Going back home After 18 years - Sajha Mobile
Going back home After 18 years
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unknown guy
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Sathi haru namaskar sabai jana lai!

I am a well off successful business owner who is well settled in the US.But mero maan ma chai sadhai nai one day I will return for good bhanne cha and looks like now that time has come. I am planning to move back once Corona calms down( less than 2 yrs time frame) and planning go to with around 500K in my hand. I am hoping you guys will share your experiences( both good and bad) if you have moved back or planning as well.

My ideal is to just travel all over the country and do nothing for a year, then start looking for smart investments so I can continue to grow as well. your inputs are very much appreciated.
Thank you!
· Snapshot 185
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Live your life! नेपालमा यो गर्नु पर्छ भन्ने सोच धेरै हुन्छ| looks like that you have done your fair share of hard work already. Do smart investment and maybe build a nice lake house and buy a nice motor boat 😎. Good luck and enjoy your life! You deserve it. 👍
Last edited: 13-Jun-21 05:51 PM
· Snapshot 228
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Unknown guy, good luck. You might want to visit for a few months before making the final decision. You will then know what it takes to live there. Also, 500k does not take you as far as it used to before.
· Snapshot 296
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आफ्नो देशमा फर्कनु सौभाग्यको कुरा हो। जननी जन्मभूमिस्च स्वर्गादपि गरियसी । हजुरको नेपालमा कल्याण होस् ।
· Snapshot 321
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@Chicagoan 500k is not enough to retire in Nepal, really? Any average American would be happy to retire with that kind of money. I know where you coming from though. Even I know people who have million dollar house in Kathmandu, but they don't think that it is enough for them to retire. Its really your mindset. Life is what you think it is as they say. If you think beyond Kathmandu, then that money will go far. Enjoy 😉

Last edited: 13-Jun-21 09:22 PM
unknown guy
· Snapshot 370
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@Harke7 , Thank you for the good words, hopefully it all will be good. 

 @Chicagoan, Thank you for the cautionary words. I am def visiting few times before making final move

 @ujl Thank you for kind words.

 p.s.      Guys I am not planning to retire. I am single guy in late 30s, I have been enough in the States and now the plan it to make wise investments there and make a decent living and potentially create some jobs .Willing to work hard for next 20 more years
Last edited: 13-Jun-21 09:59 PM
· Snapshot 398
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ल्या .. रिटायर नहुने हो भने ...
नेपालमा भएकाको भाग खोस्न जानु हुन्न ... तिनले लौरै लौराले लखेटछन (मेरो अनुभव:)
unknown guy
· Snapshot 405
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I am not sure if you got it properly, I am not going there to work, I am going there to create work!
· Snapshot 422
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Pur more thoughts on Anandnepal's comment ...if it was a fair market everyone would go back to nepal ;) n thr r ppl who treat 500k as dirt money in nepal to find dat out u have to move to nepal ;)).       

Last edited: 13-Jun-21 10:54 PM
shahi baba
· Snapshot 573
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I guess the $$$ depends on your social circle. I have close circle of friends in Nepal who drive Land rover, Benz and BMW. I will need at least $5 million to feel good about being back in Nepal for good.
· Snapshot 602
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@Harke7 ji, mero assumption ma unknown guy Kathmandu nai basne ho. Tyahan gayera kehi aana jagga kinera tesma Ghar banayepachhi ani euta gadi kine pachhi tyo 500k dollar ma dherai paisa bachla jasto lagdaina. Yedi debghat gayera basne ho bhane chahin ramrai sanga pugchha hola.
· Snapshot 646
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IMO, @chicagoan may be correct. If the unknown guy is going to buy land/house in kathmandu, then $500K is not a big amount. Houses in Kathmandu are now starting at that price range. However if the unknown guy does not plan to buy land/house and is going to invest, then $500K may be a good amount but still at the low range. Things are hell lot of expensive in Kathmandu than a decade ago.
· Snapshot 755
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Although I agree with Chicagoan and Lazyketa about expensive real estate in Kathmandu, I highly admire you for thinking of going back. Most of us (Nepali people) come from farming background. That's why most of us don't have a "soft touch" that is needed in business. You can clearly see that if you examine the business circle of Kathmandu. Many business owners are 'marwari'. Your business skill and a little bit of luck can take your far.

I have few old white friends. They didn't have AC or AC in car while growing up in the US in 60s-70s. Now, almost everyone owns a car. It was possible because of business successes. Whatever Nepali people say about India and the west, most of Nepali people like to consume the high end western products if they have money. 😉
· Snapshot 835
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This video maybe helpful. They were in their late 30s when they retired with 500k.


Enjoy 👍
unknown guy
· Snapshot 1109
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Guys !! Thanks a lot for all your opinions. Its greatly helpful...

I dont need to buy a a house. two houses as of now. One in valley and one outside. Thats the best safety net I have
· Snapshot 1122
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That is amazing!
· Snapshot 1217
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५०० k लिएर आजको दिन मा नेपाल फर्किनु भनेको चै फेरी निम्न मध्यम बर्गीय जीवनबाट सुरु गर्नु हो । हातमा कुनै बिसेस सिप छैन ( डाक्टर, इञ्जिनेयेर , पाइलट) अनि बिसुद्ध लगानी बाट जिबिको यापन गर्ने हो भने चै आजको मितिमा 1.5 milion USD लिएर फर्किनु पर्छ, उच्च मध्यम बर्गीय जीवन जिउनको लागि ।

हेर्नुस छोरा छोरि छन् भने कम्तिमा रातो बंगला स्तरको स्कुलमा राख्नु पर्यो ( फी मासिक १ लाख ) । Little angles , gems , galaxy जस्ता स्कुल जहाँ मैले पढे त्यहाँ आज भोलि दुवै, मलेसिला पढ्ने श्रमिकका छोरा छोरि पद्छन । गाडी छ कि छैन? छैन भने एउटा family SUV किन्नै पर्यो , second hand किन्दा कम्तिमा ५० लाख । घर खर्च नै ३ ४ लाख हुन्छ उच्च मधियम बर्गीय परिवारको अनि तपाइको ५०० के ले एउटा गतिलो भोजनालए पनि खोल्न पुग्दैन ।

अम्रिका जस्तो होइन नेपाल, बिप्रेसन उच्च छ , हर घरमा एक जना कोरियाको लाहुरे छ जसले मासिक ४ लाख नेपाल पठाउछ अनि उसको फुर्ति कस्तो होला सहजै अनुमान लाउन सक्नु हुन्छ ।

अब छोरा छोरि छैनन् , कसै संग प्रतिस्पर्दा गर्नु छैन, काठमाडौँमा कम्तिमा १ २ लाख भाडा आउने घर छ र passive जीवन जिउने हो भने चै तेती पैसाले ब्याजै खाए पनि पुग्छ ।
· Snapshot 1237
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नेपाल जानेले मिलियन नै लिएर जानु पर्दैन बरु के गर्न सकिन्छ र Vision चै हुनु जरुरि छ | अमेरिकी शिक्षा पछि क्यानाडा तिर लागे पछि खोजिमेली एकै छाक भन्दा बढी नद्खेकै कारणले नेपाल छिरे |अहिले एउटा एक मात्र प्रतिष्ठित अनुसन्धान केन्द्र का संस्थापक भएर रास्ट्रीय हॊइन अन्त्ररास्तरीय छेत्रमा नेपालको प्रतिनिधित्व गरेका छन् भन्दा अत्युक्ति नहोला ?
पैसा लिएर जानु पर्छ भन्ने भावना लिएर जाने र जाने सल्लाह दिनेहरु रिटायरि जीबन गुजारा गर्ने सोच प्रकट मात्र हुन् जस्तो लाग्छ | हो नेपालमा मात्र बसाइ भएका र लुटलाट र २ देखि ३ नम्बरी काम बाट आर्थिक सम्पन्नता बटुलेका हरु,  विदेश मा बस्ने ( कतार होस् वा अमेरिका) टाटा टिपेर आएका हुन् भन्ने संग तपाइँ हामीले प्रतिसपर्धा गर्न सक्दैनौ | राहुल भाईका पुराना लेखमा बढो मिठो र घत लाग्ने गरि प्रस्तुत गर्नु भएको सत्य कथा बढो आफै संग मिल्दो लागेको र अझै लाग्दै छ |

Last edited: 15-Jun-21 04:08 PM
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