Thousands of way we can be Scam - Sajha Mobile
Thousands of way we can be Scam
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Just got a call from Peter Marsh and wanted to lower my Electricity bill and insisted to grab my bill and let him know the account number. Keep Talking and make sure I am ready to lower the electric bill for 24 months price lock up. After 10 minutes of conversation I asked in Hindi कौनसा कल सेन्टर से बात कर रहेहो ? भनेको you Speak hindi too ? अनि मैले सोधे तेर्कोको कैसे पता चला मै हिन्दिमे बात कर रहा हु ? अनि राखी दियो |
There are thousands of way we can be scammed.
· Snapshot 84
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Yes there are 1000s of way you can be scammed in america but I always follow a matra "You don't get anything for free in America". If you follow this you will never be cheated. When someone offer a free service there is some bad intention behind it.
I have saved 1000s of dollar in mortgage, loans, deals but I had to work for it hard. I never got a penny for free.
· Snapshot 443
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मित्र के कुरा गर्नु भएको ? ट्रंपले अमेरिकनलाई सुलीमा सुताएन र ? कल सेन्टर का के कुरा ?
· Snapshot 699
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नमस्ते gorkhali,
भर्खरै Samsung Galaxy J7 मा साइन इन गर्न तपाईंको Google खाता को प्रयोग गरिएको थियो।
Samsung Galaxy J7
२०१७ जनवरी ५, बिहिबार ०९:३१ (नेपाली समय)
यस गतिविधि चिन्नुहुन्न?
तपाईँको हालै प्रयोग गरिएका यन्त्रहरू अहिले समीक्षा गर्नुहोस्।

हामी किन यो पठाइरहेका छौं? हामी सुरक्षालाई निकै गम्भीर रूपमा लिन्छौँ र हामी तपाईँलाई तपाईँको खातामा महत्त्वपूर्ण कार्यहरूअन्तर्गत लुपमा राख्न चाहन्छौँ।
तपाईँले पहिले आफ्नो खातासँग यो ब्राउजर वा यन्त्र प्रयोग गर्नुभएको छ कि छैन भन्ने निर्धारण गर्न हामी असमर्थ भयौँ। तपाईँले पहिलो पटक कुनै नयाँ कम्प्युटर, फोन वा ब्राउजरमा साइन इन गर्दा, तपाईँले आफ्नो ब्राउजरको इन्कग्निटो वा निजी ब्राउज गर्ने मोड प्रयोग गर्नुहुँदा वा आफ्ना कुकीहरू खाली गर्नुहुँदा, वा अरू कसैले तपाईँको खातामा पहुँच गर्दै गर्दा यस्तो हुन सक्छ।
Google खाताहरूको टोली
*यो स्थान अनुमानित हो र यसबाट आइरहेको IP ठेगानाद्वारा निर्धारण गरिएको छ।
यस इमेलले जवाफहरू प्राप्त गर्न सक्दैन। यस सतर्कतामा हामीलाई प्रतिक्रिया दिन यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस्
थप जानकारीको लागि, Google खाता मद्दत केन्द्रमा जानुहोस्।
· Snapshot 939
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Yo [Disallowed String for - use not allowed] gorkhe pani bahulaye jasto cha free time badi bhayera. Ukhan cha ni, free mind.... Ke bhanne. Bhagwan ko khel pani kasto. Kasailai free time na bhayera tension, kasailai free time badi bhayera tension.
· Snapshot 943
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भालुभुत्ते जाठो त मुझी खोलेर बस "आचि माँ गोमन साँप " | Did you comment on it? May be that is your another signing name?

आज भोली नेपाल बात पानी SCAM गर्न थाले जस्तो छ भनी राखेको हो | कोच्याएको त छैन, मुजी तलाई मुखै छोडेर लेख्नु पर्ने ? तेरो घरमा शिस्टाचार भन्ने कुरा नशिकाइएको होला ?
· Snapshot 972
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If u live in a shit hole, shit is the only thing u r gonna see all around u. So dont be a cry baby.

Chill out dude, ma [Disallowed String for - use not allowed] tyo kattu,bittu, buppy koi pani hoina. U can check my past posts.
· Snapshot 1007
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I know you : you are another shitty shit who posted " बूढ़ीको साथी संग" , claims he is a fuc**er. Truth may be vice versa ( this is sajha people will comment and I did and will do. did I use disallowed words? , that comes with family culture and shows your elite family background or Khate).  May be you are the same brat with many log in name.
Last edited: 05-Jan-17 10:41 AM
· Snapshot 1069
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Maile bhanna khojeko, gorkhe timro post ma kunai weight nai hundaina. Je dekhyo, je man ma aayo tehi post gari dinchau. Ali yeso effort lagau, homework gara, kehi kura Post garnu bhanda agadi. Ani padne lai pani maza auncha. Sajha ko real estate bakwas kura ma waste garchu. Teti nai fursad cha bhane hapta ma 5-6 hrs extra hana, maina ma 20-24 hrs huncha. U can donate to a charity u can relate too. Bekar ma afno matrai haina aru ko pani time waste Garchau.
· Snapshot 1091
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Frankly gorkhe, am i the only one who told u "gorkhe boulayecha ki kya ho ?". I m not talking abt sajha. I mean In ur real life. Has anybody told u that ? Paila pharsi, cybro, micro, cp baula thiyo. Aba gorkhe baulauna lagyo. Manche baula ko rog lage pachi sajha aune ho ki, sajha aaye pachi baulaune ho. If its the second one i should better stay away feom sajha Man !!!
· Snapshot 1133
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Yes, Completely agree with you and the same applies to you. I think you are refereeing it from your own personal experiences. That is a good start because you knew the root cause and it will be easy for you to take care of it. You are as free as others, so you felt you fall on that category.

You should not be mad about it. Again I just wanted to let sajha visitors know that SCAM are everywhere even in Nepal. Isn't not relevant in your eye?  or Am I keeping my thread on the top as " budhiko saathi sang"?

What did you find so offensive on it? Did i write " aachima goman snake"? You should have commented on that thread. But you did not because you fall on the same category and people with similar interest stay together.

I hated to read this word. Sorry I have to use it because it's the right word to explain. People with KHATE mentality uses that word and that is their peculiar character.

Lastly : Have I ever wrote anything that has  "disallowed words" ? Be honest and be a man.

Last edited: 05-Jan-17 11:35 AM
· Snapshot 1157
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If u look at sajha users, they fall in certajn categories. Kattu, he is happy in his own world of bra, panty and kalpanic stories like in 80s. If u look at nasie he is happy in his own world of 90s. Dial up modem ma ghantau lagayeera nude album download garthyau ni hami 90s ma, testai. And there are racist pricks like buppy, bathroomcofee, etc. timro chai free time badi bhayera baulako category ? 

Last edited: 05-Jan-17 11:34 AM
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Did not you see it was a relevant post? I added it on old thread instead of creating new one.

Again: you are as free as I am , " Ke Timi baulaayakaa hau ?

Some of us believe that degrading other makes him/her great and super. That is not true and by now you have known it. Practice to avoid it , it also helps you in your work.

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