Where to invest ? - Sajha Mobile
Where to invest ?
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I am looking for investment idea. 7 years ko USA basai pachi 50 K jamma gareko chu .

What will be the best idea for investment?

Kasaile Gas station ma laga re, kosalie ghar kin, kosaile stock market, kasaile nepal ma jagga kina re.

Any idea will be appreciated .
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· Snapshot 50
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Pls suggest long term at least 3-5 years ko lagi 3000-5000 invest kun stock or ke ma garda hunxa pls. i have to any idea about stock. Thank you.
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If you don't know much about stocks it s better to invest in Mutual Fund . Try to reasearch for Mutual fund . They are combination of Good stocks so even if one company is in loss , overall doesnot go for loss . I started investing using vanguard's Mutual fund in 2018 . Look for something like VOO or VTI and many more . Research before you invest .
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भाई जिन्दगिमा आर्थिक रुपमा लाटो हिसाब ले अगाडी बढ्नु छ भने जग्गा र स्टकमा खेल्नु ( manipulate ) गर्नु जरुरि छ । यता को पैसा उता उता को पैसा यता । स्टकको खतरा खेलाडी नभए सम्म अम्रिकामा राम्रो प्रगति गारो छ, स्टकको ० knowledge छ भने आजै बाट सुरुवात गर्नुस । robinhood dowonload गर्नुस , penny stock मा खेल्नुस, idea लिनुस १ २ सय लगानी गर्नुस, नाफा कमाउनुस, कैले कहिँ घाटा खानुस । basically स्टकको idea लिनुस , fb मा stock पण्डित छन् तिनको कुरा सुन्नुस , YouTube हेर्नुस । stock मा आजको भोलि काया पल्ट हुन्न तर उतार चदाप् र छाल हरु आई रक्छन, येस्तै छालले कैले बगरमा फाली दिन्छ कैले महलमा फाली दिन्छ , धैर्य गर्नुस ।

7 वर्षमा 5० के बचत गर्नु भयो भने पछि basic job नै गर्नु हुन्छ जस्तो लाग्यो। खान पिन खर्च कटाएर तेती बचाउनु भनेको राम्रै हो, तपाई मा बचत गर्ने छेमता रैछ अब बचत लाई multiply गर्नु पर्यो । ५ महिना पहिले यो प्रस्न र ५० k हात मा लिएर आउनु भएको भए tesla मा लगानी गरेर ऐले कम्तिमा 200k हुने थियो, ऐले tesla मा लगानी गर्न असम्भब छ ,

ऐले भएको ५० k मध्ये ४० k नेपाल पठाउनुस, जग्गाको भाउ सस्तो छ काभ्रे, धुलिखेल परि १ रोपनी आउने जग्गा हेर्न लगौनूस अनि जग्गा हान्नुस। १० के यता भैपरी आउने खर्च र stock खेल्न राख्नुस । फेरी १० के नाई stock मा नहाल्नुस पैले बुझ्नुस used to हुनुस अनि खेल्नुस ।
क्रेडिट स्कोरे राम्रो राख्नुस, कुनै पनि बेला stock लाई पैसा चाहिन सक्छ ।
मेहेनत गर्नुस आज वा भोलि सफलता हातमै छ । stock को basic जानकारी लिनुस । सबै भन्दा ठुलो कुरो मुर्ख संग दोस्ती भन्दा बुद्धिमान संग दुस्मनी गर्नुस केहि कुरा सिकिन्छ ।

यो साझाका stock player को idea खासै कामलाग्ने छैन, सबै सिकारु छन्, यिनको पछि लाघे झन् काम बिग्रिन्छ । साझामा जो जान्ने सुन्ने छन् तिनीहरु लेख्दै लेख्दैनन, म जस्ता सिकारु बोलेका बोलाई छौ ।
५० K हात मा लिएर हिड्नु भनेको time बम बोकेर हिड्नु जस्तो हो, ठाउँमा फाल्नु भयो भने खजानाको ढोका खुल्छ येतिकै राख्नु भयो भने आलु बम भएर एक दिन ओसिएर फुस्स धुवा मात्र निस्किन्छ ।
· Snapshot 288
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Ye bhai,
$50k ko $10k huncha hai stock ma Be careful. Market ramro bhayeko bela sab Hero hunchan. Market jharna thalyo bhane ekai chin ma sakincha paiso.
Lot of newbies here.
· Snapshot 303
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Nepal ma 2 ropani jagga kina, tyo ramro huncha . Nepal ma kahile ghatdaina jagga ko bhau ..... ahile samma suneko chaina jagga ko bhau ghateko.
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Frostu bhai suggestion is good now is time in investing Nepal property. It's all time low
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Do you have a plan to buy a house or something in the US? 20% down no PMI and you will save some money. Also it reduces payment per month. People do brag about making money and but no one comes around saying they got loss. You can invest some money in stocks and play conventional ways. It be gamble when you do options trade. For example, buy some shares and leave in airlines, travel, bank they are dip rt now. These shares must rise once things back to normal. Or you can’t go wrong with Tesla, Apple and Microsoft as a long term- wait for the split. TPS2GC n Frustu suggest you buy lands. You go to Nepal and buy on your name, so could make your decisions and all. Hard to sell stuff in someone’s name, money and land involved relationships sours.
· Snapshot 356
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Ram bhai buying a house with just 50 in hand might be a good decision but not the best. This guy has to artificially manipulate the cash n make it at least thrice within 2 years then think about long term investment . As you know buying a house will stuck u there for ages for low income people . First is to generate cash by cash as much as u can then invest in slow return portfolio like buying a house in us
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Don’t know why people make so big deal about the whole “20% down payment to avoid PMI” ... I mean people pay $90 PMI on a 400k loan so saving $90 per month by putting that $80k down payment is a waste if you can invest it somewhere ! Just my opinion.
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7 years ma $50k jamma bhayo, bhane pachi 21 years ma jamma $150k po hune raicha ?? Dhait, euto land pani aunma ho kTM ma.
· Snapshot 518
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50K is not a whole lot if he wants buy land in Nepal. I agree with the house thing. U get stuck and hard to sell. The 20% down thing will just help in reducing the monthly payments. We don’t know how much he makes monthly. What his goals and how his earning in coming days, job security, and so on. Can he buy land outside the valley? How about stocks? Money markets and index? He could partner with someone to open some stores or restaurants. However the market is crazy with pandemics. What should one do if you have 50-70K in bank?
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Can 50K turned in to 150K in 2 years? How lol. . @ TPS 2GC if you have any Other idea on this, I wanna know?. I was thinking of going to Nepal to buy property this year but Covid ruined it. I deposited money- 50K in Nepal’s bank when interest rate were great, but now bank reduced a lot.
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Hello, How is the KODAK stock for long term investment?? Pls share your views.

Thank you.
· Snapshot 736
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Seriously! Why Kodak? With insider trading investigation on Kodak will be in trouble. It’s all Robinhood and newbie folks rallied with out proper research.If u wanna do longterm put money in Apple after the split. Buy 10K Worth shares n in 5 years you have 50K. Also TSLA, google or Microsoft next. Amazon is buyable too, but too pricey. 3 things sell in stocks market first is money in the bank, and other vision, and third is lies/fake/news of contracts and deals such as Kodak and Microsoft. For example, Apple is stingy as hell, has trillions in bank account and stay in their comfort zone, while we have companies like TSLA who sell futurist ambitious ideas. Finally Amazon, which is diversifying it’s wealth.
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Thank you very much for your positive suggestions.
· Snapshot 921
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No laugh pls

Stock and shares - is there any different ? How to buy apple share and apple stock???
· Snapshot 925
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you said not to laugh so I LOL
same thing - stock and share is same.
google/youtube how to-- you will get answer.
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धन्यवाद hai sabai jana lai.🙏

Yeso bichar garda apple nai best hola jasto cha stock ko laagi , 2T pugisakyo capital .
· Snapshot 1225
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Congratulation on saving a hard earned money / 50k$. If it took you 7 years to save 50k, as one of the guys post above , u probably work in decent hard working job. I would not recommend you to put everything on stock, it is okay to play with with few thousand dollars that u can risk loosing. Rest you should invest on something safe. I was addicted to investing on stock, I still am, I have gained about 15% in my stocks portfolio, which is pretty decent. But also rich become richer because they invest a lot and a Small increase in shares gives them a big bucks. My advice for you will be: first learn abt investing on stock - maybe play with few hundred dollars and later invest few kilo$ on safe stocks or safe investments.
As of me, I have invested all my savings of 3yrs, which I do not recommend playing this risky game.
My portfolios: 200k diversified on Apple, amazon, JP Morgan, Disney, Boeing , SHLL, delta airline, Marriott, CZR, PLAN, voo, VGT, dollar general, Adobe, Shopify, Microsoft, Moderna, coke, Docusign, Netflix, PSTH, FMCI, Bank of America...
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@KTMUSA look at mutual funds if you want safer bets. Buying individual stocks is very risky and may not suit you if you want to invest on live savings.

Look at sth like this depending on when you want to retire..
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