[New post] Why Would Krishna Have To Run From The Battlefield - Sajha Mobile
[New post] Why Would Krishna Have To Run From The Battlefield
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“Ordinarily, if a king leaves the battlefield without fighting he is called a coward, but when Krishna enacts this pastime, leaving the battlefield without fighting, He is worshiped by the devotee. A demon always tries to measure the opulence of Krishna, whereas the devotee never tries to measure His strength and opulence, but always surrenders unto Him and worships Him. By following the footsteps of pure devotees we can know that Krishna, the Ranchorji, did not leave the battlefield because He was afraid, but because He had some other purpose.” (Krishna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vol 1, Ch 51)

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“Why did Krishna run away from Jarasandha? This is described in Shrimad Bhagavatam. I understand that the incident is part of the narrative of Krishna-lila, but someone might be disturbed upon hearing it. They would rather the Supreme Personality of Godhead stand tall, like Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.

“In reading Vedic literature, I learned the many rules for kshatriya warriors. You are not supposed to attack someone from behind, for instance. If your opponent loses the facility of his chariot, you are supposed to descend from yours and take the battle to the ground level.

“Leaving the battlefield while an enemy is attacking you is never a praiseworthy tactic. Yet, with Krishna the incident is still celebrated. He earned a new name from it. Someone might be confused. It sounds like devotees just rationalize whatever behavior they see from Krishna, whether good or bad.”

To begin, a person has to rationalize. Who is actually able to understand beyond the limits of time and space? How can I comprehend what ananta means in terms of the body-spirit combination? How can a person really be anadi, or without beginning?

अव्यक्तं व्यक्तिम् आपन्नं
मन्यन्ते माम् अबुद्धयः
परं भावम् अजानन्तो
ममाव्ययम् अनुत्तमम्

avyaktaṁ vyaktim āpannaṁ
manyante mām abuddhayaḥ
paraṁ bhāvam ajānanto
mamāvyayam anuttamam

“Unintelligent men, who know Me not, think that I have assumed this form and personality. Due to their small knowledge, they do not know My higher nature, which is changeless and supreme.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 7.24)

If we are looking to analyze from the angle of bravery, we would say that Krishna’s cowardice started from the time of birth. He asked Vasudeva for the transfer to Gokula. Though a baby, Krishna still fled from King Kamsa of Mathura, during the dark of night, while everyone else was sleeping.

[Vasudeva crossing the Yamuna]There was one foe that Krishna did kill indirectly. He led the enemy into a cave, which then caused a meeting with a sleeping man. The man was awoken by the enemy, and due to anger he burned the enemy using fire from his eyes.

“The sleeping man had been lying down for a very long tim
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According to my uncle we do not have Brahmin anymore to explain the eastern philosophy specially written in Sanskrit , but we have only bahun who may able to read slokas well without knowing it. We are relying on them and what ever they explain ,we are okay with it and we are carrying it.
Same thing done by X is wrong but done by Elite so called god is okay. There are tons of bullshit.
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If you enjoy these as some stories they are a lot of fun. But if you are trying to find meanings on these, there is no consistency. So called “gods” acted no better than humans will make you question everything. Irrational behaviors, jealousy, hatred, ego, lust everything is displayed by so called god themselves. Just enjoy these mythical stories, don’t try to make a fool of yourself and others by trying to rationalize it.
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धर्म र भगवान बीच खस कुनै सम्बन्ध छैन | यो सम्बन्ध जोड्ने काम हाम्रा २ हजार बर्स अघि संस्क्र्तित जाने हरुले जबर्जस्ती जोडेका हुन | हामि सनातन धर्माबली हौ र कुलको पुजा हरेक ४ बर्स पछि गरिन्छ |
बेद भगवान दिएका हुन् भनि सरासर झुट कुरा हामिलाइ सुनाउछन र हामि अन्ध भक्त बनेका छौ |
शुद्र बिष्णु का खुट्टा बाट निसकेका तेसैले सारा लाइ सेवा गर्नु पर्ने रे , बिष्णु बिना खुट्टाको हिड्न सक्छन , हामि बिना खुट्टा के हुन्थ्यो होला तर कुरालाई बंग्याएर आफ्ना कुरा लाइ माथि पारे | त्यो २ -३ हजार बर्स अघि कसैले बिपक्षमा सोधी हाले तुरुन्तै संक्रीतमा फलाकि दिए पुग्यो |
कुनै बेला भागबत गीता पछि ब्राम्हण भोज जो आकास मुनि लाम लागेर खादै के थिए एउटा कुकुर तिनीहरु बिचोबिच कुद्यो | सबै जुठो हात लिएर जुरुक्क उठे | एउटाले ठुलो आवाज मा यो श्लोक फलाके पछि सबै तक्र्याक टुक्रुक बसी खान थाले |
श्लोक : कालो कुत्तिम महा उत्तिम खैरो कुत्तिम तथैबचम |

मेरा एक मित्र संचय कोष मा काम गर्थे र तिनलाई भेट्न गएको बेला यो माहौल देख्नु र सुन्नु पर्यो | टोकन विभाजन गर्दा १ देखि २००० दशौ विभागमा बाडिएको हुन्छ | जुन बिभाग ले चाडो काम सकी नगद साखा मा पठाउछ तेसैले चाडो पाउने कुरा कुनै सरकारी कार्यालयका उपसचिव ले मेरो यति नम्बर आएन भनि सोद्धा यो यो कारणले ढिलो चाडो हुन्छ र हामि नगद साखाले केहि गर्न सक्दैन भने पछि थप २ ४ ओटा कुरा हुदै थिए उनले अंग्रेजीमा भने " I am senior than you" बाट बोल्न थाले | एकछिन सुनी सके पछि एक जना जुरुक्क उठी उल्से पनि अन्ग्रेजिमै त तेरो कार्यालयमा सिनियर होलास तर मेरो अफिसमा तिम्रो सिनियारिता र अंग्रेजी सम्बाद काम लाग्दैन | यति सुने पछि चुप लागेर बाहिर निक्लिए |

यस्तै नीति २००० बर्स देखि चल्दै आए , अबत संकृत जान्ने होइन राम्ररि शुद्द पढ्ने सक्ने मानिसहरु पनि पातलिदै जादै छ |
हिजो आज म " धर्मो रक्षति रक्षत: " कुरा लाइ लिएर निकै घोत्लिन थालेको छु | सरल भाषामा धर्मले धरमको रक्ष्या गर्छ | धर्मको रक्षार्थ धर्म गर्नु पर्ने कुरा अकाट्य भयो |
अब कुरा आयो धर्म भनेको के हो नबुझदा कसरि धर्मको रक्षा हुन्छ त ?
धर्म को व्याख्या कसरि गर्ने ? के गर्दा धर्म हुन्छ र नास्तिक अधर्मी हुन् भनेका छन् किन र कसरि ? यी यावत कुरा हरु नबुझ्दा धर्मको नाम मा हामि अधर्मी काम गर्दै छौ |
Last edited: 16-Aug-23 10:07 AM
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