रवि लामिछानेको व्यक्तिगत सम्बन्ध उठाएर चरित्र हत्या गर्ने दुष्प्रयाश - Sajha Mobile
रवि लामिछानेको व्यक्तिगत सम्बन्ध उठाएर चरित्र हत्या गर्ने दुष्प्रयाश
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रवि लामिछानेले नेपाली समाजका लागि ठुलो देन दिएका छन् | देश भित्र अनि देश बाहिर बस्ने नेपालीहरुले न्याय नपाए रवि लामिछानेकोमा जानु भन्ने भनाइ नै चरितार्थ गरिसकेका छन् | रवि लामिछानेले नेपाल अनि नेपाली बीच भएका धेरै बिकृति अनि भ्रस्टाचारको भण्डाफोर गर्न सफल भएका छन् |

यसरी धेरै बिकृति र भ्रस्ताचारको भण्डाफोर गर्दा उनले धेरै सत्रु बटुलेकाछन् | नेपाल जस्तो जथाभाभी तन्त्रमा भिजिएका खुन्ख्वार ब्येक्तित्वहरुको लागि रवि लामिछाने सत्रु नै बनेका छन् | देशको आर्थिक र सामाजिक सन्तुलन नै डामाडोल भैराखेको बेला रवि लामिछाने जस्तो उज्ज्वल व्यक्तिले देश अनि देशवाशीहरुको लागि ज्वलन्त सकारात्मक उदाहारण बन्न सफल भएका छन् |
रवि लामिछानेको चिर परिचिर कामबाट रीसीईवी धारन गरेकाहरु निक्कै माथिसम्म पहूँच भएका व्यक्तिहरु पर्छन | हुन पनि हालै नेपालका सबैभन्दा सक्तिशाली मानिने प्रचण्ड उर्फ पुस्प कमल दाहाल नै अरबौं रुपियाँ अकूट भ्रस्टाचार गरी कमाएको सम्पत्ति बिस्तार गर्दै बसेका छन् भने अरु पर्दाफासमा परेकाहरु पनि मेडिया अनि उध्ध्योगपतिहरु पनि परेका छन् | यस्ता नै मानिसहरुको चलखेलमा आजकल दिनहुँ जस्तो रवि लामिछानेको बेइज्जतीको कुराहरु पत्रिकाहरुमा छ्याप्छ्याप्ती देखिन थालेको छ |

बुझ्नेहरुले त बुझिहाल्छन तर नबुझ्नेले यस्ता हावादारी व्यक्तिगत आरोप लगाएर रवि लामिछानेको प्रभाव कम गर्ने दुस्प्रयाश गर्दैछन् | कहिले भिसाको कुरा त कहिले ब्येक्तिगत नाताहरु लिएर आफ्नो बदनियति र कानुन बिपरितका कामकुरो लुकाउने प्रयाश भएको देखिन्छ | यसैले यस्ता एकललत्ठक कुराहरुलाई समय नदीइकन रवि लामिछानेलाई समर्थन गर्नु पर्ने बेला भएकोछ |

कसैको व्यक्तिगत मामिला भनेको व्यक्तिगत कुरा नै हो | जबसम्म कानुन बिपरित केहि भएको छैन त्येस्लाई नै मुख्य कुरा बनाएर कसैको चरित्र हरण गर्न मिल्दैन | रवि लामिछानेको अरु नारीहरुको सम्बन्ध एक अर्काको मन्जुरी मै भएका हुन् र केहि जबर्जस्ति भएको छैन | यस कारण रवि लामिछानेको नियत् माथि संका अथवा लान्छना लगाउनु भनेको नराम्रो कुरा लुकाउन खोजेको मात्र नभई त्येस्ता नराम्रा कुराहरु सार्वजनिक गर्न खोज्नेलाई रोक्न खोजेको भनेर राम्ररी बुझिन्छ |

सक्ने जत्ति शेर गर्नुहोस !
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· Snapshot 1057
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We can't TRUST any ISTRILAMPAAT!!! They will show their real Color that is what happening in RABI's case. Trust me you will realize, it's just matter of time.
· Snapshot 1336
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It's your opinion to keep. Until then there is no maikalal out there who would could take his place and do what he is doing? His work line is able to bring justice to those in needs and they are grateful to him and his team. His channel makes public aware to capture injustice through cellphones and bring attention. I believe that is alot one can do.
Yetro garda gardai ni biswas hudaina vane khaobadi Neta le Nepali janta ko faida uthanu sahi nai ho. Aru ta sabai complain garne matra cha ni, garchu vanera agadi badne lai ni herna nasakne afu ni garna hoina.
· Snapshot 1360
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He wasn't single when he lived together and had a son. He seems kind a sex addict always looking for sex.
· Snapshot 1385
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Ehho2 mention he is SEX addict and he is absolutely right!!!, He lied thousand times he was not good to his family how he will be good to society!!! I get it, he has done few good things to people but still I think he is a hypocrite and will exposed. HE will be next BIll Cosby if we dont stop. NO more BILL COSBY please!!!
· Snapshot 1421
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Get some facts there is a clear difference between sexual assault charges(Bill Cosby) and having relationships (mutual understanding). She never came forward with this allegation all this time being. And now when he found someone she is coming forward like she is a Saint. This is why he had to post her message to her lover. Ravi is no Saint but he is doing a lot for all those who is looking for help while she enjoying her time in else World.
What happens between husband and wife is not something he preaches, nor can anyone do anything about it, there is no hypocrisy in what he is doing.
· Snapshot 1823
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What about having sex with a store employee? That lady could have fucked his ass in the US court! Damm! He was a manager at the store, He could have been jailed big time! Thank vid she spare him. Somewhat I agree too saying he was a hypocrite. Kinda womanizer.
· Snapshot 2092
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Having sex with a store employee is not a crime or even a reason to be fired, unless you can prove it was not consensual. If he was a such sexual predator don't you think there would be more incidents and complaints from people besides his ex wife? If his line of work is fake don't you think people can catch him for wrong doings with proof?
What do you want from him, give up his work get his GC back and come back to US and make dollars and complains about bad politicians, bad situations in Nepal, brag about lavish life in Foreign Nation and earning dollars, making a tik tok video??

· Snapshot 2212
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Just a thought:
1. There is nothing lavish about living in US working in store and screwing store workers, compared to screwing nikita or who ever is that chic, working as TV star in Nepal.
2. There is nothing wrong on screwing store employee on mutual concent. Yea his wife can call him cheater, but hey even president don’t even loose job for having sex, forget about store manager. Store manager hardly have any power to abuse employee, he probably cant even give 25 cent raise.
3. Is he a guy with highest morality, probably not, but who is? Is he good with his work, let viewers decide. If they don’t like it , there won’t be tv show for too long.
· Snapshot 2384
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Yes it may not be illegal to fk an employee but definately immoral and unethical for a married man with to do it . Specially if the person is as a hero in society that respects the union of two personal in matrominal. Naturally with increased fame he also gets increased responsibility to maintain his morality. Really I dont think most would like it if if their spouse cheated them and had a child while theybwere still married? Would be a complete diff story if he was divorced at that time but he wasnt..
· Snapshot 2506
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ITAHARIKO, we don't have to praise this hypocrite. Question about he is doing good for the nation I disagree with you.
I think we need to follow the existing law and do good things. Even if you do good things and it is consider as against the existing law than it is not a good thing.That is what I believe in.

The way he presents himself as he is above the LAW which is not good. He needs to follow the system. He is the Journalist and he should do Journalism. If he wants to do social work go for politics. Fix the law. He acts like he is executing the law.I have no problem him executing if he has authority to do so. All I am saying is, he is not spotless, kind of arrogant. Off-course without ethics and basic moral required in all domain.

Supporting RAVI doesn't mean we are supporting somebody who is building the nation. We are forgetting our part, our part is to support spotless guy. I know there is nobody spotless out there. We should not give chance to Hypocrite like RAVI to get that advantage. We should have zero tolerance policy.

Last edited: 10-Jan-19 05:03 PM
· Snapshot 2523
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@whatajoke..you comments makes no sense..what a joke!!
· Snapshot 2563
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And lastly I don't need to advocate for him. Entire Nation is aware of his good work (journalism/social work)will support him despite his personal issues. While that happens people like you can wait for spotless person to pop up from sky or or wait for the law to turn into a human form and make everyone follow it!! Maybe in your imaginary world when you wake you will find everyone following the like you expect.
· Snapshot 3356
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No need to discuss further he is a hypocrite. Time will tell, we gonna find out!!! we saw Rabindra Mishra he is latest example. How these hypocrite will show their color. All we can say is wait!!!
· Snapshot 4002
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I watch Ravi’s Janata Sanga Sidha Kura and I like his program. I see his exceptional service to the society and the country, he has been the voice of voiceless people, there are too many examples , how many Nepali citizen have been rescued from  hell situations in Arab countries, how many corrupted police and government employees are caught,  how many contractors are caught raid handed when road construction was done poorly, how many human traffickers are sent to police (unfortunately corrupted court system  freed them), have you forgotten that easily who  rescued a Nepali girl from a Indian professor in Kathmandu, how can I forget Bir Hospital was painted after his reporting…..etc

 He has been a help of poor people who are frustrated and crying for things done lawfully with in a legal system framework. I totally agree, some  individuals and family members  who have been a part of his corruption reporting may not like him, might scratch here and there but who cares he has enough support from  rest of the public.

I personally like Ravi’s type of Journalism not Bijaya Kumar journalism who was bribed a couple of vodkas until pass out …

· Snapshot 4025
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@thukka I agree with your thoughts, but for some people that is not enough tho. He has to be a spotless guy to begin with or else it don't count. We have to follow the law on our own and if someone catches you for not following it, he just can't report it without authority and would be unethical coming form someone who isn't a spotless guy. Somehow I feel it is just a part of his big plan to get people support, making fake videos, hiring actors, so that he makes his way into politics, and then loot Janta's money, get rich and famous as apparently that is what is happening with most of the wanna be Journalist. Currently I am in search of a spotless guy in a different planet, till then I leave everything is God's hand.
· Snapshot 4137
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रवि लामिछाने लाइ खराब भन्ने मुजी चिक्ने हरु, तिमारु लाइ एड्स लागोस क्यान्सर लागोस, मुजी उनको बेडरुम भित्र चियाएर हेरेकोछौ कि क्या हो? मुजी तिम्रा बाउ ले बढि कुकर्म गरे होलान मोराहरु.

एउटा घिनलाग्दो घटिया समाज को दुश्प्रविर्ती देखाउने साहस गर्ने मान्छे लाइ हौसला त कहाँ मुजी दोष मात्रै लाउने? मुजी तरुनी देखे मुजी whatajoke को हजुरबाउ खरानी बाट बिउन्झिन्छ, मुजी चिक्न सबै लाइ मन लाग्छ, डिभोर्स गर्नु कुनै पाप त हैन.

रवि लाइ नराम्रो भन्ने मुजी तिमरु को ब्रेक फेल होस्.
· Snapshot 6022
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toori nai rai6 nii....

comment padam na link ko panii...

haiit torii laaure....
· Snapshot 6040
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Jaba miya bibi raaji ta garcha kaaji...hana aru ko personal jindagi ma kati annkha launa sakne..na afule kei gareko ho nata aru le gari khako herna sakcha....
Garne ho ta single nai khoji halthyo ni Supermodel haru...Trump le jastai.
Tori haina Toori vayepachi partner chayinena? Ki napusaak huna paryo.
· Snapshot 6186
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अरे वा !! माल पनि मालामाल पनि ?! कि खप्पड हुनुपर्छ कि लख्खड भन्थे बुढापाकाले, लामिछाने दाइले दुइटै लेर आरैछ ! अरु के भनम, सरलाई बधाई, ल अन्त आँखा नडुलाउ बुढा अब |
· Snapshot 6365
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Gharma budi vai vaii, bhira arki lai bhudi bokaudaii hidne laii adarsa manne haru laii k vannu ra khoie???
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