IT training/placement suggestion needed - Sajha Mobile
IT training/placement suggestion needed
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I know there are a lots of threads about the IT consultancy and all. But my situation is, I guess little bit different than any others. So please provide me your suggestion based on my situation below. And thank you all in advance.

I'm a guy who is in thirties. I completed my undergraduate a year ago, in beginning of 2019 . Then I tried to job through couple place like dice, linkedIn, jobfinder etc. but no luck. After couple months went by still no luck. Then I stopped looking anywhere, completely stopped applying even at the college job fairs because I became so lazy to build and update my resume.
Now I have found a consultancy that is willing to do marketing right away. Scenario is that since my graduation, I have not done any practice at all. Should I start marketing without learning or wait little longer until be prepared? I'm really in dilemma because I don't have any hands on experience in this IT field. I'm little scared of being fired and getting back on my own feet back again.

Thank you all.
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Just do the marketing, it will be tough to get any offer during such crisis. But then even if you are lucky, you will have 2-3 weeks to get onboarded, and additional 1-2 weeks to get up to the speed in the project. And you can work on the skillsets in the meantime from now until then. Goodluck,,
i just got laid off and chilling in the meantime though :))))
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Nepali_boy12345 : धन्यबाद brother तपाई को छिटो response को लागि ! सायद अब मार्केटिंग गर्दै गर्नु पर्ला !

" डट नेट मा जाने हो भने मा केहि गैदंस दिन सक्छु है" :

नास ब्रो धन्यबाद ! अहिले मैले जाभा मा जाने कि भन्ने सोची राको छु !
ब्रो लाई म मेसेज गर्छु नि डट नेट मा जाने भयो भने !
अलि अलि डाटाबेश रेफ्रेश गर्दै छु अनि यसो तुतोरिअल पनि हेर्दै छु !

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Yeah NAS bro, filed unemployment last week. now waiting on stimulus check as well. Closely following you guys on other thread on stocks trading, you know time pass and little extra money while chilling. :)))

You're welcome soundBro. Just spend like 2-3 hours everyday if you can, you will be confident enough by the time you land a job.
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Thank you Nas Bro for the suggestion. I'm a newbie so don't know much, will look into it..And i hope you will recover those losses and make good decions moving forward.
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Bhai yo nase Bhai ko Kura nasuna dubauchha . Stock trading juwa ho lat lagcha .stok kheleko 5 barsaa ma jogi bhaye . Kam tira laga stok bhanda 1 2 saye bhanda bhanda karod jancha maile ni100 Bata suru gareko
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I got my training and job placement through a company based out of Virginia. Here is their number if you want to call them: 703-915-8078. It is owned by a Nepali. He mostly do in Automation QA, DevOps, Cloud and Java.
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Discovery- Thank you. I will call them very soon.
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You are welcome sir. I had good experience with them. Payment is on-time and job support as well. On top why go to Indian consultancy when Nepali brothers and sisters can also place you.
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Discovery- do you remember how much was their training fees?
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It was Free. No contract till they get you the placement. They teach online too. The instructor is Nepali. Here is one of their resource managers LinkedIn:
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ब्रो हरु मलाई फेरी अर्को सल्लाह चाहियो तेसैले यो धागो लाई निकाले ! के भने नि मैले भर्खरै एउटा यहि को कन्सल्टेन्सी मा interview दिया त्यो पनि त्रैनिंग को लागि अनि सबै पास पनि भयो तर १० वीक को त्रैनिंग पछि job हुन्छा रे तर तलब चै सरो कम के ४५००० -५५००० वर्षको अनि लोकेसन अनुसार फरक पर्छ भान्छा ! अलि सस्तो ठाउँ पर्यो भने चै ४५ ०००/वर्ष अनि अलि महँगो ठाउँ भयो भने चै ५५०००/वर्ष ! अर्को बर्ष चै १५००० increase गर्छ रे ! अनि त्यो consultancy संग चै थोरै मा २ बर्सको contract हुनु पर्छ रे अनि २ वर्ष सम्म काम चै guarantee हुन्छा रे !
साल घण्टा को 22/२३ dallar जति मा काम त्यो पनि इत फिल्ड मा ! डिग्री मात्र छ केहि अनुभव छैन ! तेसैले अनुभब नभयर गरूँ गरूँ जसो पनि लाग्छ !
अब के गर्ने होला, सारो दोधार मा छु ! लौन साथि भाइ हरु केहि सल्लाह पाउन !
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नास ब्रो जाभा फुल स्तैक को लागि हो ! अनि यो खैरे हरु को कम्पनि हो ब्रो !
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ब्रो लै revature थाहा छ नि? तेही बाट हो ! साला टेक्निकल interview लियर अनि मात्र त्रैनिंग ! अनि जहाँ पनि रिलोकेट हुनु पर्ने ! धोति हरुको पनि गतिलो कन्सल्टेन्सी पाको छैन ! नेपाली हरुको बाट सिक्न लाको खालि ल्यांग ल्यांग गरि राख्छन ! कलास पनि तिन चोटी भैसक्यो time सारेको ! तेही भएर सारो झ्याउ लागेर त्यो कम्पनि बाट गर्न लाको ! अनि त्रेनिंग चै राम्रो हुन्छा भनेर रिभिउ दिएको रैछ ! अनि त झन् दोधार मा पर्यो नि. ! साला पे चै ५५००० भनेको जस्तो लागेको थ्यो पहिले त ! अनि ठिकै पनि लागेको थ्यो ! अहिले आएर त तेस्तो पो ल्यांग रैछ के ब्रो ! अब एक दुइ दिन धोति हरुको कन्सल्टेन्सी खोज्नु पर्ला तेस्पछि सोच्नु पर्ला !
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5.5k a month is 70K a year. Paila kaam sika, be willing to relocate for couple projects. Kaam sike pachi think about setting a base..Nas bro ta yeta uta cha.
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धन्यवाद maxPayne ब्रो !
त्यो ४५०००/ year हो ! तेही भयर के गरौ भाको हो ! त्यो त्रैनिंग pachi त relocate hunu nai पर्छ contract अनुसार ! 1 year pachhi chai 55000/year huncha re . तेही भयर साझा मा अनुभव भएका ब्रो हरु संग सल्लाह मागेको ! अब २/४ दिन consultancy खोज्नु पर्ला ! यसो राम्रो consultancy पायो भने तेता try गर्नु पर्ला ! नत्र तेही भय पनि त्रैनिंग सुरु गर्नु पर्ला !
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Sound bro, tapai ko thread yeso herdai thiye, ahile ko situation ma Beggars cannot he choosers bhanchan hai tara pani IT ma 22-23 $ bhaneko ta sarai nai kaam ho. If they are sending you as Entry Level then it's fine. Tara if they are sending you with yeso uso gareko resume then yo pay worth it chaina. WFH dine ho ra if you dont have to move anywhere then you can think about it. Tara east cost bata west cost move hunu parne stithi gari gari, ulto palto resume ko bhar ma, 22 dekhi 23 dollar worth it chaina. Ani training ko lagi pani ek paisa natirnu. Last but not the least, yo job support after placement bhanne kuro kahile pani kaam lagdaina. Bihana solution dinu parne huncha, afai bolnu parne huncha, bujaunu parne huncha, so afu lai chai alik padai garera basics chai ready hunu. If you go with 6 years exp, then chor consultancy will make 60 bucks atleast.
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Soundbyte looks like you're working with 3rd or 4th level consultancy which only can do C2C . 45 chain dherai nai low bhayo. Also if youre on F1 H1b certification at that salary will be very difficult.
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