Why is India so blatantly offensive to Nepal? - Sajha Mobile
Why is India so blatantly offensive to Nepal?
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Surendra Shakya
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Origina article from: https://strong-nepal.blogspot.com/2020/05/why-is-india-so-blatantly-offensive-to.html

What we have to understand is that India has a bad relationship with all its neighbors. It has tried to create troubles in other countries and then intervene for its advantage. Its naked intention has been to dominate all its neighbors. In Nepal’s case, it has tried its best to submerge it through its stooges like Baburam Bhattarai, or try to install its puppets in the government. It was not very successful when there was a monarchy in Nepal, so it’s Congress government of that time, dissatisfied by the strong stance of the royals, conspired to stage a blatant assassination to get rid of them.

Since then it has played a central role in forming the government in Nepal by blessing the ones who are more like vassals to their interest. According to learned scholars who are in the higher circles, every leader in Nepal since republicanism has been blessed by Delhi to be ministers or prime ministers. This being so, any government that has been formed has remained mute regarding any interference of India in matters relating to us. There are those in politics and then some influencers, writing about issues of both countries.

All the treaties with India from the past till today favor Indian interest more than Nepal’s own. The current PM and the Communists have also sold out to India through Mahakali Treaty to the 12-point agreement. Again, YouTube videos have plenty of materials that expose how the Communists, including the current PM, benefited personally after Mahakali Treaty. Nepalese leaders are of the mentality that without the blessings of India, they cannot get plum assignments in the Nepal government.

So, this is the background for all that is happening today regarding the Lipulek and Kalapani. These areas were neglected by Nepal’s government with an understanding that India will remain there as a guard against the Chinese army. They have been occupying this land since 1962 for security reasons, and Nepal’s government all have remained silent so that they can remain in good standing with India. After all, their future prosperity, power, and prestige would then remain intact. There have been interviews that revealed that the Indian government feels overwhelmed by the requests of Nepali political class asking to be given ministerial berths. What a sad situation!

Fortunately, time is changing. All these slavish politicians have been badly exposed. The New generation is rising up and seeing through the charade of these same old same old political actors playing musical chair in Kathmandu. They wish to keep the people fooled over and over. There is a wise saying, “You can fool some people all the time (the party “jholes”). You can fool all the people for some of the time (Nepalis), but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”

So, Nepal is rising up and Nepalis are willing to go fight and die at the border. No threat issued by India is going to pacify the Nepalis. India is in a bad situation, a lose-lose situation. If it continues to hold the land and refuses to talk and settle it amicably, Nepalis will remain riles up against India and its interests. If it gives in then Nepalis will be emboldened. It will be a great victory for Nepal, whose prestige has been tarnished by the lackeys bestowed with power in Nepal.

Nepal’s ultimate goal should be to become a strong country, like Singapore. It is not going to happen by expecting any outsider to come and do it. They will only service foreigners interest by projects like MCC. Nepal can only come out of the rut by its own effort, and for that, we need to elect good political leaders who have moral strength and vision for a strong Nepal. India would never in its dream try to play its dirty tricks if Nepal were to make a U-Turn and make itself a rich and prominent nation, as in the past.
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