How much $$ can one take when going to Nepal? - Sajha Mobile
How much $$ can one take when going to Nepal?
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I am planning to go to Nepal next month and I am planning for pretty extravagant shopping in Nepal. Is it a good idea to send money to nepal beforehand using MoneyGram etc? or is it just safe to carry $$ to Nepal in hand?

How much cash money (USD$) can one carry in hand while going to Nepal?

Maybe a mix of the two methods would work out better for higher rate of exchange rate?

Anyone who have been through similar situation, please suggest..
Last edited: 06-Sep-17 10:05 AM
Last edited: 06-Sep-17 10:06 AM
shahi baba
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I think legally foreign currencies exceeding USD 2000.- must be declared while entering the customs.

But personally I have taken upto $10,000 while leaving the US because that is the max cash you can leave with. Make sure to roll it up and put in your pocket and never put it in carry on or bags.
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धेरै भयो म नगएको, तर सुने अनुसार क्रेडिट कार्ड पनि धेरै ठाउँमा चल्छ रे। international transaction फी नभएको क्रेडिट कार्ड चलाउदा ठिकै होला। दुइ हजार क्यास नै बोक्ने अनि international withdrawal fees कम भएको दुइ चार ओटा ए ति एम बोकेर गए ठिकै होला कि? धेरैले रिस्क लिन्छन, तर दशा लाग्दा लिमिट भन्दा बढि पैसा बोकेको भनेर फस्न सकिन्छ; नेपाल हो, कस्तो पर्छ भन्न सकिन्न।
shahi baba
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- Good suggestion. You never know what's going to happen in Nepal so it's better to stay under the allowed amount. You can always use debit cards. If I remember correctly the bank in Nepal charged Rs.500 for every withdrawl.
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Bro, khai testo exactly yati nai laana paune napaune ta thaha chhaina but ma dui choti Nepal gayeko thiye...aafno ra sathi haru ko milayera ek choti $10,000 cash bokeko thiye bhane arko choti $16,000. kasaile ek choti pani kei sodhpuchh garenann...yo mero nitaanta byaktigat anubhav!!!
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i take 30000 in maaximum in 2019 . but legally can take only 10000 if more than that u have to declare . but nobody check . everytime i go nepal i take around 15000 cash
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