Dufferent types of people who hate Trump - Sajha Mobile
Dufferent types of people who hate Trump
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I have found some people hating Trump to be of following types, feel free to add to the list:
1. Those who couldn't maintain status and are need in protection from deportation.
2. Those who couldn't find a girl here to marry and cannot go to Nepal coz they are scared Trump will not let them in. Oh boy frustration here will be all over sajha.
3. Those who do not want to work, rahter want food stamps.
4. Those who are desperate for public validation of their opinion. They follow what popular opinion is.
5. Those who are ignorant and are not capable of doing critical thinking. Usually these are the loudest ones. Cannot help but pity them.
6. Free loaders: this is the most prevalent I think. From green card, to free money they want everything . They will bankrupt the country for their selfishness.
7. Those whom if stayed in Nepal would be sarkari jagire and would sell the country to build a house in Kathmandu.

There are too many but I gave the head start, rest for others to add.
Those who say Trump is against our community, no he is not. Democrats will do everything to put interests of illegals before Asians because they have significant voting blocks. Liberal policies are only for lazy people. Work hard and earn your dream people, do not beg for it.
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Keyser Söze
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Return your stimulas check or donate it. Post it here. So we know you are not free loaders.
Keyser Söze
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Enjoy this video!!
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90% of the media is owned by establishment supporting democrat biased corporations. so it is no surprise that 90% of the media constantly peddles negative stuff about Trump.

Your points 4 and 5 hit the bulls eye.

"4. Those who are desperate for public validation of their opinion. They follow what popular opinion is.
5. Those who are ignorant and are not capable of doing critical thinking. Usually these are the loudest ones. Cannot help but pity them."

Just because 90% of the media is brainwashing people against Trump, a lot of people hate Trump just to join the bandwagon with the hope of being accepted for being a obedient sheep.

From my interaction with some of the brainwashed sheeps in sajha, the best thing to do is delete their comments. If you delete two comments they won't be able to reply to your post. I think you have to use desktop version for that. There is just no point arguing with their stupidity. Look at this guy who is saying number 4 applies to you. Such a cheap shot.
Keyser Söze
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Not cheap shot. Its called taste of his own medicine!! Go figure!!
Does who don't want to be in the list do return your check tho or donate it. Or else you lose the validation of calling other free loaders
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When the whole world is against Trump and someone supports Trump, you think he is doing it for public validation? That is the dumbest thing I have heard today. I didn't want to respond but hagne lai bhanda dekhne lai laaj.
Keyser Söze
· Snapshot 213
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Hora laaz lagyo. Laz manera basa ni hai.
If he is asking people for their inputs on this thread, what do u call it....Banana?
I dint want to reply but i can't control and keep coming back..poor guy!!
Last edited: 31-Jul-20 04:57 PM
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Hait pagal nai raicha yo manche. I'm outta here.
Keyser Söze
· Snapshot 238
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Are you sure? Pls make your mind..natra u belong in that list too. I can prove it. If you will ask.
Keyser Söze
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Food stamp = stimulas check?
Donald Trump
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OMG people hate me!?! HAHA

I don't know about others but I do know why most Nepalis hate me. They fear falling victims to racism or even worse being murdered at the hands of racist whites. While the fear is genuine, most evidence points Nepalis falling victims to racism in America at the hands of other South Asians and immigrant groups. As far as murder, African Americans have murder more Nepalis in America than all other race and ethnicity combined.
Donald Trump
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P.S. weekend is here and I would love to hear some of your personal heart touching stories from the last 4 years.

How many of you were physically assaulted or even worse murdered at the hand of racist white folks in the last 4 years? Opps what a dumb and insensitive question to ask like real Trump Lol Take back the murdered part and pray for your eternal pace.

How about on personally experiencing racism these last 4 years? And pls don't tell me your neighbors because you probably suck at lawn care. Also, your neighbor for the same reason most likely never liked you but since your liberal media had fed such BS about racism in America you taking your neighbor's unfriendly attitude as him being racist.

Actually remove neighbor and remove sucking at lawn care, this is why most Nepali folks perceive whites for being racists towards them. Daju bhai didi bahini haru just want to be liked and appreciated for who and what they are....classic snowflakes HAHAHAHA
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I am a horrible person, they are crying but its hilarious to me. 😂😂

Keyser Söze
· Snapshot 400
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Food stamp = stimulas check?
Keyser Söze
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How many of your folks work in Nepal? Or do they build home selling the country by your logic.
Lets hear about background before u point fingers at other
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The stereotypes depicted above are often found to be real. Any similarity to any person living or dead is not coincidental.
If you feel like your personal situation has been used as mockery, please feel free to cry, it might be helpful to release stress and might even make you popular.
Jai Nepal
God Bless America
Keyser Söze
· Snapshot 432
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Must have totally matched in your life as well. And yet u are here to show you are different kind. Btw make sure u returni your stimulas check or u fall under that free loader category.
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Keyser Söze
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अर्का लाई हानेको हिलो को छिटो बिचरा लाई पनि परेछ। एउटा आँउला लाउदा तीन आँउला अफै तिर परेछ कढैभरी।
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