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Learning computer programming
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I am establishing a youtube channel to teach beginners some fundamentals of programming. I already have a video in the channel. Please watch it and let me know how you like it. Also, please subscribe to the channel to support if you like it. :)


Thank you

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@CodeStation , good job on explanation. Since you put this in here, I believe you are open to criticism. You did put good amount of effort in producing this video. However, in my personal opinion , it would be better if you could add the specific terminology/technology/algorithms you are trying to explain in the video as kind of agenda of your video. What you have done is totally fine, but I would probably watch your other videos if I could know what I am going to learn in your video in first few seconds ( Don't want to watch the whole video and then google on about what the video means, like in your case, I believe you clearly described an example of stable sorting but kind of failed to explain what it technically means and had to spend few minutes on video to reach that point). Sorry to make unnecessary noise, consider it a bump .
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Definitely open to any criticism and/or suggestions. Yes, I like the idea of having an agenda on what the video is going to explain. I will definitely try to incorporate it in my other videos. Regarding this one, this was supposed to be an introduction to what sorting is and why it is important.. I am hoping to put a video series with technical details about various sorting algorithms - like bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, quick sort, and heap sort. You would definitely like my other videos. At least I'd be very interested to get your feedback when I put them out. Please subscribe to my channel for the reminder when they are out:

Thank you for your valuable time. :)
Last edited: 27-May-19 06:43 AM
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Loved the quality of your video. Would like to see more. Keep it up!
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@Deke - Thank you very much for the appreciation.. I am glad you liked it. Please subscribe to the Channel and support. I will be posting some more videos shortly. :)

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Thank you for all the feedback. Any more feedback will be greatly appreciated. I will update this thread with other videos too once I create them.

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Great job! I like that you put emphasis on concept. I know this is just an intro video, but I hope you are planning on showing "the sorting code" in some programming language.
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@Shelvey - Thank you for the kind words. My original plan was to introduce the various sort algorithms without any code. Perhaps some pseudo-code. But no code for now. But I am hoping that eventually I'll have an implementation video too.. thank you again for your comment. :) You could subscribe to the channel for any upcoming video:
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Anyone else who hasn't yet seen this video, please watch and let me know. I am working on another video, on the bubble sort. I would like to get feedback and improve.


Also, please subscribe to the channel if possible. Thank you for all your support..
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Hi guys, namaste. Here's the second video from the series. Let me know what you think. I have tried to incorporate many suggestions from you guys here. Any other things that needs work?

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Hello CodeStation,
Thumbs up for the video. Really liked the simple explanation of algorithm on sorting. I see that you have also shown the code in your video, as one of the user recommended earlier, I would also recommend the same. As you explain the algorithm, I think it would be helpful if you provide the code in any base language to the viewer. You could also make another video on the coding part in IDE. And also on another video explain debugging, watch, quick watch. The reason I mentioned this is when I was very beginner, I dived into the end result. And when there was errors I had no clue why it occurred. Basically I did not knew how to debug. You could also use free github to keep your simple video working code so that new users would have exposure to version control. I am sure that most of the developers working now would have knowledge what is version control, but I am just targeting beginners as I am recommending.
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Hi guitar center,

Thank you for your message and the feedback. Having the implementation, most likely in C++, is definitely in my agenda. Having a break point (using visual studio) and debugging the code is a great video idea. I will make sure to have a video on that too. These would, however, come after the series on the sorting algorithms.

I hope you can subscribe to the channel to watch all my other videos. Thank you again.
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Any more comments, guys?
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Namaste. Here's the next video with the introduction to the selection sort. Please let me know how you like it:

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Another video in CodeStation.. please let me know how you like it.
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Learn about the Merge sort algorithm here:
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Bro.. Great job in the quick sort algorithm deskription, too. Always found it too hard to understand. Here's the video everyone.
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