get al the credit for winning ww2, or fdr but in ussr Stalin claimed it all, and kings claim all credit, and blame advisors for all failings, if you compared on eon one the king with any politician the king would be worst, as he killed so many, and saw so many deaths in his 3 year stint in power, and has lost so many allies, so its ?thje politicians. And a alien invader style hatred of human rights, activists, , never a particular one, only the stereotype, and that is a made up person if monarchists hate human rights so much they should be treated like animals, while the king like Japan?s emperor in ww2, fights for himself, and his image, then pretends, nowt was his fault, and has killed many, If 10 years of democracy were a failure, what about the 3 years in the middle of that, of dictatorship when most people died. and what about the fact Nepal was so poor under the monarchy, there were revolts in the 1970s, and oppression and famines, democracy would have worked if it had power, not the king, remember the Maoists could not launch a coup in a day, how could a apparently powerless king, who was not even liked. because Nepal, was not allowed democracy as it was not a democracy it must be to save it, from China, of which he is becoming the finger puppet of, Pakistan and the king,. who is Dracula d and Ivan the terrible remember in the 20th century more people died of royalist ww1, and it?s flu epidemic, and king Leopold, than under communism, and the worst communist regime, which I shall not mention was a fusion of that most evil ideal, of monarchists and communists, and was ousted by the sort of communists who the Maoists are, remember the communists saved Europe from Hitler, and also it is worse than democracy, but the most successful system is democracy, and both are better than murderous royalty, which are the worst royalties on earth, (a) Saudi Arabia, which caused the civil war in Sudan by making it?s secular socialists impose sharia law ion the S, and by forcing in an islamist group into their coalition, guaranteeing that the government had to keep with it, and by buying land which disposseded peasants and forced them to revolt, and join the rebellion, and it cause the Algerian war, by funding the isalmist groups, that started the civil war, and caused the Yemeni civil war, and the Somali civil war, Afghanistan?s recent post-soviet wars, none of these wars helped anybody and they did not even help islam, as they paid saddam to invade iran, and also created bin laden, whether in the same way Ulster protestants created the iran, by hating catholics, or by the way that maybe they did actually create him, and they still arrest maids, who escape from their contracts early, and make them work, even unpaid, and they fund corrupt British Prime ministers children, like Mark Thatcher, and they still have the last vestige of slavery where they see in mecca Ethiopians, are bought as slaves, which does not happen in Ethiopia to pay for visits to mecca, and costs, and they buy livers from Egypt off poor mad people, who then have it given to richj Saudi drunks, who often own harems, this does not happen in any other muslim land, it is not Islam?s fault. It is monarchy?s, which is the second, worst b) Nepal, the poorest and lowest life expectancy in s-asia, only Bhutan was poorer before the king took over, in the years of king?s rule, 7000 people died, in the 7 years of democratic rule, 3000, and it was falling,. In the 1970s there were commie revolts which killed many, so the revolts did not start under the democracy, and increased under monarchy, it has highest slavery and bonded labour, and child labour on earth, and deports Tibetan, ? SWAZILAND ITS KING KILLS, PEOPLE, AND HAS SEEN HIMSELF, SAY ALL VIRGINS must PRADE NAKED IN FRONT OF HIM EVERY YEAR, HE CHOOSES THE MOST ATTRACTIVE AS ANOTEHYR OF HIS WIVES, even if tehy are allready about to marry someone else, AND SPENDS THE ENTIRE BUDGET, raised from these wronged men, ON THEM, they then leave, to other lands, fleeing this jabba the hut, and he finds more wives, he has had 25, since coming to power, and he then tries to punish teh families of thsoe wives, and even the wives, and he then blames politicians, who have no power what so ever, even when he purchases, wait for it, buying him an airplane, worth millions which they will be barred from using, heee ehheheh , he blames them, ahahhaha, it s laughable, how awful monarchists are, which he will use, yes he blames politicians for this, anyway as of this, this absolutist dictator then has seen his land now have the highest hiv rate on earth, so of course the lowest life expectancy, in the unbiased socialist life expectancy tables, All because it is a monarchy, (D) Dracula, he killed more people of his own country than any in the 20th Century, even that royal-communist regime, well maybe withy the expetion of areas the nazis, ruled, and parts of Belgian royal congo, very evil, (e) Ghenghis khan, I am sure you know all about him, as you are ruled by a king, and he obviously tells of how evil and degenerate they are, well kings create evil, and pain and misery face it, Kyrgyz, Lebanese, and such should own Nepal, if Nepalis can?t have democracy, or republics, someone else will, and won?t be threatening monarchy or dictatorship, unlike Nepal, Nepalis are not monkeys they can handle democracy Long live the republic, long live the socialist state. Down with monarchy, up with republics, up with democracy
swaati thapa
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yeah, we should start singing "JANA GANA MANA" thats what u want?
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But Nepal is a land of Gorkhali. I mean Gorkhali is the attitude of Kalki avatari who is tyrannt, bully, stuborn, arrogant, cocksure, superstitous, ignorant and liar. How can Nepali being a Gorkhali can support Democracy? Gorkhali hates and opposes the rule of law under Democracy, hates compititions, hate electoral college, hates judicial process, hate intellectual development. Love to indulge in ignorance and bully his own brothers and sisters, bully his own countrymen and treat them as second citizen. To have Democracy in Nepal there is a need of the irradication of Gorkhaliness in every Nepali specially from those who blindly or out of fear sticken selfishness support the KALKI AVATARI king G. This is what is the Gorkhali the Kalki Avadari: "He who seeks pleasure in giving torture and agony to people whom he think his slaves (Parjas), he who seeks power in preventing human rights of others, he who seeks pleasure in lies to deceive his own people and the world communities, he who loves to tremble and frighten his own people like to a slave (shaking hands with foreigners but having his own citizen bend to his knee, he who succeeds in staging the massacre of his own kin and his entire family for power yet tells someone else did it is a true Kalki Avatara on a land of poor.". Bhagavata Puranas Gorkhali will indulge Nepal as FAILED NATION but will not give up their GORKHALINESS. Read this article:,3604,1443631,00.html
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Are you! out of mind? Shikim ? Have you seen any democracy sigh in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh? Have you ever read news paper and listen radio about Bihar and UP? One daka control the whole region, have you seen LalooYadav's wife, is she qualified for being Cheif Minister ? Does she hold any formal eudcation? We don't need such kind of democracy under Indin colinial. We should be free and Independent no matter what price we have to pay.
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Irrelevant example....Sikkim is part of India.
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chavnepal .............................peabrain,,,,,,, nut lover asswipe..................sikkim is a part of india, India took it during the 70's, Nepal will be a part of india too if standforyourrights and you take control of shit....... nutsuckers, break your neck......
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