Are immigrants eligible for The Economic Stimulus Package - Sajha Mobile
Are immigrants eligible for The Economic Stimulus Package
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I heard a lot of different things. Some said yes if you are filing for taxes and I also heard it might affect green card processing because it falls under "public charges". Could someone provide me little more insight. Are both of the statements true?

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Khaike khaike
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I think the first is true and second about public charge in not.
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Everybody get stimulus check if you pay tax n it's not public charge. Public charge when u apply unemployment benefit when you are not already citizen .if you take unemployment insurance benefits u screw your status .stimulus check is harmless for immigration point
Khaike khaike
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Moreover, if IRS deposits money in your account without asking for it, why would USCIS blame you for that. This makes no sense. You did not actively seek for that money.
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tp2gc, Unemployment benefit DO NOT considered a public charge whether you are citizen or not. That is just fake news. Unemployment benefit is something your employer pays in every paycheck to the state. So it is your money.
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If you have filed a tax using 1040 not 1040 NR, will be getting a check.
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@whats the difference between 1040 and 1040 NR?
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If you have filed a tax by yourself , you would know the difference. If you have asked somebody to file your tax then it is time to read.
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Sajamitra, I also have the same thinking like u you until I talk to my lawyer who is filing my wife green card , my wife job lost as hotel attnednt, she was earning good , I researched in internet to file unemployment benefit , the internet source pretty much say u can file for benefit , but I was a bit scared so I consulted my lawyer , he is a good and helpful immigration lawyer who is has success filing gc he asked me not to file for benefit as he says he has cases when gc is denied solely based on public charge , this public charge is new thing and many people have confusion , as he said wh we n you file a unemployment in state u also get federal be benefit which shows you are dependent on government .it ultimately put yo our application in risk .he showed me number if cases that was rejected because of public charge rule .that is where I got scared and back off .I dnt want my wife in trouble for some money .otherwise my financial situation is so bad that I want unemployment benefit . If your lawyer said different thing please share so that I can take advantage of your opinion
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@tps2gc. Thank you for sharing the information. I am not consulting with any lawyer at the moment. It's not urgent for me but it can be very helpful. I used to use a county health insurance and then I heard that from Feb 24th 2020, if anyone used governmental insurance then it will be considered as public charge. So, I stopped it.

If i hear anything new I will let you know.

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You will get it even if you don't file tax. They have released something called simple file to give your information to IRS. Of you haven't file tax for 2018/19 , you can do simple file. So if you haven't file tax due to low income , you are in social security only income stuff like that, you can still get it if u are PR or Citizen, no risk on doing it.

Last edited: 13-Apr-20 08:10 PM
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Nas dhukkur Bhai thau na thahar budi ko rahar , yeta Ni timro Sher ko kura ghusayou? Baru bhana Kati aayo check? Ki auna baki
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IMF को भनाई अनुसार गरिब मुलुकका बासि हरुलाई चामल का बोरा होईन सिप र नया प्रबिधि ठाउ अनुसार प्रदान गरि स्वाबलम्बी बनाउनु पर्ने सुझाब यो साझामा पनि लागु होला भनेर IRS को साईट तासिदिएको थिए | अर्को कुरा गाडी बिक्रीमा छ भनि बिज्ञापन गर्नेले कुन सहर मा छ नलेखे झैँ सोध्नेको स्टाटस थाहा पाएर लेखिदिनु पर्ने ?
Miraj you are not telling that 1040 NR filers are also getting stimulus money $1200 each individuals?

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