Simple Yet Deep Question - Sajha Mobile
Simple Yet Deep Question
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Today I was thinking about how computer programming works and this thought wonderstruck me: How does computer know that it should do this and that? For example, your press a button on a computer screen, and the projector's screen comes down! I understand there is algorithm behind it that makes the screen come down. But my question is much deeper than that. On quantum level, how does computer know what is up and down? - As any language is gibberish symbols!
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" इट्स नथिङ्ग बट अ प्ले अफ इलेक्ट्रिकल इनर्जी ! "

Nas bro, please help me understand this electrical energy. What is the nature of this energy? Is it matter? Or is it something else?
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Nas bro, when I press the button, the projector screen comes down. So, does this electrical energy consciously communicate with the projector screen and make it come down? In other words, is this electrical energy conscious of itself?
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Nas bro, I am trying to understand how computer (at quantum level) interpret coding. For example, I made two dummy coding below. Let us suppose the first one is for "projector screen moving up" and the second one is for 'projector screen moving down."

1) # # **% UP
2) # # **% DOWN

Now, above two coding are merely symbols! How does a computer interpret symbols to meaningful value? The word "UP" and "DOWN" have no meaning unless we superimpose some meaning to them. How is computer interpreting these codes as if they have intrinsic meaning?
Keyser Söze
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Better use Youtube or Google to find your answer. This ones answer how code is interpreted to do its work.
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Ok. Let's simplify things even more further. So, this is what I am understanding, please correct me if I am wrong.

Alphabetical codes gets converted into Binary digit codes; binary digit codes than gets converted into volts. Then computer' CPU executes volts into meaningful output. Am I correct?

Alphabetical Coding >>Binary Digits Coding>> Volts >> Meaningful Output

Last edited: 27-Sep-20 03:30 PM
· Snapshot 800
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उज्ज्वल भाया,

बिजय पाण्डे ले एकचोटी नारायण गोपाल लाई सोधेछन , " नारायन भाया , हजुरको जस्तो राम्रो गीत गाउन के गर्नु पर्छ ?"
नारायण भायाले होनाचा: को आलु क्वाप्प मुख मा हालेर नेवारी tone मा भनेछन " ट्यो गिट गाऊन ट गिटनै गाउनु पर्छ। "

बिजय भाया बखरी को जस्तो मुख लाएर बस्नु भएछ । ( मजाक )

सार, कम्प्युटरको बारे बुज्न कम्प्युटर science पढ्नु पर्छ , सारम्स मा बुझ्न खोजियो भने झन् अलमल हुन्छ ।
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उजेली पाटी!
How did I miss this thread? This is my daytime job bro...if you are asking in technical realm. Philosophical question हो भने चैं, सत्यायNas लाई था होला।
Computers are no magic device, they do whatever we tell them to do, Like Nas mentioned even the AI is nothing but some algorithm trying to guess based off of tons of historical data.
The foundation of everything electronics is Transistor, (don't argue about Vacuum Tubes) and Transistor are indeed magical devices, yet in computers they are nothing but switches that you can open and close to control the flow of electricity(hence 0 & 1).
Long story sort arrange millions of these Transistors(intel, AMD etc.) And make them open and close at certain rate and you get a "magical" device called computers.
Quantum computer ko barey maa chai Justin Trudeau or hamraii Nabin K Bhattarai laii sodhum...YouTube maa video chann...

At this day in age, these understanding are irrelevant, 95% of the applications are in software or firmware level, just imagine 2 of the biggest companies in the world Amazon and Microsoft are operating mile high from these concepts
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Nas bro, you are so enlightened!
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"इउ एक्स्पिरियेन्स वाननेस विथ द काजमोस रे !"

Wonderful Nas bro!
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Nas bro, a new thought popped up in my mind today. How do you tell computer to pronounce this last name: खाँ

Because for computer खाँ and खान would have same spelling: KHAN.
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Nas bro, could you please elaborate more on your above post. It must mean something which I am not able to grasp. It seems like there is a hidden meaning to this.

Before enlightenment;
chop wood, carry water.

After enlightenment;
chop wood, carry water.

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