I did in 5 months... - Sajha Mobile
I did in 5 months...
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I did in 5 months... If I can anyone can do it... Summer will be here soon so get motivated folks...

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Looks like everyone in sajha is a personal trainer so maybe i will also act like one with my family pack(soon to be 4/6 packs) .

If you want to add technology to the mix why not get one of these Heart Rate Monitors.


Don't forget to get those straps with the monitor. You can analyze your workout session and even maintain logs and discuss with personal trainer what you need to add in the mix.

It is very accurate and will help you know which zone you are in. Most ppl only think about how long they worked out and how much calories they burn. But they forget about intensity which is also equally important.

One of the things that may help you is joining fitness class with a group. You will be amazed how much difference this can make rather than just joining run of mill Gym. Most people it is not that they don't want to work out but that they lack motivation. Being in a group really helps especially if they measure weight and monitor it weekly or bi-weekly. It might even arouse competitive feeling among the members and foster support for each other.

Depending on your income level and your locality.. you definitely and absolutely need to join gym if you are serious. Working alone in home watching some dude on TV Screen telling you what to do won't work for 90% of people. Maybe it will work if you have that "Brazilian Butt lift" DVD.

Planet fitness: 10 bucks a month
LA fitness:35 bucks a month
24 hr fitness:25-25 bucks a month
Lifetime fitness:110 bucks a month

If your excuse is gym is expensive, that is poor one. If your excuse is far, choose the one that is closet to you even if it is expensive, At least you will be making use of it. There is no point joining 10 dollar planet fitness and not wanting to drive 45 mins-1 hr to go there.

Don't ignore simple things like hydation and good sleep. There is no substitute for it. Last but not the least, it's true what you eat is what you are.

This won't work out, if you burn 600 calorie in a day and start eating 4000 calorie a day or gulping 1000 calorie smoothie.

Ok now I feel like a personal trainer.

if you guys need more motivation call me at 1-800-DRPHILL

Last edited: 15-Apr-14 11:01 AM
· Snapshot 1533
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vasudev...add 'any time fitness=35-40 dollar a month' but you get access to all its chain worldwide!
· Snapshot 1575
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@Fiji_water bro there is a saying in Nepali "थोरै खाए बल, धेरै खाए मल"... choice is yours...
· Snapshot 1674
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@porsche. what was your approach to this journey? Should I focus on losing fat first and then focus on building muscle or it can be done at the same time? I know the diet plan for those goals are different with different amount of carbs/protein and calories per day.
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@Fiji_water bro... it can be done at the same time... you can lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously unless you are an advance body builder or skiny already...  Check these videos... 


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ok cool. I am a huge fan of scooby myself
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My weekly workout routine...

Morning - 2-4 miles run/3 Sets of Push-ups and Sit-ups
Evening - CHEST/ABS/CARDIO (10-15 mins)

Morning: 4-6 miles ruck with 40LBS



Morning - 2-4 miles run/3 Sets of Push-ups and Sit-ups
Evening - BACK/ABS/CARDIO (10-15 mins)

Morning - 4-6 miles ruck with 40LBS


*I warm-up and cool down for 5-10 mins before and after workout... 

Karnali Blues
· Snapshot 1944
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Such a great thread. One of the motivating thread I've seen in kurakani. Thanks for opening up porsche.
Porsche, Let me be honest with you. I consider myself a beginner. After spending entire life not being a health conscious, from last few months I have been trying my best. I started running or I must say jogging. These days I run 3 to 5 miles a day for 5 days a week. I am sorry my schedule is like a crappiest schedule, due to which I eat twice or thrice a day. A cup of tea in the morning with some breads or cookies, Lunch around 1or 2 p.m. and dinner around 9 or 10 p.m. I try my best not to eat huge portion though. Long story short, what would you recommend for a beginners like me or somebody else who I am sure is looking at this thread but feeling shy to ask. I will thank you forever my friend.
· Snapshot 1954
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I may not be an expert at workout but I would like to put my few words on it. As I have been workingout. I would say not full time. I am in and out of gym routine quite easily. But to get the better start for the starter, you need to reduce your weight. Only way to reduce weight is watch what u eat plus cardio.
I think eating is 80% and 20% is the workout. Plus you need to watch what u eat. Healthy food are one way of reducing weights. Most important is reduce sugar or no sugar for few weeks. Also no cup noodles as it has lots of sodium in it. Read the food labels.
Another important aspect of food is eat breakfast like a King, Lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
Eat 5-6 meals a day is best way to increase the metabolism.
In order to reduce weight you need to increase the body metabolism.
Another important thing is no alcohol. They add empty calories to your body which will turn into fat.
Working out twice a day works out perfectly. In order to be in better shape, you need to reduce your body fat first. Cardio and food are the only ways to reduce the body.

These are my thoughths. Been working out but not committed to it.
FYI, I reduced 25 pounds ever since I started working out since last year.
Karnali Blues
· Snapshot 2033
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Gonecrazy, thank you for the suggestion. Also want to ask you one question. All these people in this thread including you have been telling eat 5 to 6 meals a day rather and eating twice or thrice but when you said 5 to 6 meals a day, what type of meals you're talking talking about? I'm not trying to be lazy to Google search but I believe I can learn more from experience rather than reading the health article. Please enlighten me on the meal plan. Would greatly appreciate it.
· Snapshot 2078
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@GoneCrazy - I second you... 
@Karnali Blues - I am glad to know that you are trying to live healthy... my first request to you is PLEASE QUIT SMOKING... 
" I run 3 to 5 miles a day for 5 days a week" - Running is a good for you but for sure 1. it won't be enough for full body workout 2. you don't want to run everyday since your muscle need to recover (like at gym you don't want to do chest for 5 days a week) so my recommendation will be if possible run 3 days a week in the morning and hit the gym in the evening or vice versa. 
"Eat 5 to 6 meals a day rather than eating twice or thrice but when you said 5 to 6 meals a day, what type of meals you're talking about?"
This is how I have been trying to eat since last couple of months:
8:00 - Breakfast
10:00 - Snacks (1 banana or 1 apple or protein bar) either one
12:00 - Lunch
2:00 - Snacks (salad or yoghurt or nuts or 2 hard boiled egg) either one
4:00 - Snacks (sweet potato or whole wheat bread with peanut butter) either one (30 mins prior doing weights, i try to eat carbs before workout)
6:00 - 3 Scoop Protein Shake (after workout)
0800 - Light dinner + Caesin 
I drink 4-5 ltr water everyday. 

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For all Sajha female friends...

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If you guys lack weights then don't sweat, you can use your girlfriend:

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Very inspiring Porsche, and this is my workout routine (a LOT changed from when I was 25, I do not do deadlifts anymore)

Day 1

75 cals on spinning machine (5 mins)
Arm, torso and leg stretch (approx 5 mins)
Pull up (7 reps) (screwed up my rotator cuff few years ago, I used to do 15, so sad)
40 push ups
Bench Press 3X10
Incline Bench Press 3X10
Pec deck flye 3X10
Cable crossover flye outside pec 3X10
Cable crossover flye inside pec 3X10
Tricep extension 6X10
Hanging leg raises 40+20+10
Crunches 30+15
Oblique crunches 30+30
Stepper 225 cals (15 mins)

Day 2

75 cals on spinning machine (5 mins)
Arm, torso and leg stretch (approx 5 mins)
Pull up (10 reps)
Military Press 3X10
Lateral raises 3X10
Rear delt extention on Pec deck machine 3X10
Lat pull down 5X10
Cable rows 5X10
Hanging leg raises 40+20+10
Crunches 30+15
Oblique crunches 30+30
Elliptical 225 cals (15 mins)

Day 3

75 cals on spinning machine (5 mins)
Arm, torso and leg stretch (approx 5 mins)
Alternate Incline Dumbbell curl 5X10 (I alternate this with barbell curl every other week)
Preacher curl 5X10
Hanging leg raises 40+20+10
Crunches 30+15
Oblique crunches 30+30
Spinning Machine 225 cals (15 mins)

Day 4 Rest

Day 5 Rest

Day 6

75 cals on spinning machine (5 mins)
Arm, torso and leg stretch (approx 5 mins)
Pull up (10 reps)
Calf raises 3X10
Leg Press 3X10
Squat 3X10
Hamstring Extension 3X10 (I alternate this with lunges every other week)
Quad Extension 3X10
Tricep extension 6X10
Hanging leg raises 40+20+10
Crunches 30+15
Oblique crunches 30+30
Treadmill 225 cals (15 mins)

Day 7 Rest

Not an ideal workout if you ask me, I should rest a lot after a leg day but I always do leg on weekends, and I sleep very well on Sunday.
Last edited: 17-Apr-14 09:35 PM
· Snapshot 2376
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@beehove_me: if this works for you than you are fine coz there isn't anything like perfect routine that will work for everyone... Still couple of suggestions...

1. If you workout 4 days a week I would recommend to workout on monday, wednesday, friday and saturday.
2. Don't do abs everyday, twice a week should be enough.
3. If I was you I would do
Day2: REST
Day4: REST
Day7: REST
4. Do more compound exercises and less isolation (for beginners and intermediate bodybuilder its not even required)
5. Keep in mind that Triceps and Biceps are small muscle group unlike chest and back. Also your biceps and triceps get worked out when you are doing chest and back. I do 2 different exercise of 4 sets for triceps and biceps. Biceps (either barbell curl or dumbbell curl X 4 AND Preacher curl or concentration curl or incline dumbbell press X 4). Triceps (close grip bench press X 4 AND lying triceps extension or overhead lateral triceps extension X 4). To be honest doing less has worked better for me.
Karnali Blues
· Snapshot 2491
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Porsche, Thank you so much for the routine brother. I really liked your routine. You're right when you said that not to run everyday because I have running from last month and half and everything was good until day before yesterday because you know what? From last 2 or 3 days I ran in the morning as well as I did insanity/other weight lifting exercises in the evening . I ran this morning as well and guess what? I am feeling pain on my thigh and feet. I can feel the pain on my muscles inside my leg. Does that mean I have to take rest for a day?
I will try to follow your routine for eating but I know it's hard to follow that because currently I am living with a roommates and it's not possible to buy all the stuffs esp when you're sharing food with the roommates. With that being said, can you please tell me something about the protein scoop that you've mentioned. I have no freaking idea about the what proteins to eat while working out. All I know about protein is that I know I can buy that at GNC :( . pardon me for my knowledge.
Also Thank you for the suggestion and I know I need to quit but as you know it is hard. I have been smoking from last 10 years so it is quite difficult but not impossible because I quit for almost 2 weeks few months ago. Currently I am limiting my cigarettes to 3 to 4 and I assure you that I will keep you guys updated when I don't smoke a single for a day. I hope y'all don't mind if I share my journey of quitting cigarette because I think it helps when you share your story. TY Porsche.
Last but not the least do you own Porsche or that's just a name :P:P Just kidding.
· Snapshot 2513
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Being said about the workout, first find your ideal body type. Anyone who is trying to lose some weight, there is different set of workout. For those who wants to get lean muscles there are different set of workout. I would recommend anyone who wants to lose weight and have great shape, first workout such that you lose the body weight first. If you only have pot belly and want to reduce that, its cardio and food. Also, I would recommend anyone who wants to lose weight and get into better shape, its TIME and TIME. You should not expect the sudden change in 2-3 months. Its going to take some time before you change. If the changes are fast, it means the changes won't last long if you stop doing that.
Make your habit changes. It takes 3 weeks to 4 weeks just to get used to to new habits.
Also, I would recommend not to eat rice for the dinner. Or very less. Like in Nepali saying " Thorai khaye baal, dherai khaye maal".
Porche has good workout routine. Follow that you will see the changes.
But do not expect the changes in 1 to 2 months. I have seen people working out for 2 months and gets frustrated that nothing changed. After every couple of months, you body gets saturated. That means no changes will be seen. So, you need to find different set of workout that works out best for you. Constantly change the workout format. Also, after weights training, donot forget to do cardio for 15 to 45 min. The cardio after weight training reduces lots of fat from your body. If u have pot belly, do not workout your abs. This will get you in bad shape. First try to reduce the body fat then workout your abs. Whole body workout are best.
Also, change the weights for the workout slowly. Do not get too pumped up and lift heavy weights, this will tend to get injury.
For supplements, take scope of proteins any after workout.
This is all for the beginners and intermediate level.
For advanced level, I will post when I get there :)
· Snapshot 2523
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Are you guys crazy ? so much for maintining your body ?

Question is: Do you want Salman khan style body ? (bulky type) or lean thin athetic body like Akshay Kumar these days ?

I don't think you have to do all these for making yourself fit like Akshay kumar kind of body. Lean, thin and athetic...Looks good.

My husband doesn't follow any rules mentioned above. He's is in pretty good shape. very athletic muscle.

All he does is: 
(1) He rides Bicycle 5 days a week
(2) No restrictions on food, he eats Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (yep i cook rice daal etc ! )
(3) Plays Basketball with friends in the evenings (2-3 days a week)
(4) Hits gym sometimes (2-3 days a week) but doesn't do too much weightlifting. does cardio and some abs etc.
(5) Doesn't drink much...maybe few drinks a month.
(6) No smoking.

That's all.....He's is in perfect shape... why would you quit eating your daal bhat tarkari achar :)  ? you aint getting this life again !

Enjoy your food but do your exercise that's all !

Last edited: 18-Apr-14 11:22 AM
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Racheeta, most of us here would like athletic body, not bulky, but with six pack too. Salman is bulky without any abs. I would prefer looking lean and muscular but with pronounced six pack. It is just too attractive. :)
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