वा अमेरिका !! थू अमेरिका !! दलदल अमेरिका - Sajha Mobile
वा अमेरिका !! थू अमेरिका !! दलदल अमेरिका
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Samrat Singh Karki
· Snapshot 0
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सेतो पाटी, माँ प्रकाशित मेरो लेख, एकचोटी सुन्नु होला

· Snapshot 19
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Seriously you do not deserve to live in this great country with such kind of low negative attitude. You just stayed here 30-45 days and judging people so disgracefully. Wow. "American haru ko key sansar hundaina" . really? Just because they don't have similar culture like yours doesn't mean they do not have culture. Good luck with that filthy attitude.
· Snapshot 127
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 एउटा प्रोफेसर युनिभर्सिटिको ल्यन्ड्रो मा  आफ्नो बच्चा सहित आएको थियो | कुरै कुरामा उस्को एक कुरा बढो चित्त बुझ्यो | पढ्न मन छैन भने महगो ट्युसन किन खेर फ्याल्ने ? काम घास काट्ने देखी तरकारी काट्ने, डन्किन डोनट देखी बाटो बनाउने सबै चाहिन्छ | सबैले कालेज गए कुर्सीमा बसेर गर्ने काम मात्र खोजे पछी त्यो बाहेकका काम कस्ले गर्ने ? कामको बाडफाड नेपालमा जात अनुसार गरिदिए बाहुनले भने यहाँ ब्यक्तिको क्षमता र ईच्छा अनुसार हुन्छ भन्ने कुरा यिन्का गिदिमा कसरी पुग्छ ( दिमाग भएपो पुग्थ्यो )|

हाम्रा  नेपाली दाजु भाई जो बाउ बाजेले परीश्रम गरेर होस् वा ब्रम्ह लुत गरेर जम्मा गरिदिएका लाई आलुको र टमाटरको भाउ थाहा छैन | कीन्न नै गए  भने चटक्क परेको स्पोर्टस ब्याग बोकेर एक किलो तमाटर किनेर तेस्म्याथी एकधार्नी अालु हालेर घर फर्कान्छन | घर पुग्दा आधा तमाटर अचार बनी सकेको हुन्छ|
अमेरिका पुग्न सक्ने भने पछी यिनी आँफैले पनि केही बटुल बाटुल पारेको र काम चै कुर्सीमै बसेर गरेको हुनु पर्छ तेसैले यहाँ आएका नेपालीले गर्ने काम्लाई तुच्छ थाने | यिन्लाई पनि असलाम दर्ता गरिदिन पाएको भए थाहा पाउथे श्रम को मुल्य कस्तो हुन्छ भनेर ? चोरेर खाएका छैनन ठगेर खाएका छैनन परीश्रम् गरेर खाएकोलाई तुक्ष ठाने |
Last edited: 17-Jan-17 08:03 PM
· Snapshot 173
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This video might true... but showing only one part of coin... i think he should explore more about another part of coin as well... as might be this is only his personal view what he saw... there is nothing correct data he can represent us what he said... SO all up to you guys.. beauty lies in viewers eyes...LOL
· Snapshot 355
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@aaisunkaata what kind of other part of the coin are you talking about?
· Snapshot 526
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I hope all the Divi lottery walas will watch this and stop coming.. if you don't like it here then please don't come.. and no one is stopping you .. simply go back.. actually US embassy should watch videos like this and strip their visa/residency status
· Snapshot 928
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sabai human being america ma hune ka ghanka ko $8-$13 kamauchan ra? nepali haru mehenat garera business man dekhi white house, senate samma pugi sake...yo bhai chai kai garna nasakera gunaso pokhera po bascha... college degree nabhaka, tyapee, food stamp wala ko life dekhera america ko life bhanera generalize garna milcha ra....
· Snapshot 1243
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you are a looser man , You didn't see any thing better because you do not have brain to think positively . that is why you found everything bad in USA. Be positive and think positive.
· Snapshot 1291
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Last edited: 01-Feb-17 11:36 AM
· Snapshot 1491
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Analysis of this video:
- The Nepali visitor lived 30-45 days (lot of time to stay here, since Nepalis work once a week in Nepal). I wonder where did he lived, probably slept on couch at corner of living room of family who makes 8-13/hour. "Jun thanlma khayo tesai ma achi garne", typical Nepali.
- People residing in USA will have too many credit cards but don't have a debit card (no checking/saving bank account ?). How do they make monthly payment on credit cards ? An example of pseudo intellectual.
- US people make minimum wage of $8/hr. Visitor sees opportunity in Nepal who work for $6/day (sadly its labor job earnings).
- Americans don't have any moral values. Nepal government and politicians never turn down US taxpayers aid.
- Nepalis work as Uber driver, 7/11 gas station, subway etc in USA but visitor doesn't see people working as bus assistant (khalasi hanging on door), highway drivers, dishwasher in their early age in Nepal.

Many Nepalis have lived here for decades and still learning US politics, technology and economics. Here comes a tori lahure who would not afford his own accommodation during US visits, rant all negative about USA.
· Snapshot 1718
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America is a one-big factory. Most of life's preoccupation here revolves around work to make money (a lot of it) to be able to spend it. The ones that have good jobs and have their weekend free, get bored to death if they do not live next to a big city. There is culture in the US but it also revolved around money. There aren't many ways to enjoy simple pleasure in the US.
· Snapshot 1744
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"There aren't many ways to enjoy simple pleasure in the US"?

You added enjoy and pleasure together makes it vague because as there is vast difference between "need and want".
You have to consider other half population who are struggling for basic needs and do not have any property to inherit. From the childhood they are on their own and some of them could not finish primary school. I am not implying that education is for getting better job opportunities but for better judgment, knowledge and wisdom.

My 2 cents thoughts.
· Snapshot 1903
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I made my earlier point from my experience of living in Spain and now in the US. I find that in the US, you've got to spend money to enjoy. Like I said, if you are not in California or New York, you do not have much activity to do during free time. Going out to bars, restaurants, amusement parks can be fun for a while, but it gets too old too quickly.
When I was in Spain, they had farmer's market in almost every village at least once a week. It was fun to visit these markets and then take a break on a cafe for a cup of coffee and spend your entire morning without having the waiter come to kick you out. There were many activities in summer since it was a vacation time for everyone that ere organised by cities. Just walking around was nice. But in the US, there's hardly a place to walk and get from point A to point B. Cycling is also very dangerous in the US, unless it is in big cities.
For me it feels like in the US, people talk about work and money all the time. In europe people talk about enjoying life.
· Snapshot 1929
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I agree with Hurray, I spent some times in spain, italy and france and noticed their culture, people and living style,it is so SMOOTH. You can see some places specific city in america also very close to nice European cities, nice biking trail, hiking, farmer markets but they are very limited, In my opinion, people here always on rush actually they are not living life like European people
Original topics of this thread is also somehow true but keep in mind that's not america's fault, that's nepali's who do not have capacity to be a big person but they expect more and do little.
· Snapshot 1945
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@magorkhe1: " .... makes it vague because as there is vast difference between "need and want".

Well, as COLDPLAY says in "fix you":

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep

· Snapshot 1987
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Article is true some what whether you guys agree or not. School, opt, h1b, green card , work will make you old in this country and there's no time to enjoy your life .
Samrat Singh Karki
· Snapshot 8131
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the video will be uploaded in my new channel sorry for inconvenience
Sekhar Khanal
· Snapshot 8669
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what was the video about ?
Samrat Singh Karki
· Snapshot 8730
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अब यो एउटा तितो एथार्थ हो, तपाई म हामी सब ले भोगेको, अमेरिका वावा नि छ, छ्या छ्या नि छ, अमेरिका को बारे धेरै नकारात्क्मक लेख्यो भनेर धेरै ले youtoube मा complain गरेछन तेइ भएर, youtoube ले हटाउन लगायो, अब अलि परिस्कृत रुप मा फेरी लेख्छु,
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