Atul Gautam dead? - Sajha Mobile
Atul Gautam dead?
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I just cannot believe this. I am stunned and speechless. I saw him only three weeks ago, on Saturday on X-mas day, at his show at Thamel's Buddha Gallery. Together with Dhrubesh Dai, Atul, as always, gave an inspired performace. Afterward, we talked about doing a show with another tabala player -- Sarita Mishra -- to raise funds for Kirateswor Sangeet Ashram. Atul -- an abstemious and a deeply religious man with strikingly good features -- looked as healthy as ever, and had recently started his doctoral studies in tabla in Benaras. All I can say is that Nepal has lost a fine and an intensely talented classical musician. My condolences to his family, to colleagues at Kirateswor Sangeet Ashram at Pashupati and to the band members of Sukarma. I just don't know what else to say. oohi ashu ************************* Tabala Maestro dies Tabala maestro, Atul Gautam Photo source : Kantipur daily Celebrated tabala maestro, Atul Gautam, died of internal haemorrhage early Sunday at the age of 32. Gautam was admitted at a private hospital in Kathmandu last week after haemorrhage. A member of ?sukarma? band, Gautam had acquired masters degree in music from Allahabad seven years and stood topper all over India. A resident of Jai Bageswori in Kathmandu, Atul was inspired by his grandfather, Kabi Prasad. Other members of his band include Dr. Dhrubesh Chandra Regmi (sitar) and Shyam Nepali (sarangi). Last rites of Gautam were performed at Aryaghat, Pashupati in the capital this afternoon. by Jan 16 05
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well i dont know any of them but my heartly condolence to atul...may his soul rest in peace..
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God is sometimes so selfish.
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I herd the news from my mamu when i had called her in Nepal..........I have been seeing Atul DaI ( i used to call him that) since my childhood coz my mama Dhrubesh Chandra Regmi and him and Manoj dai were in same band "Sukarma" playing Manoj dai is in USA so another sarangi player Shyam dai have joined their group.....I just don't know but from the time i herd that news his face constantly is coming infront of me with his wife n beutiful cute little daughter....bhauju was so frenly ........I wish god to give bhauju enough strenght to overcome the gr8 sorrow........and may his soul rest in peace ........I m just remembering how he n my mama used to share glance while playing in the concerts........n how he used to come n peep in the kitchen to ask my maiju 'bhauju chiya khau na" .........n 2years ago when I was coming to states...the words he said to me is still in my mind ..........He had said , Nani, aba bidesh ma gayera hamilai nabirsinu......ramrrari padhnu.............Oh god I don't know why i m feeling so terrible.........ya i know Sarita didi ko ghar is just few ghar maathi from Atul dai ko ghar.............Its a gr8 sorrow for everyne of us......I just pray god to give all of us to overcome this grief........
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may his soul rest in peace.
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Peace to his soul and strength to his grieving family!
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I'd like the memory of me To be a happy one. I'd like to leave lots smiles when day is done. I'd like to leave as echo whispering softly down the ways, of happy times, and laughing times and bright and sunny days. I'd like the tears of those who grieve To dry before the sun of happy memories i leave behind- when day is done.
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एउटा मार्मिक अध्यायको अन्त्य सलिल सुवेदी - मध्य दिन । पशुपति मन्दिरनजिकै रहेको ज्ञानमाला कुञ्जअगाडि भेला भएका मलीन अनुहारहरू अतुल गौतम -जन्म १९७२) लाई अन्तिम बिदाइ गर्न कुरिरहेका थिए । उनलाई परिवार, मित्र तथा छिमेकी र उनका हजुरबाले स्थापना गरेको 'जानकी जीवनकुञ्ज'स?ग आबद्ध सीताराम भक्तहरूले विधिवत् आर्यघाटतर्फो छोटो तर अति नै मार्मिक यात्राका लागि अगाडि बढाए । त्यसपछि सामूहिक रोदन सुरु भयो । अतुलस?ग सदाका लागि बिछोड ती कसैलाई स्वीकार्य थिएन । उनीहरू डा?को छोडेर रुन थाले । असी वर्षनाघिसकेका वृद्ध भक्तहरूदेखि स-साना केटाकेटी लस्कर लागेर भीडमा तेर्सिएका थिए । उनीहरू अतुलको आत्माको चिरशान्तिको पर््रार्थनामा हरेराम राम राम हरे... हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण श्रीकृष्ण हरे हरे... भजन गाउ?दै आर्यघाटपारि पुगे र अग्निको अन्तिम राप रहुञ्जेलसम्म डेग चलेनन् । अतुल उनीहरूका कृष्ण र राम थिए । त्यसैले यो सम्मानका लायक थिए । उनको सद्भाव र प्रेम आफूले चिने-जानेका मानिसमा मात्र सीमित थिएन । उनले सम्पर्ूण्ा नेपालीमै प्रेम सा?चे र बा?ढे । यी भक्तहरूका लागि अतुल एउटा विम्ब थिए र रहिरहनेछन् । उनीहरूका कल्पना, सम्झना र सपनामा अतुलले आफ्ना राम र कृष्ण स्वरूप, लीला देखाई नै रहनेछन् । शोकाकुल त्यो भीडमा शास्त्रीय संगीतका कलाकारहरू सबैभन्दा स्तब्ध थिए । बलियो मन भएका तबलावादक नवराज गुरुङले डा?को थाम्न सकेनन् । थुप्रै साथीभाइको यही हालत थियो । अतुल हामीबाट खोसिएका थिए र बिनाप्रतिरोध हामी त्यसलाई स्वीकार गर्न सक्दैनथ्यौं । अतुलस?ग धेरै निकट, अझ दाजु र भाइकै प्रतिरूप डा. ध्रुवेशचन्द्र रेग्मी र श्याम नेपालीको पीडा सबैभन्दा भिन्न र असहनीय थियो । उनीहरू मिलेर खडा गरेको 'सर्ुकर्म सांगीतिक समूहले देश-विदेशमा सिर्जन र गतिको सुरुवात गर्?यो तर त्यो सिलसिलाले एउटा दिशा र संकल्प प्राप्त गरिरहेकै बेला तिनीमध्येका एक धरोहरले समाधि लिए । एक हप्ताअघि मात्र धरहराको र्सार्वजनिकीकरण उत्सवका क्रममा 'सर्ुकर्म' को कार्यक्रम आयोजना गराउने अभि र सुनन्दाले अतुलको स्वास्थ्यस्थिति ब्रि्रेको दिनदेखि भोक-निन्द्रा बिर्सर्ेे थिए । उनीहरूले अगाध माया र सम्मान गरेका अतुल अब फेरि कहिल्यै कुनै सांगीतिक कार्यक्रमका आउन्नन् भन्ने स्वीकार गर्न तिनलाई कसरी सहज हुन सक्थ्यो - पाटन, भक्तपुर र बाहिरी जिल्लाबाट आएका संगीतका विद्यार्थीका लागि पनि अतुलको अवसान सोच्दै नसोचिएको बज्रपात थियो । अतुललाई एक महिना अघिमात्र बनारसबाट काठमाडौंका लागि बिदाइ गरेका उनका विद्यार्थी मधुसूदन सम्झ?दै थिए- हामीले तपाईंजस्तो गुरु पायौं, हामी भाग्यमानी छौं भन्दा उहा?ले हामीलाई तिमीहरूको भाग्य तिमीहरूले मस?ग कत्तिको निरन्तर अभ्यास गर्र्छौ, त्यसैमा भर पर्छ भन्नुभएको थियो ।' यही नै थियो अतुलको विशेषता । भाइचारा र नया? पुस्ताका लागि उनको सेवा कसैले बिर्सन सक्दैन । बाल्यकालदेखिकी परम मित्र तबलावादक सरिता मिश्र, भाइ प्रकाश मिश्र तथा सम्पर्ूण्ा मिश्र परिवारले अतुलको चिन्तनको स्वच्छता र अठोट राम्ररी बुझेका छन् । हरेकपटकको भेटमा सरिता अतुलको बयान गर्छिन् । अतुल बनारसमा बसेर पण्डित प्रवीण उद्धवस?ग तबला र तालका प्रखर ज्ञान सिक्ने क्रममा थिए । उनको लक्ष्य तबला तरंगका ज्ञानलाई अभ्यास साधनाले पानीपानी पार्नु र त्यसको विद्यावारिधी पनि प्रँप्त गर्नु थियो । यति धेरै नाम र सीप कमाएको व्यक्ति यहा? बनारसमा तबला सिक्दैछन् । यिनी एक विशेष व्यक्ति हुन्- उनका अहिलेका गुरुले अतुलका विद्यार्थीलाई सुटुक्क भनेका थिए । अतुलले भारतको प्रयाग संगीत समितिबाट सन् १९९६ मा स्नाकोत्तरसहित कयौं उपाधि र स्वर्ण्र्ाादक जितेका थिए- शास्त्रीय संगीत तबलामा । तबला र अन्य बाद्यवादनहरूस?ग उनको संगत हजुरबा कविराज र दाजु अजित गौतमबाट भएको थियो । त्यसबाहेक उनले पण्डित होमनाथ उपाध्यायस?ग तबला ज्ञान लिए । पछि उनी पण्डित शम्भुप्रसाद मिश्र र बनारस घरानाका अराज पण्डित छोटेलाल मिश्रका चेलासमेत भए । उनी संगीतको इमानदार विद्यार्थी थिए । संगीत साधनाको व्यस्तताकै बीचमा उनले त्रिविबाट व्यवस्थापन विषयमा बीए पनि गरे । केही समयअघिसम्म उनी पद्मकन्या क्याम्पसमा तबला प्रँध्यापन गर्दै थिए । शवयात्रा अघि बढेेपछि मनहरू अझ विचलित भए । सधैंं रसिक मुद्र्रामा चट्याङ मास्टर कृष्णमुरारी गौतम विरहमा हतास देखिन्थे । ठट्यौली उनको जन्मजात गुण लाग्थ्यो तर अतुलको मृत्युले उनलाई हृदयदेखि नै विचलित बनाइदिएको थियो । उनका आ?खामा अल्झेको पीडा जोसुकैले सजिलै पढ्न सक्थ्यो । अतुलका सांगीतिक कार्यक्रमको प्रयोजन कहिल्यै व्यावसायिक रहेन । संगीत उसका लागि पेसा थिएन, आत्मसाक्षात्कारको माध्यम थियो । शास्त्रीय संगीतको त सबैभन्दा निष्ठावान् सेवक थियो नै । ऊ संगीतका माध्यमबाट एउटा समाज र मानवताप्रतिको एउटा लडाइ? लडिरहेको थियो । ऊ र उसका साथी मुलुकको वर्तमान परिस्थिति निम्त्याउने मर्ूख नेता, स्वार्थी व्यापारी र राज्यसत्ताका मूढ सञ्चालकहरूलाई शान्तिको संगीत र पाठ सिकाउन जुटेका थिए । यो ऊर्जा सामान्य हिम्मतबाट प्राप्त हु?दैन । केही महिनाअघि एउटा कार्यक्रममा तबलाको जुगल बन्दी गरेर घर र्फकेका अतुलले बनारस जाने आफ्नो सपना सुनाएका थिए र त्यसलाई पछ्याउ?दै पनि थिए । तर, गंगाझैंं बगे । तबलाको तरंगमा शरीरभरि कम्पन छुटाउने उनी अब अर्काे अध्यात्ममा डुबेका छन् । यो अध्यात्म अनन्त छ । अतुल अब छैनन् तर उनका सपना र माया हामीबीच यत्रतत्र छरिएका छन् र तिनलाई हजारौंका आ?खामा पढ्न सकिन्छ । अबका प्रतिभा, उनका चेला, संगीतका विद्यार्थी, मित्रजन र आफन्तहरूले अतुलका सपनालाई वाणी र आकार दिनु छ । यही नै उनीप्रति सा?चो श्रद्धाञ्जलि हुनेछ ।
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The picture rings a bell. Some years back, I had the pleasure to hear Atul Gautam perform (along with two of his band mates, a sarangi player, and a sitar player) in the orchestra hall in the capital city of the Kyrgyz Republic... to a deafening applause. I also witnessed the trio perform on board the Kyrghyz Airlines some 29,000 - 34,000 feet above the sea level, as it flew over the Central Asian mountains on their return flight. They put on an impromptu jam session in the airplane on the request of their fellow passengers. No complaint whatsoever from the Pilot, co-Pilot or stewardesses. It was magic! Karmapa
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Nepal ko more now..just the memories...may piece be with his soul..may his family had strength in this moment.
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K sunnu parne yasto pani. Rest in peace. Though I did not have an o-pportunity to hear him play tabala, somewhere I heard he was an all-india topper from certain university. A prodigy resting in peace at 33. May lord provide enough strength to his family members. Haray ram.
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May Atul's soul rest in peace... I had the privilege of knowing him and his brother Ajit since childhood. I used to go to Janaki Jivan Kunja with my father when I was back home in Nepal. It was amazing experience of listening GETA'S SLOKS with his brother playing Harmonium and him playing Tabala. I just can't believe he is gone now..... My sincere condolences to his family ! RAM RAM......
isolated freak
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Dibangat atma ko chir shanti hos, baikuntha baas hos.
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अलबिदा अतुल ? गुणराज लुइ?टेल - असोज ९, २०६१ को सा?झ पशुपति क्षेत्रस्थित एउटा पुरानो घरको माथिल्लो कोठामा तबला बादक सरिता मिश्रले मलाई पुर्?याएकी थिइन् । र, त्यहा? हामीलाई प्रतीक्षा गरिरहेका थिए- तबला बादक अतुल गौतम । त्यो सा?झ मधुरो बत्तीको उज्यालोमा चम्किला अतुल मेरा अगाडि उपस्थित थिए । उनी भर्खरै आफ्नो उच्च अध्ययनको सिलसिला सुरु गरेर भारतबाट घर फर्केका थिए । उनलाई मैले सांगीतिक कार्यक्रममा देखिसकेको र उनको प्रतिभाबाट आलोकित हुने मौका पाएको हुनाले म उनीस?ग कुरा गर्न चाहन्थे? । त्यो दिन मैले मेरो नोटबुकमा लेख्न सुरु गरेको रहेछु- अतुल गौतम, ३३ वर्ष। वास्तवमा उनले यो एउटा नामबाटै परिचय स्थापना गरिसकेका रहेछन् भन्ने अनुभव उनको असामयिक अवसानको खबर टेलिभिजनमा प्रसारित भएपछि भयो । उनी त चालै नपाई घर-घरको नाम भइसकेछन् । पशुपति क्षेत्रमा भजन सुन्न जाने वयोवृद्ध आमाहरूले बडो पीडादायी स्वरमा फोन गरेको सुने? मैले । झलक्क हर्ेदा अनुहारमा रहेको अतुलको आलोक नै बेग्लै थियो । उनले एकनिष्ठ भएर बजाएको तबला र उनको तेजस्वी अनुहारले धेरै आमाहरूलाई यिनी नै रामका अवतार हुन् वा कृष्ण हुन् भन्ने अनुभव हुन्थ्यो । अतुलको इच्छा तबलामा विद्यावारिधि गर्ने थियो । सर्ुकर्म ब्यान्डकै अर्का सदस्य धु्रवेशचन्द्र रेग्मीले दिल्ली युनिभर्सिटीबाट विद्यावारिधि पूरा गरेको केही समयमात्र भएको थियो । उनी त्यो सफलतामा अर्को इ?टा थप्न चाहन्थे । 'मेरो सोच विद्यावारिधि गर्ने हो' उनले मलाई भनेको पहिलो वाक्य नै यही थियो- 'मार्स्र्टस मैले ८/९ वर्षघि नै गरेको थिए? ।' बनारस हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालयमा भर्ना भएर विद्यावारिधि गर्दा त्यहा? 'साधना' पनि गर्न पाइने उनको धारणा थियो । बेला-बेलामा व्यावसायिक काम गर्न काठमाडौं पनि आइरहनुपर्ने आफ्नो योजना पनि सुनाएका थिए । अतुलस?गै उनका इच्छाहरूको पनि अन्त्य भएको छ । उनले भनेका थिए- 'नेपालमा संगीतको राम्रो डकुमेन्टेसन भएको छैन । मेरो सोचचाहि? ऐतिहासिक डकुमेन्टेसन नै हो ।' शास्त्रीय संगीतका क्ष्ँेत्रमा विगतमा भएका उपलब्धिलाई भविष्यका निम्ति अभिलेख गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने उनलाई लागेको थियो । कतिपय राग गाउ?दा पानी परेका प्रसङ्ग उनले उल्लेख गरेका थिए । त्यसकारण पनि उनलाई संगीतका यी ऐतिहासिक तथ्यहरूप्रति मोह थियो । संगीतको विकास किन हुन नसकेको होला - उनको प्रस्ट जवाफ थियो- 'संगीतको विकास नहुनुमा यसलाई अनुत्पादक विषय मानेको हुन सक्छन् । संगीतलाई परिष्कृत गर्न साधनाको आवश्यकता हुन्छ । राम्रा संगीतकारले समेत साधनालाई ओझेल पारेर बस्दासमेत कसैले केही भन्ने नगरेको अनुभव उनलाई थियो । उनी आफैं लोकप्रियताको शिखर चढिरहेका भए पनि त्यसप्रति कत्ति पनि घमण्ड थिएन । बरु सकेसम्म आफ्नो ज्ञान र सीपलाई अरू तिखार्नुपर्ने महसुस उनले गरेका थिए । हिजोभन्दा तल भए पनि धेरैले केही नभन्ने उल्लेख गर्दै उनले देशमा हर्ुकंदै गएको लाटो देशको गा?डो तन्नेरी हुने प्रवृत्तिलाई दुरुत्साहित गर्नसमेत उनी थप अध्ययनमा लागेको बताएका थिए । 'अतुल दाइ त सिक्न जानुभयो भने हामीले पनि सिक्नर्ुपर्छ भन्ने लाग्न सक्छ,' उनले भनेका थिए- 'नया? भाइहरूमा बाहिर सिक्ने र यहा? पनि सिक्ने भावना होस् भनेर पनि म अध्ययनका लागि जान लागेको हो ।' 'सुरभि' उनको एकल एल्बम हो । सर्ुकर्म ब्यान्डस?ग एक आ?तका भाइजस्तै भएर उनी काम गर्दै आएका थिए । सरिताका घरमा उनै अतुलको सर्ुकर्म ब्यान्डका तीन भाइ डा. धु्रवेशचन्द्र र श्याम नेपाली रहेको राम्रो पोस्टर देखेर आफैंले मागेर पनि ल्याएको थिए? । उनलाई मैले शास्त्रीय संगीत कहा? उभिएको छ - भन्ने प्रश्न गरेको थिए? । उनले भनेका थिए- 'अहिले हरेक क्षेत्रको अवस्था दयनीय छ । यो विधा अलि छोपिएको छ । यो व्याकरणीय र क्लिष्ट भएकाले र्सवसाधारणबाट केही टाढा रहेको थियो ...। यो विधा मैले संगीत सिक्न थाल्दाभन्दा अलिकति हरियो बत्ती बलेको छ । श्रोता पनि बढेका छन् । पेसागत रूपमा गाउन सक्ने अवस्था भएको छ ।' उनीस?ग मैले निकै लामो कुराकानी गरेको थिए? । पत्रिकामा उनको बारेमा लेखिसकेर पनि मेरो नोटबुकमा उनका विचार बा?की नै थिए । उनीस?ग कुरा गर्दा यो मान्छे निकै गहिरो र सरल छ भन्ने लागेको थियो । आफ्नो विषयप्रतिको लगाव र त्यसप्रतिको इमानदारिता अत्यन्तै अनुकरणीय थियो । अतुलस?ग अन्तर्वार्ता सकियो । त्यसपछि उनले धेरै विषयमा छलफल गरे । सबैभन्दा ठूलो प्रश्न उनले गरेका थिए- देशमा कहिले शान्ति छाउला - किनभने उनी आफ्ना सांगीतिक कार्यक्रम लिएर विदेश जा?दा पनि अनौपचारिकरूपमा देशको प्रचार नै गरिरहेको मान्थे । त्यसबाट दर्ुइ जना पर्यटकमात्रै आउ?दा पनि देशको ढुकुटी भरिन्छ भन्ने उनलाई लाग्थ्यो । आकर्ष व्यक्तित्व, सरल जीवनशैली भएका अतुल आज हाम्राबीच छैनन् भन्ने विश्वास हु?दैन । भौतिक रूपमा उनी छैनन् तर स्मृतिपटमा उनी सधै? जीवित रहने छन् । उनको निधनले छाएको रिक्तता पर्ूर्तिका निम्ति र उनका सोचलाई यथार्थमा अनुदित गर्नका निम्ति बा?चेकाहरूका का?धमा जिम्मेवारी आएको छ । अलबिदा अतुल ?
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Meeting to Remember Atul Gautam 3 pm, Thursday, 7 Magh, 20 January, 2005 Yala Maya Kendra, Patan Dhoka Tel: 5553767, 2110200
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.May my TOLEmate's soul rest in peace!
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Though I don't know who is Atul and being out of country for more than 20years, I missed several goods things and also missed many many good peoples. May Atul's soul rest in peace. I remember an incident 10years ago a well reknowned journalist working gorkhapatra, who also a relative of mine died of BH. He took his morning food and was going to his office in his office car and felt something wrong with his brain and asked driver to take him to teaching hospital, when arrived in the hospital, Dr. said he is already passedaway. In my own family. I was in Nepal around april 2004, I remember the wonderful time I spent with my own brother for a couple of days. And, 4 months later my parents found him on bed in coma, they took him to Kathmandu and after staying a month Doctors discharged him and he could not recover well. Three months later the Brain H. repeated and the second time he could not come out of coma and passed away after several weeks of waiting in Hospital. His age was relatively young early 40s and I now realize that urbanization of our country is heading towards bringing more pressure on young and adults and it can cause brain h. and heart attacks in early ages. These two deseases were thought upto early 80s that are for worry to only peoples above 50s or 60s of birthday. While I was in Japan, we used to go to annual health check up and everyyear Doctors used to warn that maintain your blood pressure, don't take too much oil / fatty foods and take less sugar. There used to be training for us from employer to take 1 minute rest every 15minute of hard work and stretch your body. I can understand now after coming to US the importance of health insurance and periodic health check ups, at least to see your blood pressure (main cause of Brain Hommeradge(spl?)) , cholestrol and sugar. Japanese used to surprise the way I used to put sugar in my coffiee or tea, and gradually I learned why Japanese avoid intake of Sugar from early age. When Cholestrol and Sugar contents are high along with Blood Pressure, then chances for Brain H. increases. By writing those words here, I am not implying that Atul might have high blood pressure, but, it could be one reason and after hearing the death of such a young person, I suggest we to be very aware of high/hyper tension or overwork or other causes that creates stress on our body and brain. Periodic check on BP, Cholestrol and Sugar is necessary for peoples of all ages, especially if you have crossed 30. Our education system in Nepal does not cover these new urban diseases that could result fatal death. Atul's untimely death should bring more awareness on young and adults. TV and newsmedia should dedicate enough time to teach citizens. In USA, after the death of a young sports player in early 80s, TV and other media gave very high coverage on Heart Attack and country got an important attention to Heart Attacks. I think America should have spend more money on these three factors like BP, Cholestrol and Sugar, instead of spending more money on stopping Smoking, that could have save more lives. The obesity in US and slim peoples in Japan, opened a clear difference for the lingevity of Japanese male and female (82 and 85 years of life). To mark the footprints of Atul for forever, it may be a right to initiate Brain Hommerage and Heart Attack Awareness Group of Nepali Adults (BHAGNA). If Kanak's Spinalchord awareness ..... foundation / society is bringing positive imapact on us, then BHAGNA (K Garera Brain H. and H. A. bata Bhagna Sakinchaa) can also help us to avoid BH and HA. You can invite doctors and have some lectures on those topics. Have periodicly published newsletters on those topics. Sooner or later we need such group. I did not mean to be offensive, and if some find it I express my apology. GP
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GP_ji, What you say is quite true. **************** Here are two relevant articles about Atul. AND
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My heartfelt condolence for the departed soul. May his soul rest i peace.
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Its a good that several articles have been dedicated to Atul, but they simply miss to go beyond one word citation on "died unexpectedly of a massive brain haemorrhage". Should not they try to pull the attention of public why such well established musician died all of sudden? What made him the victim of "massive brain haemorrhage"? If this can attract more attention and we have more discussion on "massive brain haemorrhage" and possible heart attack on busy peoples like him, we might save a few lives and these lives might be of the peoples involved in music business itself. I think its time to spare a few pages or columns on "brain haemorrhage" and "heart attack" that are usually caused by "urban diseases: BP, Sugar and cholestrol", because peoples who are in white collar jobs or in urban have no real work related to muscles and spend more time on chair or sofa, such that our body and DNA chains made for constantly moving purposes don't have enough execercises to dispose off the Salt, FAT and Sugar. ...... I think that if mass media misses this time to write something on this topic, we might have to confront another untimely death of another important person and chain might continue to exist...... For youngs / adults above 30 years old, if you are in white collar job or don't have at least 20 minutes walk each day and you find your Body Mass Index more than 25 (BMI= Body weight in Kg divided by Square of your height in Meter). If your BMI goes beyond 29, think of dieting and excercise and reducing it to 25. For sports player BMS is not that important, but peoples with Obesity and BMI greater than 29, you are in high risk zone and BP + Cholestrol + Sugar might trigger BH or HA ....... Example: Body weight 63 kg Height = 1.6m Height Squared = 1.6x1.6 = 2.56 sq. m BMI = 63. /2.56 = 25 kg/sq. m BMI should not be less than 21, that kind of excessive slimness is als not good for health. In Kathmandu, the way upper middle class peoples eat and drink, and rarely walk can be said to be in high risk zone for BH and HA. I wish the Nepali Newspaper (main newspapers) spend sometime to explain why, how and when the BH and HA can happen to you irrespective of your age and gender. ............. If you appointments and project deadlines are approaching, then check your BP, cholestrol and Sugar. When we are under those circumstances, we sleep less number of hours, and when you sleep less hours, then to back up your body towards hardwork, we consume more carbohydrates and take more fats or cholestrol high red meats (in Nepal: khasi ko masu), do not move at all, this results increase in body weight and cholestrol level, less sleep means sudden increase in BP ...... this can lead to BH and HA. A relative of mine who is now in Japan, was with these circumstances and he was alone so did not have enough motivation to make balanced diet, so he said he cooked daal bhat tarkari and prepared fried egg every day in the morning and evening around the time he was supposed to go for annual health check up. Then, the medical report showed excessively high cholestrol. So, after 30 reduce the intake of egg, after 50, stop eating any thing that has relatively large portion of kukhura ko egg. I remember when we had party with a Japanese people last year about their program in Nepal, and when foods were served with some part of egg, none of the japanese consumed a single peace, because they are all around 50s, and they gave the same reason: Cholestrol content. Indeed, annual health check up against BP, Cholestrol, sugar and stomach: stool and urine can help you avoid fatal health problems. My former boss even suvived Cancer after it was detected in early stage, and it was detected during the annual check ups. Those who write stuffs on such health awareness things, they should also stress on annual health check ups, they are really helpful and this is what I am missing here in US. In Nepal, its affordable for upper middle class peoples, as more and more doctors are graduating and more and more labs are opening and they can have special plans for such periodic checks. In Japan, the employers always force their employees to go through such annual health check ups. GP
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