अष्ट्रेलियामा नेपालीहरुले कुटाकुट गरेको भिडियो - Sajha Mobile
अष्ट्रेलियामा नेपालीहरुले कुटाकुट गरेको भिडियो
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अष्ट्रेलियामा उच्च अध्ययनका लागि आउने विदेशी विद्यार्थीमध्ये सर्वाधिक तेश्रो नम्बरमा नेपालीहरु रहेका छन् । धेरै संख्यामा रहेका नेपाली विद्यार्थीहरुको हर्कत कहिलेकाहि यसरी बाहिरिन्छ कि त्यसले पुरै नेपाली समुदायको बेइज्जत हुने गरेको छ । गत वर्ष अष्ट्रेलियाको सिड्नीस्थित एक पार्कमा होलीको अवसरमा कार्यक्रम आयोजना गरेर नेपाली समुदायले फोहोरको डंगुर छोडेपछि सो स्थानका मेयरले आइन्दा यस्ता ‘फोहोरी कार्यक्रम’ आयोजना गर्न नदिइने बताएपछि नेपाली समुदायकै बेइज्जत भएको थियो ।


अहिले समाजिक संजाल फेसबुकमा फेरि त्यस्तै एउटा भिडियो भाइरल भएको छ । फुटबल खेल्ने क्रममा नेपाली समर्थक र खेलाडीहरुबिच कुटाकुट भएपछि फेरि पनि नेपाली समदुायको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय स्तरमा बेइज्जत भएको छ ।


गत वर्षको होलीमा पनि बेसाइडका मेयर बिल साराभिनोव्स्कीले रकडेल बाइसेन्टेनियल पार्कलाई ‘फोहोर फाल्ने खाल्डो’ जस्तै बनाएर छोडेकोमा सो कार्यक्रमका आयोजकको आलोचना गरेका हुन् ।


गत मार्च ३ शनिबारका दिन त्यहाँ होली मनाइएको थियो । ‘रकडेल कलर फेस्टिवल’ नाम दिइएको सो कार्यक्रमको आयोजना कमेरो इभेन्ट्स नामक संस्थाले गरेको थियो ।




कार्यक्रम सकेपछि उनीहरुले फोहोर सफा नगरी सो स्थान छोडेका थिए ।


भोलिपल्ट आयोजकका तर्फबाट केही मानिस पार्क सफा गर्न गए पनि त्यो पर्याप्त नभएको बताउँदै आयोजकमाथि जरिवाना लगाइएको थियो ।


बेसाइड काउन्सिलले पार्क भाडामा दिँदाका सर्तहरुको अध्ययन गरिने जनाएको छ ।


‘म यसबारेमा साह्रै निराश छु। हाम्रो क्लिन अफ अष्ट्रेलिया डेमै हाम्रो मुख्य पार्क कसरी फोहोर फाल्ने खाल्डोजस्तो बनाइयो, म जान्न चाहन्छु,’ मेयरको भनाइ लिडरले उधृत गरेको थियो ।

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Yestai ho Nepali ko paara. Chaye ja sukai basos Mann ta Nepali nai ho bhanya yei ho...yo umer ka haru sano sano kura ma mukka hanyo, Ali budo bhayepachi yenai feri 4 Jana ko group banayera raajneeti garna thalchan.
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Very good. Yes yes Buddha was born in Nepal and he taught martial arts.
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Ho Nepali harule matra jagda garcha hola. Aru sab ta puja path garera matra baseko huncha ni. Sports fight, Gang fight and party fight YouTube ma khoje list ma sabai vanda mathi Nepali ko naam hola haina.
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Never heard Indians had violent fight among them. Why Nepalese love to fight? Cheating and fighting are in their blood. लौ जा !
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We are bheda according to B.P. koirala. No idea of right/wrong. If someone punches a team mate the whole team will physically attack the opponent and start a brawl. And these 5 feeters call it a unity but in truth it's nothing more than being a bheda
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Dhoti_prasad you made a good point here. Indians don’t fight like this in a foreign land demeaning own’s identity. The reason why Indian communities are so strong and amongst the richest and well educated people abroad. So as Indians claim Buddha was born in India, it might be true.
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@adriandaju buddha was born in usa.Americans follow buddha principles more than Nepali.
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Budha”s principles didn't exist in Nepalese soul. We love nation closure, burning tyre, fighting each other, cheating in gas station in US, fighting on the final day of ANA conference and at the end we hate Indians because we are jealous on their progress.

Why the facking hell does it matter Budha was born in Nepal. Budha was burnt in Nepal NOT born.
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Yo chikatharu Nepalile yo tyo garyo vanne haru..chikat Nepali le matra gareko dhekches ki k ho?? Aru desh wasi haru chai Raja Harischandra ko suputra haru ho k?
Last edited: 31-Mar-19 06:54 PM
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British haru well educated and rich vayera India lai 200 barsa samma chaak hanera rakhyo k sahi ho ta??
Rich haru le "You my bitch" vanera claim garyo vane, chak thapna ready holas haina. It should be justified.
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You are misinformed Itahariko. It is the opposite. British looted trillion of dollars from India that is how they built United Kingdom.

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It happens when young blood are playing competitive sports. It's cool to see Nepali blood is still hot and we are not yet turned machines. They also fight in matches. They dont get taunted but small Nepali groups had fight in a park and we all should be ashamed?
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@Andrian.. my be I was not clear before so to be clear if someone is rich and educated can they claim your a$$ too? Since you le mathi comment ma said Indian haru rich and educated vakole Buddha claim garnu True ho. 
BTW British were already rich and powerful before they claimed Indian a$$, they just happened to get more wealth off India. 
Last edited: 01-Apr-19 03:41 PM
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If you cannot follow peace in your life or at least peace within Nepali Nepali brothers in a foreign land, why to brag Buddha was born in Nepal all the time. Some even use stickers on their cars, wear Tshirt ‘Buddha was born in Nepal’ just to show off in a foreign country, but in reality fight even in a football match. Shame on calling yourself from Nepal.
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Adrian.. Nepali who fought in match...Lets label them type A. Nepali who put stickers in Car or Tshirt...lets call then type B. Type A and B not same people. Just coz type A does bad stuff that does not mean type B is not allowed to wear Buddha tshirt or stickers or celebrate Holi or ANA.
Yeti ni dimakh chirdaina vane since you are a Nepali you better lock yourself up.
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They are the same people and one of them is you Itahariko. I hear from Nepali folks all Jhapali people are crooks. Is it true?
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Absolutely True!!
If Jhapali == Crooks.
Also Jhapali == Nepali
Adrian == Nepali
Adrian == Crooks? Clear ?
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Siddhartha Gautam was born in kapilvastu. Buddha was born in bodh Gaya. I don't know where these places are currently on a map. Even if Buddha was born in Nepal he ran away from there and went to India and became saint.
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