Haunted from the Past or SpooKy Past - Sajha Mobile
Haunted from the Past or SpooKy Past
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I had a Spooky Past...... Being in a dark place by myself, is something that really makes my heart palpitates very quickly and loudly. Sometimes when I am alone in the house, I had a feeling that someone is watching me. There are times when I turned around, I felt as if a shadow or someone had just ran across the room. Was it just my imagination? Were my eyes playing a trick on me or was it a hallucination? Sometimes I also hear noises coming from the kitchen or above the rooftop. Could they be from some pests that were wondering around at night? But those noises instill so much fear in me that they cause my heart to pump faster till the point of near explosion. Could it be that the noises were not coming from anywhere but from inside my head? I tried discussing these problems with my friends but they told me it was all my imagination. Truth is, they don?t know about my past encounter with the ?Ghost?. I was six years old at that time when I felt very hot one night, perspiring all over my body. I twisted here and there due feeling very hot and sweaty. Slowly I woke up from my sleep, and opened my eyes. To my horror there was a man sitting beside my bed staring down at me. I looked directly into his eyes with my sleepy ones. My heart raced very fast when I finally realized what I was seeing, a stranger in my room. I couldn?t believe myself what I was looking at. The stranger, noticing my shocked and frightened face, gave me a cunning big smile. ?It couldn?t be, It couldn?t be?, I chanted to myself and rubbed my eyes. The next moment when I looked again, he had vanished completely from the room. What happened had really freaked me out. I started screaming as loudly as I could. My parents rushed inside my room and switch on the lights. They asked me, ?What happen, why are you screaming?? My whole body was so numbed that I could hardly speak, only choking out words from my mouth. My face looked shocked and pale. My mum came to my bed and held me tightly. I suddenly burst into tears, my body trembling feverishly. My mum asked me again, ?My child, what happen to you?. After a while, my trembling had reduced but I was still in a state of shock. I could hear my mother asking me the same question again and again. I slowly looked up at her and told her that I saw a ?GHOST?. But my mother told me that it was just a bad dream. I believed what she had told me and felt a bit relieved. It was just a bad dream, I told myself repeatedly. That night my mum slept beside me and I felt so safe that I slept soundly. The next morning I was very afraid to get down from the bed, thinking that what had happened last night was not a bad dream but a reality. I was very scared that he might be hiding under my bed and would grip onto my leg. I asked my mother to check beneath the bed first before I got down. That morning I didn?t describe the ghost to anyone only saying that it was a male ghost. As time passed, I begin to forget about the incident until I was in primary two studying in the morning session. I went to the toilet while my sister waited for me outside. After I did my business, I was washing my hand when I felt a presence near me. As I was washed my hands, I kept on looking turning my head around, thinking that maybe I could see the person in the toilet. Suddenly I noticed something white at the last row of the toilet. Whoever the person was, he did not close the door. I could see the back view of this person. He was wearing a white dress that was covering him from neck to toe and he had long, curly and bushy hair. I got so frightened that I turned off the tap and dashed out of the toilet. I told my sister what I had seen inside and was scared at my own words. She took my hand and quickly dragged me away from the toilet. As we were walking hand-in-hand towards my classroom, my sister told me not to go to the toilet alone in future, as it is not safe. Then my memories of the previous incident, which I had when I was six years old, came flooding into my mind. I remembered very clearly that that night the uncanny man I had seen was also wearing a white dress from the neck to the toe. His hair was also long, curly and bushy. And his looks and the cunning smile that he give it to me, errrrr?..!!! Just thinking about it makes my whole body shiver. I wonder if the person whom I saw in the toilet and the person whom I had seen in my bedroom was the same man. But I did not have the chance to see the face of the man whom I met in the toilet. Anyway I still don?t know why I had a strong feeling that these two men were one of the same. Now I began to realize it was not a bad dream that took place that night but a reality, which I was trying to run away from. Now, I?m all grown up and after the second incident the man has not turn up to haunt me again. But anyway, due to the fear, which I had been carrying with me all these year, really freak me out if I?m in creepy places. Because I believe there are ghosts out there roaming around the earth as I have already experience it in my life? Never do I want to meet with the people from another world. What I saw in the past was a harmless spirit, which appeared just to tease me. But who know what you?ll meet in the future. Maybe the next time I wouldn?t be that lucky, he might???????????.!!! @$##%^%&^
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"Sixth Sense", keep Rocking? chilling narration. The spirits don't harm you...kya..re. They follow you because you may have an answer to release them from their plight. I could narrate a few of my own experiences. :)
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Could you narate your own experineces SITARA????
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Hey Sitara....do share some of your experiences....that will be great...???
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i received this in my mail....don't know how true is this....... ______________________________________________________________________ OK, here's some believes of the hoteliers Every single hotel, there shall be at least a permanent room which should be left vacant at all times. No matter how full the hotel is, they are not to sell that room(s) to any guest. It was said that special room was "reserved" for those "special visitors". So, if you plan to stay in some hotel, always book in advance.Try to avoid walk in. If the receptionist told you there's no more room available, do not insist one anymore or try to bribe them to give you a room. If you do that, most of the time the room you have will be that "special room". Sometimes those "special visitors" might go to other rooms also, so here's some tips on how to protect yourself: Before entering your room, always knock on the door first, even you know the room is vacant. After you enter the room, if you felt very cold suddenly and have "chicken's pore", leave the room quietly immediately and go to reception to request to change room. Most of the time the receptionist will understand what's happening. After you enter the room, immediately switch on all of the lights, and open the curtain to let the sun light in. Before you go to bed, arrange your shoes so that one of them is upside down. Some say this is representing yin & yang to protect you while you're asleep. Always leave at least a lamp on while you're sleeping, preferably the toilet's lamp. If you're staying alone and they have give you a twin bed, do not sleep with the other bed vacant, try to put your things like luggage on the other bed before you sleep.
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Some day I will write a "bhoot" ko katha! :)
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Keep rockin :O it is horrible :( 'm scared
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