Red light ticket - Sajha Mobile
Red light ticket
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Hello Sajha friends,
Yesterday, I was driving in a city of Ohio with my family. When I reached an intersection, there was yellow light. As the speed of my car was about 40 miles/hour I decided to go. When I just crossed the intersection, I saw the light turned into red. I have never driven in red light. After few second I saw that a highway patrol police car was coming behind me with light. I stopped my car. Police told me that I drove my car in red light. He said that he was behind me and everybody stopped but I did not stop in yellow light. He gave me a ticket. This is my first ticket in my 6 years driving history. I was so sad and depressed. I am not worrying about the money ($140.00) but the point that goes into my driving history for three years. I would not feel bad if I had driven in red light but it was yellow light.
Ticket says that I can just pay the amount but I don’t need to go the court. I would be grateful if you suggest me what to do next. Do you suggest me to pay the amount and do nothing or is there still anything I can do to get rid of this ticket? If I decided to go to the court, should I need lawyer from my side? I am not feeling good with this ticket.
Thank you for your fruitful information...
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Bro lai yeuta ticket le sato layecha. lol
best thing to do is get lawyer. and give it to him. he will take care of everything. most possibly as this is your first ticket , he will remove it. or change it to parking where u just pay fine. no records.
depending on court area you can go to judge by yourself too. ( in Ny going to judge by ourself bad idea)
dont worry. its ok. I even forgot how many tickets i have !
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I would certainly fight. I am pretty sure MUTCD says that as long as you crossed the stop bar while still yellow (at least the front wheel of your vehicle), you didn't run red light. There is a vague language something like "due caution used or not" kind of crap that lets it be officers' call, but it's not necessarily a violation. There are so many seconds (up to 3) before the opposing approach gets green even after it has turned red to you, just to let the vehicles clear who are already at the intersection (ie past the stop bar). 

Also it varies by the states.

I hope this helps. Good luck.
Last edited: 03-Oct-15 02:32 PM
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I would suggest going to the court. Since this is your first traffic violence there is high probability of you winning this case. May be like facebook suggested, get a lawyer if you are afraid of representing yourself.
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fighing in the court might be better idea if you are so into it. They have to prove that you ran the red light, so if their dashcam video shows you crossing the yellow light, you might be excused. However even if you were to pay the ticket and get the point, don't be depressed, it's just a point and will go away in three years. There are so many thing in life to get sad or depressed. Getting points is definitely not the one. Take it lightly.
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Which state are you licensed?
If you are not from Ohio it does not go into your record and u don't get points in most cases unles you are from a state where Ohio shares info with like Pennsylvania.
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ब्रदर तिमि सिधै कोरटाँ जाउ, त्यो चिक्ने पुलिस आउँदा नि आउँदैन, केस डिसमिस.
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You never know. your guess is 50/50 chance, the officer might show up with the evidence. I am guessing KhilaNath ji have no proof of speeding while it still yellow light. So better pay the citation fee, and save time. He will still end up paying the court cost. Its a no win situation, I don't know other state, but in VA this is the fact.

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You never know. your guess is 50/50 chance, the officer might show up with the evidence. I am guessing KhilaNath ji have no proof of speeding while it still yellow light. So better pay the citation fee, and save time. He will still end up paying the court cost. Its a no win situation, I don't know other state, but in VA this is the fact.

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Same In DFW area, police will show up.. It's better to pay and be careful next time
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Change the court date. These cops have one specific day where they try to arrange all their tickets so that they can go to court just once and get it over with. So by changing the date, you will get another date, which might not work for the cop. And s/he might not show up.

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