बहे पहिला को कुरा ??? र अहिले - Sajha Mobile
बहे पहिला को कुरा ??? र अहिले
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को को मित्र हरु लै थाहा छ कि तिम्रो बुढा अथवा बुढी, तपाईको जीवन मा आउनु भन्दा पहिला नै अरु संग गहिरो यौन सम्पर्क मा थियॊ भनेर ? के तपाई ले तपाई को बुढा अथवा बुढी लै पहिला को यौन साथी र क्रियाकलाब बारे बहे पछि भन्नु हुन्छ ? येदि तपाई को बुढा अथवा बुढी ले बहे अगाडी को यौन सम्बन्ध सदाको लागि लुकाई रहे को छ र तपाई ले आफै पछि थाहा पाउनु भो भने के हुन्छ होला?

अनी तपाई ले बहे गर्ने केटा वा केटि कुमार / कुमारी छैन भने कुरा थाहा छदै , तपाई सजिलो संग मन सान्ति गरेर जीवन बितौना सक्नु हुन्छ?

यो कुरा किन गर्दै छु भने, मा जो संग बहे गर्दै छु, त्यो बेक्ती मभन्दा पहिला धेरै संग धेरै सम्बन्द मा रहे छ मलाई ठिक बहे अगाडी थाहा भो. तेसैले मलाई अलि मन सान्ति भैरहे को छैन.

तपाइको जीवन मा के कस्तो भयको छ येसो शियेर गरि दिनु होला.
· Snapshot 246
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मित्र आइले को जमाना मा कुमारी केटि / कुमार केटा पाउन गारो छ , अझ अमेरिका मा . आइले प्रेम नगर्ने कोइ हुदैन , प्रेम भए पछि यौन भै हाल्छ . अब तपाई कि हुने वाला प्रेम मा परेर गरेकी हुन् भने तेस्लाई नराम्रो नलिनु . हिजो आज त्यो नोर्मल हो , येत्तिकै अरु संग समन्ध राख्दै हिड्नु त हुन्न होला ! तपाइँ पनि पक्कै कुमार त हैन होला . तपाइँ कुमार हो भने चै तपाई ले मलाई कुमारी चाहिछ भन्न सुहाउछ र आइले को जमाना मा तपाई ले तेस्तो पाउन धेरै गारो छ .
बिहे अगाडी मैले को को संग केके गरे भनेर कसैले आफ्नो पार्टनर लाइ भन्दैन , र उसलाई सोध्न नि हुन्न ! झन् यौन प्रेम भन्ने कुरा नया पार्टनर लाइ सुनाउने कुरा नि हैन !
सबै को आफ्नो आफ्नो अतित हुन्छ र अतित मा बल्झेर नया आउने जीवन लाइ आन्धकार मा बदल्न हुन्न .
ढुक्क भएर बिहे गर्नुस , अग्रिम शुभकामना !
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Unless you had asked her about it and she had blatantly lied (even which can be understandable in certain circumstances), it shouldn't be an issue. Did she love you in the past? No. What's important is whether she is going to love you in the future. Similarly, what happened in her past, possibly before you were even in the picture (as her love) has no bearing to you.

I know our culture makes it hard for us to accept this fact easily, that feeling shall pass - but only you can do it. You have to convince yourself that her past doesn't matter.
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You may be better off marrying an unborn if that is possible.

Grow up dude. Be real and listen to what Kiddo is saying. What is past is in the past. Focus on present and build your future.
Saaney Gurung
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@yekku_I have not been on that situation, but I suggest either you buy some more time to think about it with a cool head or call the wedding off. Knowing that you are not comfortable and still committing for a life long relationship is probably the worst mistake you will ever make in your life. Remember two lives are at stake. As far as you not feeling comfortable goes, I have nothing for or against it as we all have our own beliefs and values. After all, you will be the one who will be spending the rest of your life with that significant other and I certainly do not recommend you change your opinion or feeling based on what others say at this thread. Do what you feel is right for you, do what is more likely to make you comfortable, and do what you think will enable you to do things on your part to make that relationship work.
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yo Saaneychai kaidako manche raicha !
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"but I suggest either you buy some more time to think about it with a cool head or call the wedding off."
" I certainly do not recommend you change your opinion or feeling based on what others say at this thread. "

Both of these statements were by the same guy, does it make sense to you? It sure doesn't to me. I seriously hope he doesn't follow your suggestion to call the wedding off.

If these kinds of things bother you forever then you don't deserve to get married. Like Hurray said, look for an unborn one. This question has been asked by two of my personal friends and both are happily married now.

कस्तो कस्तो सुझाव दिन्छ, तोरीलाहुरेहरु.
my man
· Snapshot 651
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bro, only question you ask , आजको दिनमआ, इस - will she fool around with others after marriage. in usa lots of people dont get married (30+ haru) coz they cant find trust (on partner or themselves).

won't you cheat on her after 10-12 years of marriage?

like some one said: dont ask/tell or investigate past ans find someone you can trust. may be she is the one.
· Snapshot 664
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"Someone is right now fcking your future wife/husband." - Bitter truth
Like everyone said, past is past.
· Snapshot 818
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सबै साथी हरु लै धेरै धन्यबाद | म पनि पहिला सबैलै तेस्तै सल्लाह दिन्थिये | पास्ट इस पास्ट भनेर | तर त्यो केटि को ३ वोटा living relation भैसकेको रहेछ | मेरो तेस्तो केहि छैन | Past is past भनेर सल्लाह दिने म, आज मलाई नै किन एस्तो हुदै छ थाहा छैन |

बरु मलाई एक जना साथी ले सल्लाह दियो , तर येसो गर्न ठिक होला कि नहोला ?

एक जना साथी ले मलाई बेह अगाडी 2 हप्ता जति, strip क्लब मा नियमित रुप मा जना सल्लाह दियो | अनि मिले सम्म कम्ति मा ३ जना संग मज्जा ले यौन क्रियाकालाप गर्न सल्लाह दियो | येसो गर्ना ले मन शान्ति हुन्छ रे |

ल साथी हो, एसो गर्न ठिक होला ?
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haha bro. If a dog bites you you dont go back biting cats, rats, and others just so you will feel like barabar bhayo bhanera. This is completely personal situation. If you do not feel comfortable, there is no need to get married. Patta ko chakkar chha bhane arkai kura.

Also, depends on how did you hear about her live in relationships? Arru le bhaneko bhaye there is a possibility of exaggeration.

अहिले बिहे गरे पनि जिन्दगि भरि यो कुरा ले तपाई हरु मा खत पात भैरहन सक्छ.

फर एग्जाम्पल: There might be days (or nights) when you want to make love so bad but she does not want to (tiredness, mood off, jhagada blah blah) and then you might think "जाठी पहिलेइ तिन तिन जना संग सुतिसकी, मा संग चाहिं नखरा" (A friend of mine said same exact thing (except the number 3) when he found out his wife had ONE boyfriend before getting married)

Personally I think, As long as she is loyal to you after marriage and loves you, past does not matter at all. Virginity is not always a dignity; it is lack of opportunity as well. I suggest do not make that a deal breaker. ३१ गुण ठिक छ भने एउटा गुण ले केहि फरक पार्दैन बोरो.
· Snapshot 867
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येकु , बिष लै बिष ले मार्ने !! तिम्ले तेस्तो सुनेको छौ भने त्यो केटि संग बिहे नगर, साने ले भनेको मन पर्यो मलाई नि , जिन्दगि बिताउने कुरो हो , मन मा खुड्किलो राखेर काट्न सकिदैन ! बरु की बहाना बनाउ बिहे नगर !
· Snapshot 826
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As they say; it ain't nothing like virgin one.. nothing like v***gin p**sy.. nothing like virgin kisses...
I understand your concerns bro Yekku ;). But as everyone agree, past is past and put down and move forward. Obviously if you believe in love and look for happy life then letting go of the past is idealistic thing to do. Just stop thinking on past and love your future wife because love can change everything. You may not have all these absurd thinking in your mind.  

Last edited: 03-Mar-16 11:35 AM
· Snapshot 938
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Mu opinion is "don't get married " because ur relation is already falling down so i know ur marriage gonna go down eventually
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Don't get married. Not only because you are in doubt, because having more than 1 live in relationship makes a big question mark too?
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If you never had a relationship before and she already had three, not a good match.
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If u never had relationship before .she has plenty.that means she has more experience than you.Obviously it doesnt feel good.sad truth Is in usa ladies usually have more partners than men.If she is beautiful than lot more.But if you think you guys are compatible than thats ok.Lot of virgin girls are dumb .She slept with many peolple so she must be smart.plus point.Downside is if u cant satify her she will find another.
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I agree with state of nepal comment also
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Oh nagarnu yekku ji....tapai ko life happy Hunan....euta sathiko halat behalta vako cha....Chodna na samaunu....but yo case chai usko husband ko 3,4 stay home keti haru thio 're....bichara Mero sathi sarai soji bheteko din bata divorce vanera gali garera sathii psycho va thio...Aile bachha ni cha...Chodna na samaunu bachha....Kaile hasera boleko dekhinna....stay away plzzz....
· Snapshot 1214
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Don't dude...you are bound to regret if you will...
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