Triglicerides High in Nepali, Why ? - Sajha Mobile
Triglicerides High in Nepali, Why ?
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As we all know, folks from Indian Subcontinent are known to be notorious for having high bad cholesterol. I am no different, I have high cholesterol too. I live in California, I am a 30 old male from kathmandu, Bahun if you need to know and my triglycerides are super high. I am 5'6' with 150lbs weight so my BMI is average. I admit I am guilty that I do not exercise daily but I consider myself pretty active person and I rarely eat junk. My Triglycerides are 450 when the optimal range is under 150 and overall cholesterol 240 where the optimal is below 199.

my Doctor says he wants to start me on medication but my brother in law has same problem, high triglyceride 750 and he says all Nepali has high triglyceride, its genetics and suggests these white doctors do not know our population and I am too young to start on medicine.

My curiosity is, I cannot find a study that suggests high cholesterol is a norm for Nepalese, so I just wanted to see if other Nepali share the same curiosity that I have, "High bad cholesterol otherwise healthy ". Looking forward to hear from you :)
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stay away from kashi ko masu and bhat.. and start taking vit b complex and fish oil.. i was in 580 too
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If you follow healthy life styles (salad, low carb, exercise and 8 hrs professional work --less stress full job, full 8 hrs sleep, no alcohol/churot) and still you have too high triglyceride then might be genetic (DNA based)
Just follow good lifestyle and avoid medication .
I had slight higher triglyceride (around 200 ) doctor said eat low carb and exercise
No worry it will down within few months (if you heavy rice eater(kahsiko masu bhat yekthal )please stop it.

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Sorry to hear about that! We Nepalese eat very unhealthy diets full of carbs and no balanced diet! If you combine rice, potatoes, cauliflower, Daal twice a day, then you are eating 90 % carbs and may be 10% fat or protein! You need to remember any intake is going to convert to fat! You could walk all day for 18 hrs, and you will be burning 200 calories! You need to be active at certain heart rate zone, where you started to burn fat.
          Our body uses calories to perform BMR, activities and so on . Some calories remaining will be stored in liver and muscle as a glycogen. If there is extra calories then they remain as TGL in serum and will be floating around for a while as there is nowhere to go; it will be stored in fat cells. High TGL will put pressure for your liver and pancreas. It is a risk factor of diabetes. Since insulin is made in pancreas; you wanna keep it in a good condition.That means Try some liver cleansing home remedies such as spicy, lime juice or lemon. Avoid eating banana, mangoes or sweet fruits with high GI index. Eat berries, kiwi, apples and oranges. Add whole grain such as barley or brown rice( watch your portion here; a quarter cup of cooked grains not 1 cup of rice). Stimulate your liver. Whenever you are doing lipid, please fast for 10-12 hours. You might have a fatty liver. Focus on eating green veggies, Avocado, eggs(whites), Salmon, Chicken,broccoli, Cauliflower. Try doing cardio or strength x3. Please check your Hemoglobin A1C. PM me if you have any questions.
Last edited: 26-Oct-17 11:35 PM
Last edited: 26-Oct-17 11:50 PM
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Cooking Fish is easier and best way to cook fish is grilling on George Foreman Grill not our home style (frying) because it make the whole house smelly.

You can marinate with salt & paper and oil only and it is good as restaurant.
If you want homey taste : you can add chili-powder, turmeric for color, garlic & ginger paste and masala ( leave it for 5-15 minutes).

Heat your grill about 4-5 minutes. While grilling put the skin side of the fish down and slide it forward. ( it keeps the fish skin intact). Grill about 5-6 minutes. If you want well done you can add 2-3 minutes more.
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Because of bhat and khasi ok masu.try fish oil and vit b12 and walking. It worked for me
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Richard 10000 has the best insight as in Nepali method , still consider taking meds till it is normal to prevent stroke and RIP status
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I have watched couple shows of Dr.OZ , not much new thing he is selling except his pubic hair ( due to media hyped)
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