Great opportunity for new world order to track people for profit and control - Sajha Mobile
Great opportunity for new world order to track people for profit and control
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While most people are busy trying to make ends meet and trying to make a living, the people that control the world have different priorities and objectives in their mind.

For example take a look at this patent at the website of World Intelligence Property Org.

The timing of this patent could not have been any freakier than this.

Basically the time right now is of an impending vaccine solution to the corona problem. Everything that the media has been showing points to a rapid need for a vaccine. There is different schools of thoughts regarding the efficacy of recent vaccines specially with the speed at which the demand is being made.

Dont' want to get into too much details of vaccines being used in wrong experimental way but here's one:

In any case, this is the time of vaccine demand where we have seen Mr Gates being a spokesperson for an impending vaccine. With a possiblity of vaccinating over 7 billion people on earth, the financial and social impact of this is going to be massive.

So - at a crucial time like this, we see a patent for a CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA. Essentially Mr Gates wants to patent a system that will use the signals from your body, such as temperature or brain waves, to generate some kind of cryptocurrency/cash! You just have to wonder what kind of system will be able to detect signals from your body! Would it be something that is injected into your body as nanoparticles/microchips? As it feeds into a currency system, I think more people will voluntarily get it as they are already demanding to be vaccinated. Coincidentally, this patent is marked as '060606' eerily foreboding 666 the number of the beast! It might just be smart preemptive strike to dismiss off any pointed fingers as conspiracy theories! We are dealing with super resourceful people here! Or they might even believe in the satanical cult - who knows!

Gates foundation also been working on another Quantom Dot Tattoos

My musing: If this whole corona thing was actually planned out - then how would it benefit the elites who planned it out. The businesses are losing money the whole financial system is collapsing. How could it be benefitting the elites? It is highly likely that it was NOT a planned thing. It is possible that the virus got unintentionally leaked from a lab. If I had to make a conjecture on why it could have been a planned thing then I would say this. There is a very low low chance of this but here we go: There is a select group of elites who are running most things in the world. They have influence in many governments throughout the world althought not in every country. They feel like their control is weakening because of free internet where information detrimental to them could flow anytime. So they have been working hard to control that information using google to limit the search result shown and using facebook to hide supposed fake news. With the development in technology it is becoming difficult to control information so they need to have more control throughout the world as internet is connected everywhere. One way to attempt a global control is by planning a global pandemic so that everything is pretty much shut down. Most people get busy with their personal survival. It's down to the basic for most people. With almost 100% control over the media, they can fake the extent of corona effect thus sending the mass into total fear and isolation. The public are now willing to take any solution handed down to them. With the internet speed that comes from 5G, technology companies are able to stream massive multiple high definition streams from live cameras and sensors. Thus, the control structure is handed down via a vaccine onto the willing population. With trillions of dollars at their disposal, buying consent in many different countries would not be difficult. Thus a massive control could be attained.

Even in Nepal, the biggest name in business the Chaudhari Group is nicely taken care of by the Gates Foundation:

There is another company called Neurogress that was doing research in 2018 on computers that patented a technology that could basically convert your thought into action.

These two technologies combined could mean that the big brother could actually read your thoughts using the information highway of 5G.

Sounds like a science fiction? I hope it's just fiction too 

PS: Do check out some links and do some personal research if you are curious. There is no way to be 100% sure about anything in these times so let's not get accusatory and judgmental  The truth that you find shall set you free! I share these things to provide an alternate source of thoughts and ideas not easily seen in mainstream media.

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Very analytical explanation. Thank you for your hard work, Ne0.
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