Why is every youths leaving Nepal? Why are not youths entering politics and serving the country, starting business etc? - Sajha Mobile
Why is every youths leaving Nepal? Why are not youths entering politics and serving the country, starting business etc?
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There are already too many politicians in Nepal. Youth needs to fight for social change. They need to show courage and fight to change the status quo. They need to work and innovate. They need to learn to respect work. Youth are too embarrassed to do menial jobs in Nepal. Then, when they get experience about a human life, and they can venture out in helping others through politics, mentoring etc.
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Everyone has a right to choose their way of life. The reason I think many young or old people are not investing their time in small or large business and more importantly into politics is because politics is very unstable. When was the last time we voted? Are members of house voted into power by vote? The politics is just ridiculous for anyone to even try. Possibility of anyone or group of people forming a new party and expecting to fair fight in political battle by vote of the people is pretty much non existence.

Its just so much easier to go about doing honest hard work or establishing successful business abroad. Ultimately we all want fair reward...to make some amount of money to have a secure future for our family.
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युबा देशका मेरुदन्ड हुन, धागो स्रिजकले भन्नु भए झै किन नेपाली युबा बिदेसिन्छ्न? Good Question.
यिनीहरुले सामाजिक देखी राजनीतिक छेत्रमा सकृय सहाभागिता बाट राजनीतिक छेत्रमा बिस्तारै नयाँ सोच बिचार भित्रिनु पर्छ भन्ने हर्केजिको कुरामा को असहमत होला ? असहमतिलाई लाई सहामति रुपमा लिनु पनि गलत कुरा हो, यानेकी सन्स्क्रितमा कसैले मौनम स्विक्रिती लक्षणम् भनी लेखेको सधैं मौन बसे भन्नु स्विक्रिती हो भन्ने गलत हो | बेद र शास्त्रका ज्ञाताले ज्ञानलाई खाने भाडो बनाए (UJL ब्रो ले कोर्नु भएको धागो अनुसार जातियताको सुरुआत सगै खाओबादी सन्स्कार सुरु भयो ) | ठीक र बेठिकको अरुको लागि मात्र लागु हुन्छ तर तेही कुरा आफ्न घर परिवारमा ठीक हुन्छ, हामी दुई जिब्रे बनेका छौ |

गाउ घरका पढाई र आम्दानी नभएकाहरु बिदेशमा कामदार भएर केही कमाइन्छकी भनी बिदेसिन्छ भने पढेलेखेका र हुने खाने बढी कमाइ र नयाँ स्टाटस को लागि बिदेसिन्छन जस्तो लाग्छ, तपाईंको बिचार चै के हो लौ सुनुम |

देशको लागि पढ्नु पर्छ भनेर मेरा बा आमाले भनेनेन , तपाईंइका बा आमाले भन्नु भयो ?
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नेपाल र नेपालीको लागि जल्दो बल्दो प्रश्न
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मेरा बा-आमाले देशको लागि पढ्नु पर्छ भनेनन, तपाईंका बा आमाले भन्नु भयो ?
Last edited: 04-Mar-24 11:44 AM
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