!!!!! House DEMOCRATS DELAY IMMIGRATION BILL!!!!!! - Sajha Mobile
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Sexy In Sari
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House Democrats postponed plans for a vote on President Biden’s immigration reform bill after a whip count revealed it might not pass, according to a report.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) confirmed the delay,

Still, people vote for them. I told you so, moment...lol
Sexy In Sari
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100,000 noncitizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania
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pls dont provide incomplete info ... if u have time do proper research on all the bills

there are several standalone bills
1) Secure Act for TPS only
2) Dream Act for DACA only
3) Dream and Promise Act for both TPS and DACA
3) US Citizenship act for all immigrants (11 million +)
Keyser Söze
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Everybody knows you get itch whenever there is news on immigration. DON'T SWEAT IT!! Its only postponed not postponed indefinitely.
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Its good news.house is focusing on smaller bills instead which has more chance
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yeah providing half baked info and trying to freak out immigrants is defo not a good practice
Tesla guy
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If Biden doesn’t take care of this border crisis than nothing will pass the senate. No DACA no TPS no immigration bill for 20 million. Than comes 2022 senate race where republicans will easily take the senate majority .. ani tyas pachi it’s not going to be Herculean task .. it will be next to impossibility task for Biden. Than comes 2024 where former president trump will run for president and win the presidency again after that everybody is going home.
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ताजा खबर!!! अमेरिकी संसदको तल्लो सदन (हाउस) मा प्रतिनिधि निडिया भेलाजक्वेज र लुसिल रोईबार्ड-अल्लार्डले “अमेरिकन ड्रिम एन्ड प्रमिस एक्ट” (American Dream and Promise Act - HR6) लाई आज पुन: प्रस्तावित गर्नु भएको छ!
आज यस विधायकको प्रारम्भ समारोहको प्रेस कलमा टेक्सासमा बस्नु हुने अधिकारको सदस्य र नेपाली टिपिएस वाहक दिनेश थापाले आफ्नो कथा सुनाउनु भएको थियो। यो अमेरिकी कंग्रेसलाई छिटो भन्दा छिटो HR6 पास गराउने “वी आर होम” (We Are Home) अभियानको एउटा हिस्सा थियो। यसमा अधिकार लगायत हाम्रा अन्य सहकारी संस्थाहरु सामेल थिए।
यो विधायक पास भयो भने जनवरी १, २०१७ भन्दा अगाडि सम्म टिपिएस को लागि योग्य हुनेहरुले ग्रीन कार्डको लागि दरखास्त दिन सक्छन्। यसै गरि DACA र DED मा भएकाहरुलाई पनि यसमा समेटिएको छ।
जुन २०१९ मा नै अधिकारले सफलतापूर्वक यो विधायक (HR6) को वकालत गरेको थियो, तर त्यो बेला अमेरिकी सेनेटमा यो पास हुन सकेको थिएन। कँग्रेसको बदलेको बनावटलाई ध्यानमा राखेर यसलाई फेरि पास गराउने हाम्रो प्रयास जारी छ!
तपाईंहरुले पनि आ-आफ्नो प्रतिनिधिहरुलाई चिट्ठी लेखेर वा फोन गरेर हाम्रो यस अभियानमा साथ दिन सक्नु हुनेछ। तपाईंहरुले कसरी सहयोग गर्न सक्नु हुन्छ भन्ने बारे थप जानकारी हामी तपाईंहरुलाई आउँदो हप्तामा दिनेछौं।

Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.) officially reintroduced the Dream and Promise Act into the US House of Representatives. The bill would grant a path to citizenship for more than 2.5 million people protected under DACA and TPS.
In response to this news, members of the National TPS Alliance made the following statements:
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Democrats want to use it to force hundreds of thousands of green cards for Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status holders and essential workers.
Driving the news: Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) announced Tuesday that the House will soon vote on a bill offering pathways to citizenship for Dreamers and TPS holders, as well as a second bill providing green cards for unauthorized immigrant farmworkers.

These two bills should sail through the House but would face an uphill battle in the 50-50 Senate.
What we're hearing: If the measures fail to get the 10 Republican votes needed to meet the 60-vote Senate threshold, some Democrats hope to tack them on to whatever infrastructure and economic recovery package evolves this spring.

Top Senate Democrats have already signaled they plan to use the reconciliation process to pass Biden's mammoth infrastructure bill, which would allow it to pass via simple majority vote.
Democratic lawmakers want to piggyback on the process by adding their immigration provisions.
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Mangale Sathi- Thank you for new info on TPS BILL.
Can you please explain about this news on Biden's mammoth infrastructure bill ?
How this would help TPS people. Happy Friday !

Sexy In Sari - Share us new info as you live in MD....You can drive to Capital building lol ...

I miss MD...I used to live MD ....anyways thank you for sharing TPS info on regular basis.

To all friends in TPS please share if anyone of you get new/latest news.

Have a good rest of the day !
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@Nepali777 Can you please explain about this news on Biden's mammoth infrastructure bill ?
How this would help TPS people?

Remember how Liberians DED got Greencard under trump? Same way sneak into the bill that can pass with simple majority.
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Orange baboons slaves are as stupid as him
Tesla guy
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Now THE SECURE ACT will diminish like a gas in the air. Not a single republican senators will vote for it. NO chance now .
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