An ill-advised move - Sajha Mobile
An ill-advised move
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GP-ji and friends from Sajha and beyond, Thank you for your concerns and emails. At present, I am somewhere in South Asia and out of Nepal; so, I am as clueless as any one of you re: the real latest happening. Just managed to log in; hope this gets posted. I just got this in from Kanak Dixit, who is in KTM. Here it goes. oohi ashu ************ Royal Takeover in Nepal: Drastic and Ill-Advised By Kanak Mani Dixit When King Gyanendra sacked the prime minister and began direct rule on 1 February 2005, he said he did so under a constitutional provision which enjoins the monarchy to uphold and protect the Constitution. While he repeated many times in the royal address his commitment to constitutional monarchy and multiparty rule, the king?s drastic action on Tuesday went patently against those principles. Firstly, he was taking over as executive monarch on the basis of a personal decision. Secondly, the royal address was replete with castigating references to political parties, who are the intermediaries for pluralism and democratic practice anywhere in the world. King Gyanendra?s antipathy towards the political parties is well known and has been often-expressed, but by sidelining them completely and planning to rule as well as reign, the king has removed a buffer between himself and the rough and tumble of politics. To that extent, he has taken a great risk and put the institution of monarchy in the line of fire. Clearly, the king believes that the risk is worth taking. Which brings us to the matter of whether Narayanhiti Royal Palace has a trump card vis-?-vis the raging Maoist insurgency. If such is indeed the case and there is rapid movement towards tranquility, with the insurgents being routed or laying down arms, the royal palace may be able to overcome the turbulence it has introduced into the Nepali polity. Peace and an end to the insurgency would put the monarchy back on the pedestal as a respected institution, but everything depends on how soon that would happen. At one time, the Maoists did announce that they would negotiate only with Prime Minister Deuba?s ?master?, so are we to hope that now with the king directly in-charge the Maoists will extend a hand? We can hope. Further, the Royal Nepal Army?s fight against the highly motivated and increasingly brutal insurgents thus far has been lackluster. Will the royal palace?s direct control of national affairs mean that the military will now put up a spirited fight, and also that its human rights record will improve from current levels? We will have to see. What is clear is that this has been a radical step exposing the institution of kingship to flak, when other approaches could have been tried. Such as using the inherent powers of kingship to cajole the political parties to work together and put up a political front against the insurgents. But the king?s deeply held feelings towards the parties seems to have blocked off this avenue towards resolution. The calls made since King Gyanendra took over informally in October 2002 for an all-party government or revival of the Third Parliament, all of which would have provided political challenge to the Maoists on their home ground, are now for naught. King Gyanendra?s announcement of a takeover for ?up to three years? provides a long window in which Nepal?s highly successful experiment with democracy of the last dozen years may be eroded. Unless there is a rapid move towards resolution of the insurgency, it is also likely that the Maoists will try to make common cause with the political parties. Although it is not likely that the above-ground parties will go with the insurgents as long as they hold on to the gun, it is certain that the royal action will add strength to the insurgents? demand for a king-less republican constitution and government, a call that has been taken up with alacrity lately by many politicians. It is inexplicable how the royal palace plans to attend to the criticism that is bound to erupt in the domestic political arena as well as in the international community. In castigating the political parties, King Gyanendra preferred to hark back to the Parliament dissolved three years ago, while keeping silent over interim period and rule through palace-appointed prime ministers. This is the period when the peace and security of the country?s populace plummeted more than previously. In the speech, King Gyanendra highlighted the great contribution of the Shah dynasty to the creation of the nation and ventured that he was speaking for the ?janabhawana?, i.e. the Nepali people?s feelings. While it is true that the desire for peace overwhelms all other political desires among the people, the question arises whether the royal takeover was the proper way to address the ?chahana? (desires). Rather than remonstrate at the political parties? inability to work together and opt for the takeover, it would have been a much more popular and realistic move for the king to have used his prerogative as head-of-state to bring the bickering parties together at this critical juncture. In the end, unless King Gyanendra is able to come up with the trump card of peace vis-a-vis the Maoists in the near term, one can conclude that his unprecedented action of the First of February has exposed the historically significant institution of Nepal?s monarchy to the vissictitudes of day-to-day politics and power play. Did the Nepali monarchy deserve this at this late a date in history? Endnote: As I write this on Tuesday evening, the significant political leaders are all under house arrest, the media (press, television, radio) is under censorship, the fundamental freedoms have been suspended, a state of emergency has been announced, telephones (landlines and cellular) as well as Internet are down, and the Tribhuvan International Airport is closed. By Kanak Mani Dixit in Kathmandu
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tapai jasto neta haroo lay...
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Thank you NepaliKoMaya, you said it right.... Netaji timilai laj pani lagdaina hagi? timi ra GP, you 2 should realize how important it is for our country to be stable , but you are a Neta what do you care, afno duno sojo banuna paye vai halyo hoina???? The more the country is unstable the more you guys benefit hoina ra???? that is why I am supporting the King because he has everything to loose and the politicians have nothing to loose, that is they still prefer to keep the country in turmoil and King g wants to restore peace, and bygod peace will be restored, long live the king long live nepal
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Ashu, thanks for posting, especially, Kanak's writing. Kanak did a great job by writing that piece and bringing to us, the insight of the situation. In last 2 years plus, KG tested the strength of Nepali Political Parties. They could not gather any strength, it got deteroirated. Primary reason for that was they lost respect from public because they indulged themselves in corruption, Makune: Rawal kanda and the way he supported Rawal, Girija: his deputies in NC: Arjun Narsingh KC, the two most corrupted guys ruled the NC and his own daughter. All these showed that NC and UML had no strenght to campaign against KG, so his advisors in RNA possibly advised him to take a U turn in Nepali politics. NC and UML fighting over revival of lower house or local bodies clearly showed their indifference to people's welfare. They should have realized this scenario. Last night when I read that King G was going to give a speech, I asked myself will Deoba be sacked again, I thought it can not happen. But, it happened. Now, if the political parties wants revival of their status "working for the people", they should walk and disobey the the order and if required get killed, but make sure the internationa lnews media are around them. But, last two years have shown that they are scared to return to their life style before 1990. Now, they can not go to that stage. So, KG realized its a right time to catch the opportunity and he did what he wanted. Musharaff had already shown that when leaders are too corrupted, the public will not follow these corrupt leaders. Bidambana. Can Patrioits do something? Most of the patrioits who stay in USA are middle class: have jobs of bread earning category, they don't have any capability to raise issues in Nepal in mass scale other than writing short articles in these discussion forum. If there was someone without huge money, they could have funnelled to Nepal to move the political campaigns, without money what can you do? Finally, 2017 returned. GP
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yo ashu, gp, pp, gpp, npp sabai ko lekhai, hidai, bolai anee chalai eutai hola? kasto uccha bichardhara ko sampadakiya garnoo huncha wahaharoolay. yastai huncha, hamra bhabisyako netaa_jee ko jhalak. dhoti tanayra ghisarna naparosh 2099 sambat ma hai. Jai Desh Jai Naresh Jai Nepal
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An ill advised move? Well who is to determine it as "ill advised"? Or any move by anyone in Nepal is an "ill - advised"? Time shall be the judge. As of me, I dejectedly welcome the recent bloodless coup by Gyane. I reckon we all know, Nepal, at this juncture is between a rock and a hard place, and on top of that a naked sword hanging by a (thin) thread on top of it. Now at this point, I welcome anything that's different, and can give us hope for, if not better, ATLEAST some peaceful days. Peace is the mother of all democracy. In essence, what i am saying is, peace is essential for any democracy to flourish. Clashes/arguments/discussions and/or even mild pugnacity would all be tolerated in different degrees, but enough of this barbaric killings of the fellow Nepalese. If Gyane can give us that, hail to him. But, well, what would he have NOW, that he did not earlier, that stopped him to earn peace for the fellow Nepalese for so long that Nepal and he, silently watch the butchering of humans and humanity for this long? Anything that keeps me away from this STUPID, SELFISH, better be doomed politicians and these fawking maoist, with the hope that this another asshole gyane will not rape our dignity in the years to come. In brief, I am cautiously optimistic. Could this the time that final Nepal can say farewell to woebegoneness or is it just another delusion? Meanwhile, let me just pray/hope that Nepal once again will not be the victim of Sod's law, while even more distressingly being prepared for one. Anyways, hope floats, IndisGuise:)
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Interestingly, passengers on the aircraft reported no abnormal circumstances in Kathmandu ? only the airport had tight security. Raj Shreshtha, a Nepalese traveller, said: ??As usual there are lots of security personnel patrolling the streets. But the situation is okay. It is not as bad as what the channels are showing.?? Delhi-based businessman Akhilesh Jain, who also returned today, said: ??The airport is the only problem. Also, due to communications failure, we could not contact our relatives. The airport was deserted when we arrived there. But on the streets everything seemed normal.?? Another passenger, Poonam Nanda, said she had friends who visited the market in Kathmandu and all shops stayed open as if nothing had happened. ??Tourists were a little scared, and there was tension only in the airport.?? -
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Isn't Mr. Kanak Dixit, a 'close' aide?/freind? or whatever of Girija baje bakullo? Am just curios. usually his articles are more against the King though subtly at times, and if not FOR that leech girija baje then not certainly against him. ( Or so i am informed) Would appreciate a feedback on this. It would help us know if his views on anything relating to present scenario is biased of not. thank you. IndisGuise:)
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We all wanted Maoists to take major steps... that is to have some chor leaders killed. But instead they targetted only people. We wanted all thepolitical parties to unite and take stand with both King and Maoists.. Never happened. Many of us wanted King G repeat 2017 episode. And that really happened.
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Indisguise said: "Now at this point, I welcome anything that's different, and can give us hope for, if not better, ATLEAST some peaceful days" I totally agree with indisguise.....Nepal has been in stage of havoc for too long.....!!!
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bholi ko nepal ma kunai pani pakchhyai aatankeet hunu naparne sthiti ko srijana hos. yehi kamana chha. yo bahek hami le ke nai garna sakinchha ra?
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Kamana hoina, Samana!!!
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1.Yes many political leaders were corrupt, they should be prosecuted. 2.Yes the Maoists have been atrocious, they should be crushed. 3.Yes there had been a political vacuum, it should be filled and given momentum. I do agree with people who hate the politicians and institutions that could not perform well in the last 16 years. They have a big part (the biggest for sure) for bringing in the situation of today which gave the King very little alternative to choose for other things then what he did today. BUT What gives you the hope or belief that this King is going to make things better for our country?? 1.He is the King who took the throne amidst a big suspicion of conspiracy. He never gave chance to a fair enquiry of the massacre. 2. He is the King, father of Paras , whom he could not stop repeating all those bullish acts even after declared a Crown Prince and a father of 3 children. If Gyanendra could not handle Paras well, How can he handle the chaotic situation of the country? 3. He is the KIng who appointed infamous Panchas Surya Bahadur and Lokendra Bahadur twice in the last 3 years as primeminister. If those Panchas are his close aides and advisor what better can he do now with the same group of peoples now? 4. He is the King who spent millions of rupees for felicitating himself all over the country. He is the one who has forced a 20 fold increase of Royal expenditure in the last 4 years. Do you think he has good intention of solving problems and helping poor Nepali People? 5. People who believe in multi party democracy are still a considerable force to reckon with in Nepal. WHy couldn't he select non corrupted pro democratic people for running the previous 4 appointed governments ? 6. He has cut off communication and censored media. If he thinks he has the support of the people why is he afraid of allowing freedom of information and speech in the country now?Why does he createddarkness in the country? All his actions of the past shows that he has no ability, no desire, no visison to give the nation a fresh hope. He simply can't rectify the problems of the country with this move. Instead he should have tried to force a consessus between non maoists, why couldn't he do that? Because he has been ill advised by some file and ranks of the palace aides who think that they should only benefit from the country and the majority of people must away on their orders. They don't like the children of general public getting educated and develope to capable individuals. Anybody who is pleased with the King's move is either a direct beneficiary of the palace or a hopeful of making advantage of this. Any one with a democratic, progressive, tolerant, moderate principal cannot approve the kings move at any cost. Its really sickening to read words of explicit support to the King from people living in democratic plularalistic western society. This shows how self centric, selfish we Nepalis are. Friends, you will know after few months that today's King's action is a very insensible move. This has led the future of Monarchy in real trouble. In democracy, people like Girija come and go and better people will replace them.But once Monarchy is gone it won't come back again.
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right now i am really worried about my family in nepal and what will happen to our country..what the king has done is something so silly that there is no word to describe it. i am just waiting to get a call from home..has anyone been successful in calling nepal..?
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how come prachand is able to do the press release and congress and cpn-uml are not. there is some thing wrong there.
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The best way to take full control of the situation is by the total distruction of Royal Nepal Army. This is possibly the best way to get rid of Ganendra of any future attemps to eye on power. To replace the existance the current armed forces, may be Maoist can volunteer for some advise on how to raise a new armed forces from the scratch since they have the experience of doing it .
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I, for one, am thoroughly underwhelmed by Dixit's analysis.
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1.Prachanda has sat phone and fax. others don't have. 2.Telephone lines are cut off nationwide. Do not attempt to call home unless another announcement by the King. 3. Guys we have to unite against the royal move. Please do not support this at any cost.
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I just wanted to say that King had other better alternatives. Like, 1.Sentencing all the corrupt leaders from all parties congress, uml, RPP, sadbhavana, whatever including the namud panchas according to the findings of Akhtiyar. If he can put them under house arrest today, why couldn't he put them in jail 3 years ago? 2.Cutting off half the number of Sakha Adhikrits and 2 thirds of kharidar and peons from bureocracy to make adjustment to upgrade and facilitate government offices. 3.removing corrupt bureaucrats from government offices and implementing fair public services. 3. Making a less then 20 member cabinet comprising all parties and giving big share to big parties whilst choosing cleanest of members from the previosu parliament. out of 205 MPs ther are at least 50 of them who have are clean by all means. But he never pressurized his appointed premiers to do this. 4.Giving up his business ambitions and restricting Paras 5.Acepting to maoist demands to discuss on Constituent Assembly and convince them that continuation of Monarchy is the only subject of no compromise. And for the rest of thing agreeing to accept their viable demands. He had the authority to do all this whilst keeping on the previous democracy and constitution alive. But he opted for today because this was his ambition as soon as he sat on the throne. If you could recollect that day, how villainous face he had. This man has no love for the country but the desire to rule tyraniccally. Why the hell he would choose other option. I know we will have an upheel task ahead to confront King Gyanendra, Maoists, Corrupt leaders and all the mess. GUys, if we think we have learned some good things abroad, lets make a consensus amongs the Sajhaiittes to how to move ahead. Lets build up our organisation from today with a new approach, new attitude where personal interest are overcome with
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with the love the country
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Long live Nepal, long live King Gyanendra.
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