अन्जु पन्त ले "हिन्दु गीत" नगाएर बेठिक गरिन् ? - Sajha Mobile
अन्जु पन्त ले "हिन्दु गीत" नगाएर बेठिक गरिन् ?
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Fuel Tank
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सन्दर्भ : अन्जु पन्त ले "हिन्दुवादी" भनेर गीत गाउन अस्विकार गरेकी र भएको बिरोधको बारेमा |
केहि समय अघिको कुरो हो, घरमा पार्टी थियो | टन्नै पाहुना हरु हुनुहुन्थ्यो घरमा, अनि बियर सकियो | अतिथि देबो भव : पाहुनालाई त्यसै घर फर्काउन त भएन, नजिकै को ग्यास्टेसन गएँ | बियर सकिएको रैछ | त्यसपछी वाल्ग्रिन्स गएँ | हातमा २४ प्याक बियर बोकेर काउन्टर अगाडी उभिएँ | बुढी बुढी आईमाई बुर्खा लगाएर काउन्टरमा बसेकी थियिन | मेरो हातमा बियर देखेपछी उनले अर्को खैरेलाई बोलाईन र त्यसले मलाई बियर बेच्यो | मैले सोधें : "किन ?"
उनले भनिन् : "मेरो धर्ममा रक्सि खानु हुँदैन , त्यसैले मैले छुन्न |"
अनि मैले सोचें, ये हो त "फ्रीडम अफ रिलिजन" |
नेपाल धर्म निरुपेक्ष भयो भनेको होइन ? अनि यो सबै बिरोध किन ? होला, अन्जु पन्तले भर्खर भर्खर धर्म परिवर्तन गरिन, त्यसैले नयाँ जोगी भईन , खरानी धेरै धसिन | तर यदि नेपालको कागजमा लेखेको कानुनकै कुरा गर्ने हो भने, अन्जु पन्त ठिक छिन् | "फ्रीडम अफ रिलिजन" भनेको आफुले चाहेको धर्म रोज्न पाउनु मात्र होइन, आफुले राखेको आस्थामा चोट नपुग्ने गरी मान्न पाउनु पनि हो |
कि भनि नेपाललाई फेरी हिन्दु राज्य घोषणा गरेर बाँकी धर्मलाई बस्नै दिनु हुँदैन , होइन भने धर्म निरुपेक्ष हो पनि भन्नि, अनि एउटा क्रिस्चियनले गरेको कुरालाई हिन्दुले बिरोध गर्ने चाहिं सुहाएन |
अब आस्थाको कुरा गर्दा, उनको वाक्यले हिन्दुको आस्थालाई चै चोट लागेन भन्ने तर्क हरु अवश्य आउंछन् तर यो बहस भनेको क्रिसचियनले गाई काट्न हुने कि नहुने भनेको जस्तै कुरा हो | सबै गाउँलेलाई ढोल पिटेर पो काट्न भएन, उनीहरुलाई काट्नै पर्ने हो भने वरिपरिका गाउँलेलाई नदेखाई, आफ्नै चार पर्खाल भित्र काट्न पाउनु पर्छ | उनले एउटा स्टुडियो भित्र दुई- चार जनाको बिचमा भनेको कुरालाई बाहिर ल्याएर यसरी बिरोध गर्नु चाहिं मलाई ठिक लागेन | तरै पनि उनले त्यसो नभनेको भए चै हुन्थ्यो |

अन्त्यमा, आफ्नो व्यक्तिगत बिचार यहाँ राख्दै फेरी पनि साझामा उपस्थिति जनाउँछु | सबै नयाँ-पुराना ब्रो हरुलाई नमस्कार :)
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Fuel Tank to counter you argument.  Yes, it is not wrong to  chose whatever song she wants to sing. But  it is wrong to say , I cannot sing this song because it is hindu. From what I have known from Christianity, it never bars you from singing a song or carrying out your job. A muslim doctor cannot say " My religion does not allow me to carry out my work on christian patient" and vice versa. 

May be this video will open and explains what is wrong when  you bring religion to your duty. 

Fuel Tank
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The video posted clearly discriminates the costumers. Whereas the situation we are discussing is not quite similar. There is no discrimination. There is just "would not do it" based on religion.

यो धर्म प्रतिको आस्था भन्ने कुरा अनौठो को हुन्छ | र यो कुरा subjective हो | व्यक्ति पिच्छे आस्था पनि फरक फरक हुन्छ | हिन्दु धर्मले माछा मासु खानु हुँदैन भन्छ | अब देखि माछा मासु खान्न, दैनिक जप गर्छु भनेर कुशको जनै लगाएर मैले ब्रतबन्ध गरेको हुँ, अहिले माछा मासु खान्छु तर पनि आफुलाई हिन्दु नै मान्छु र दशैको दिनमा रातो निधार बनाएर हिंडछु | मेरो आस्थाले त्यहि मान्यो |
अब अन्जु पन्त नया जोगी,खरानी धेरै त घसेकी नै हो , तर पनि "मेरो आस्थाले मलाई हिन्दु गीत गाउन दिएन" भनिन भने हामीले केहि भन्ने ठाउँ चाहिँ रहन्न | कम्तिमा मलाई चै तेस्तो लाग्छ है |
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Does she have a right to refuse singing a song that makes her disloyal to her religion? The answer is yes.

Does it make sense to say something stupid like in a country of over 80% hindus from a somewhat established artist? The answer is no. That will be like going against Jesus in USA.

I personally have nothing against her extremist views against the hindu religion nor i have anything against the idea of boycotting of her songs by Extremist Shiva Sena.

Those silly things do not bother me at all but sometimes it almost seems like Hinduism has been under attack quite frequently.
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Fuel tank, where I think Anju Panta is wrong is she used the word Hindu, which is uncalled for. She could have easily refused to sing the song and give other reason. But what she said sets a wrong precedence. For decades nepal has struggled for equality and harmony in terms of caste and religion. You will never see actors like Madan Krishna and Hari Bansha making such statement. They in fact have tried to create harmony.

Anju Panta one of the prominent figure comes and explains as if singing a song which features a name of god from other religion will make her criminal in her own religion. For me this is an alarming statement. It also shows how a Newly Converts in Nepal are taught regarding religion. It is something that is taught to her. Whoever has guided her has misguided her. It is not as if, she has not sung hindu song before. She has sung such song before. You can find it on youtube.

I doubt any book of Christianity will say you will rot in hell, or commit sin just by doing your job. The core message of Christianity is also peace and harmony. Nobody, is compelling her to convert to hindu. But she should understand true message of Christianity, not be misguided and avoid making such statement that hurts other.
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She is a hypocrite. She started her musical career singing Bhajans. Don't you think she started her musical training praying Saraswati? She is a dumbo...biaaaatch, knows nothing. It made me laugh my ass off to know she converted to christianity as she found inner peace. Sara sansar stress hataunu OM japcha, yoga garchha....bhatui Hindu dharma ko apaman garchhe...
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Imagine opening up a hindu Missionary to Europe and USA and doing door to door with GITA in hand to convert christians into Hindus.

Those Missionary hindus will be greeted with shot guns in the chriastian countries in many instances.

South Asian poverty stricken non muslim population is the biggest target of conversion of these Abrahamic culture. They are exploiting the poverty, illiteracy, and misfortunes of these Bichara population and converting them with Jesus Lies. They are converting people with pathetic bribes like a combs and hand mirrors.

Not that i am saying we need to get as offensive as these other crazy religions. Hinduism has higher degree of free spirit, variety, no hierarchy, and tolerance. We let these sub religions enter and practice their goals because we are better than them.
Last edited: 06-Sep-14 07:31 PM
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I prefer Christianity rather than Hinduism, but rt now I am satan lover
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She can convert to whatever religion she likes and she can refuse to sing any song she doesn't like. What's the problem here?. You do not have any rights to compel her. This is music industry and she is professional singer. Her job is to sing songs whatever she likes and your job is to listen. Chapter closed. Get over it. If you don't like her after all this $hit then just f**k off but don't dictate. DON'T. Those people comparing christianity with Hinduism are f**king racist too and you do have right to be racist in your world unless you harm someone physically. So have beer and f***king move on. Stop being f**king nepalese who are offended by everyone even 7 years old kid. Get a life.
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troll alert!!!!!
divorceguy a.k.a. gorikopoi....LOL!!!
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LOL u r right....divorce guy is gorikopoi aka kalikopoi aka i forgot his another name in sajha...i know his history...

but anyways coming to anjupant, she apologized for what she said. so the topic is over now....

people make mistakes.....

Fuel Tank
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हामी यहाँ ठिक कि बेठिक भनेर छलफल गर्नी, उता अन्जु पन्त ले चाक फर्काएर माफी मागीसकिन | हाहा बिरोधले सहि नसक्नु भएछ जस्तो छ | तर जे होस्, आफ्नो आफ्नो तर्क राखेर स्वस्थ बहसगर्ने सबै साझाका मित्र-मित्री हरुलाई धन्यबाद छ है | फेरी फेरी पनि कन्ट्रोभर्सियल कुराहरुमा छलफल गर्दै गरौंला नि |
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Anju Pant don't need to apologize anybody, this is a free world
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एहा ठूला ठूला कुरा गर्ने नेपाली दाजु भाई हरु कृपया तपाई हरु नेपाल जानुस , देस लाइ तपाई को खाचो छ ।
बार मा बसेर NFL हेर्दै साझा मा आएर ठूला ठूला अर्ति बाद्नु भन्दा नेपाल गएर ज्ञान गुण बाड़ने पो हो की !
नब्बे प्रतिसत हिन्दू भएको देस मा बसेर, हिन्दू भएर धर्म परिवर्तन गरेर हिन्दू को सब्दावाली भएकोले गीत गाउदिन भन्नु मुर्खता मात्र हैन ध्रिन कार्य नि हो । अंग्रेजी मा भन्न पर्दा " its not professionalism" .
Divorce guy , no wonder why you are divorced; you let your wife to be free and she ran with other guy freely.
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Objection!! Giordano,
You are making wrong reference here.
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Nagaera thik gari....kinaki yesko real aukat thaha paiyo. She does not deserve to be a popular singer. Kukkur lai ghiu khayo bhane bhutla khulkinchha bhanya jasto.....
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आफु जापानको यौटा कुना ओकिनावा को पनि अनकन्टार ठाउँ मा बस्दा यौटी मिस्सिओनरि आइ | नेपाली बाहेक आरु भाषा पढ्न सक्दिन भनेर फ्यातफुत्ता नेपाली र जापानी भासमा भनेको २ दिन पछि बाइबल नेपालीमा नै ल्याइदि | ओके ओके भनेर पंचिना खोजेको के दिन्थी| अनि आती भयो भनेर नेपाली मा बम्किदिएको अहिले सम्म मुख देख्नु परेको छैन |
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शिव लिङ्गले पेल्न नपुगेकिहरु
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