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लगातार २ छोरि हुदाको पिडा
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थोरै भाग्येमानी हुन्छन जसको पहिलो प्रयास मै छोरा हुन्छ , तिनीहरु लाई दोस्रो प्रयास गरे नि भो नगरे नि भो । नत्र प्राय धेरैको पहिलो सन्तान छोरि नै हुन्छन । बाहिरी रुपमा हेर्दा जसको पहिलो सन्तान छोरि हुन्छन तिनीहरु पनि केहि हद सम्म खुसि नै देखिन्छन किनकि छोरि लाई लछमीको रुपमा हेर्ने गरिन्छ हिन्दु समाजमा ।

कसैलाई पुत्री लाभ भयो भने , " ल लछमी को आगमन भयो" भनेर बधाई दिने प्रचलन छ। बाहिरी रुपमा जे जस्तो भए पनि पहिलो सन्तान छोरि हुने हरुलाई भित्र भित्रै अलि अलि मानसिक दबाब पर्न थाल्छ । समाजले " ल पहिलो सन्तान छोरि भयो , अब एउटा छोरो पाउनु पर्छ" भनेर अघोसित दबाब दिन थाल्छ। तर आजकल कसैको पहिलो प्रयास मै "गोल्डेन शट " अर्थात् छोरा भयो भने " ल अब छोरि पाउनु पर्छ" भनेर भन्दैन । अर्को सन्तान को कुरै हुदैन । फल्स्वोरूप दम्पदी लाई कुनै मानसिक दबाब हुदैन । आफ्नो हैसियेद र इछ्याले दोस्रो सन्तान पाए नि भयो नपाए नि भयो । फेरी छोरो भए double खुस छोरि भए नि ठिकै , किनकि पहिलो सन्तान छोरो भएकोले तपाई समाजमा सम्मानजनक स्थानमा रहनु हुन्छ ।

तर एकछिन परिकल्पना गर्नुस त जसको पहिलो सन्तान छोरि छ अनि उनीहरु दोस्रो सन्तान जन्माउने प्रक्रियामा छन् । उनीहरु लाई कति मानसिक दवाब हुन्छ होला ? गर्बधरण भएको पहलो हप्ता देखि सामाजिक , पारिबारिक, संस्कृतिक दबाब आउन थाल्छ , लिङ्ग पहिचान नभए सम्म ।
जसको दोस्रो पटकको प्रयासमा छोरा हुन्छ उसको त नदि पार भै गयो तर दोस्रो पटक पनि छिरी हुनेहरुलाई मानसिक बिचलन ज्यादै आउने गरेको छ । न निल्नु न ओकल्नु । सासु ससुरा , नन्द जेठानी को करकर, ताना, बचन ओह्हो , भोग्ने लाई कस्तो गारो होला । समाज ले एस्तो यातना दिन्छकि आफु बसेको ठाउँ छोडेर कहिँ कसैले नचिन्ने बिरानो ठाउँमा गएर बसौ जस्तो ।

तपाइको २ छोरि भएको बेला अब खबर आउछ तपाई नजिक कोइ नन्द, देउरानी , साथी पनि गर्भवती छिन अनि उनको सन्तानको लिङ्ग पहिचान भै सक्यो अनि पहिलो प्रयास मै छोरा रैछ । तेतिबेला तापको मनमा आउने भावना एकछिन परिकल्पना गर्नुस ।

येस्तै छ नेपाली समाज । भारतीयको त कुरै नगरम

अष्ट्रीयामा तिन छोरिकि आमाले दुखद घटना घटाएको खबर आको छ ।

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Soumya-gulmohar tree
· Snapshot 649
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k bhannu vako seusi ji, afaile afailai gali dine, tapai chori manche hoina.
sexy in haku patasi
· Snapshot 862
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Soumya , bitter but truth
Soumya-gulmohar tree
· Snapshot 989
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Yes, it is both bitter and truth. I hope you do not normalize it in your daily conversations. Even just an act of accepting it as bitter truth, it feedbacks the reinforcement of the truth. In this the case the bitter one: dui chori barbaadi and it brings repercussions.
· Snapshot 1272
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Does this guy has some mental problem? Or this guy had never been to school?? Such an uneducated idiot. He doesn't know his mother, wife, sister all are females and how daughters are looking after their parents more than sons. All sons leave their old parents and many are living abroad
sexy in haku patasi
· Snapshot 1317
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Divine girl bitchi seems 2 hv multiple failure attempts 2 hv a baby boy. Try hard looser
· Snapshot 1456
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First change your profile picture of a lady in Haku Patasi . Such a disrespect to Newari community and Newari girls. and change your name from Sari to something manly if you hate daughters so much kiddo
sexy in haku patasi
· Snapshot 1622
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Seems ur too frustrated with your multiple bad lucks .yup, life is not equally fair to everyone . Stay positive n keep trying, one day u might have ur ultimate happiness of life ,ie a son
· Snapshot 1828
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I am not frustrated at all but you are frustrated with your life and wife that's why you are posting such things as you hate daughters. So sad you life has not been fair to you. You better stay positive and be accepting towards daughters I hope God never gives you a daughter if you think ultimate happiness is a son coz you do not deserve a blessing of a daughter or any ladies in your life.
sexy in haku patasi
· Snapshot 1895
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I know Iu frustrated koz u cudnot give a baby boy to ur family, I cannot do much about it but if you need my sperm I'm ready ,its fertile n boy bearing , I can assure
· Snapshot 1987
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If your speam is so talented in having a son why are you posting about not having a son and just having daughters you pervert
sexy in haku patasi
· Snapshot 1995
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I help unfortunate women like you , put one spoon of my sperm inside , son guaranteed
· Snapshot 2186
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You can put the sperm in your unfortunate mum's mouth you hate daughters right you must hate her too and c needs it more coz so sad c gave birth to a jerk like you
Soumya-gulmohar tree
· Snapshot 3858
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I was thinking that Nas ji is extremely ethnocentrist (second last post). Thank you for your last post. To add more, angels are often disguised as sons too if sons are not programmed with highly toxic patriarchal codes in their mind :)
Soumya-gulmohar tree
· Snapshot 3996
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Nasji, you can replace a girl in this video and see how you will look at it again. This child is just being assertive, a bit on the aggressive side. That's it. Any child can be assertive, aggressive and naughty.
Concerning western feminism: does it matter the location of any 'ism' as long as it does encapsulate the true core human values (values that make us an evolved and better human beings)? Ok it also depends how you define feminism. I am curious to know how you observe western feminism :)
Soumya-gulmohar tree
· Snapshot 4162
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Let them na Nasji, what you have got to lose? Even if these feminist women are trying to act like men then it does not mean that you will become less of a man. I think you do not need to verbally abuse them.
Soumya-gulmohar tree
· Snapshot 4186
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hehehe Actually the problem is very true among women. I have heard about this problem from many women friends from Europe. In US, temperature in most of the buildings (I can only speak of NY in queens area) are like overheated oven during winter time. While in Europe, they say temperature inside the buildings are less than in US. You can ask around your lady friends, family, acquaintances etc. So, in this case I feel for them totally. Since it's different body temperatures between men and women and temperature of the building is adjusted only to the need of men, the lady is calling this problem as being sexist which is fair. Nasji, you are too funny why it is only about your way of looking at things K? how would you address this problem then? tharara kapdai kam garnus ani thaha paunu hunecha. you are so cruelly after women who are different than your idea of being a woman.
Soumya-gulmohar tree
· Snapshot 4502
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Nasji, first of all happy new year! The poet William Golding has summed it up all about being women. Though I read it already, it is still a good reminder to read again. I would also like to remind you that in your last previous post, you have so conveniently dodge my question regarding the woman who wants equal treatment in the building in uk :D. A problem is always a problem whether you negate or ignore it. About the magnificent lady Megan, I will only say that women of her generation are dignified and hard working. Most of them from older generation, there are exceptions though (ok take an example from Nepal and India only) did not know how to stand up to men but quietly and diligently work on their dreams. Please do not expect this attitude from current generation. I do not mean to say that current generation are not like megan or anuradhaji but at the same time they also know when and where to take a stand just like a divine gal or the lady from uk.
Soumya-gulmohar tree
· Snapshot 4670
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Nasji! hajur ta sarai batteyyy chattu nasakine bhayo.
anyway nani video ma ta sarai tejili lagyo.
Soumya-gulmohar tree
· Snapshot 4697
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वूस वूस वूस लोल |
Soumya-gulmohar tree
· Snapshot 4884
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फेरी नोंन मगरनीलाइ घोचपेचवाला वचन , नाजजी | वचनको खण्डन गर्नुस न हौ , लेख्नु भन्दा पहिले | हजुर जस्तो विद्वानलाई कहाँ सुहौछ भन्या , सेल्फ एकचुएलैज़शनमा दृढ विश्वास गर्ने मान्छे हुनुहुन्छ | कहाँ एस्तो त्रोल्ल मिम पोस्ट गर्नु भएको |
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