Nepal in 2022 - Sajha Mobile
Nepal in 2022
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Ma Nepali
· Snapshot 17
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are u a real neurologist or its ur name only ?
· Snapshot 212
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All these development means nothing without proper quality education to all. I see no investment in public educational sector! Government schools are pathetic. Our society is segregated between have's and have's not; and the gap is huge. We may achieve all this in 10 years, but who guarantees that Nepal will not generate another rebel groups like Maoist? Development should be long lasting and sustainable and the root for such development only starts with proper quality education to all. Even the private sector education doesn't create good citizen in Nepal.Our education system doesn't teach us to become humble and unselfish. The education system in Nepal whether it be in public or private sector is creating mechanical people devoid of total knowledge. These people only learn to externalize their minds in the material world in order to make life styles more and more luxuries lacking morality and higher spiritual values. People who don't understand Sanskrit are demanding Hindu nation. What a tragedy!

Hence, I see no real values in all these developments. These developments are meant for monkeys who like to experience little pleasures here and there in this material world for the sake of self-aggrandizement.
· Snapshot 239
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Are these just 'planned plans' or actually scheduled to be compete by this time? If later is true, this is amazing. I am really excited to see this.

Now, Uji baje, हावादारी कुरा गर्नु को पनि हद हुन्छ नि! १०,००० MW बिजुली आउदा के को मंकीको खेल हुन्छ? सोच त त्यसले कती औद्योगिक समृद्धि ल्याउँछ अनी बिजुली नभएर होमवर्क गर्न नपाएका भाई बहिनीहरुको शैक्षिक प्रगति हुन्छ?

I don't know if you understand the basic relation between material development and intellectual development. Only if people are freed from having to spend most of their time/effort on basics of life, they can focus on larger issues of life including (starting from actually) education. Socrates and Plato came to exist after agricultural success was experienced in Greece thousands of years ago.

Neuro, thanks for posting. You made my day.
· Snapshot 267
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@altij... You are not getting my point here. I am not against these development. These developments are as real as me flying an airplane in my dream last night! These are level 1 development and level 1 development is necessary for level 2 and so on. There was a time when Nepal Airlines had 22 airplanes? Where is Nepal Airlines now? How did this happen? There was a time when Nepal was far better that South Korea economically. What happened? What I am saying is that these developments should go in tandem with high priority in quality education to all. What is 'quality education' is totally a different topic.

When you turn the light on in your dark room, where does the darkness go? What is the relation between darkness and light? Do darkness even exist? We need to set our priorities right by true understanding of life. What I am trying to say is that we are only externalizing our priorities. What are we trying to achieve by all these developments? A sense of delight, a sense of happiness, a sense of self-fulfillment. We have an erroneous view of happiness and self-fulfillment. This is where 'quality education' comes in play. Our education system is creating "mad human beings" who are restless all the time seeking something in this world. What I am trying to say is that this "waking world" is only a part of total reality. You are leaving other parts i.e. dream world, deep sleep state, and transcendental reality from the picture. And when you represent yourself merely by the developments done in this waking world, you neither understand yourself nor you understand this world. And all your actions are like of that of a mad man trying to search darkness holding a lamp in your hand! What do you get? Nothing.
· Snapshot 447
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ए, हो त| म पनि कस्तो बुध्धू | बल्ल बुझे नी | यो नचाहिदो बिकास गर्दिएर टेंशन नै गरे नि | बनाउनु नै थियो यसो कुटीहरु बनाउनु, योगा गर्न पाइने, भित्रै देखि खुसी हुन नि पाइने, चिलिम सिलिम तान्न पनि पाइने | LOL

· Snapshot 506
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photo ko rail ta mannai parne matra dekhayera nepali makkha..banuda tin ko tokro jasto matra hola..
· Snapshot 623
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नेपाल २०२२ याने ६ बर्ष पछि को कल्पना !
सानो हुदा सुनेको कथा :
कुनै गाउमा एक युगल जोड़ी थिए | एक दिन बुढोले दुहुनो भैसी किन्ने कुरा गरे पछि बुढिले ३ ओटा एक एक माने हर्पे किनेर ल्याईछ | हर्पे देखेर बुढाले सोधेछ यो हर्पे किन किनेर ल्याएकी ? बुढिले जबाफमा माइत जादा घीऊ लिएर जानलाइ भनिछ | बुढा भन्छ :म भैसी किन्ने दुख गर्ने तँ चै माइति पोसने | बूढाबूढी बीच रडाको मच्चिएछ | We are acting like these couple.
Nothing wrong on dreaming high. Thank you for your imagination. Is it a typo mistake ( instead of 2072 h/she put 2022) if not must be high.
· Snapshot 652
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This image was created as a 10 year plan in 2012. Looks like all this will remain is just a plan as even after 5 years there has not been any progress.

Patriotic Nepalis can feel good with the hope of the future just like they felt the hope when the Maoists came into power.

· Snapshot 721
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la badhai chha..tasbir herera makkha para..
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