must see: doc's immature negligence - Sajha Mobile
must see: doc's immature negligence
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True Nepali
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This morning, while I was checking my fb, I came across this pic one doc uploaded in her fb to flaunt her fun at work.  She was seen operating on a patient in this pic.  Many stupid people started liking this pic while some sensible ones raised voices against this malpractice.  To these negative comments, the doc replied as "that was just resuturing dear haru no need to worry.....I told u na ha ha".  It really outraged me.  Is this how lightly doctors take their patient's life?  It doesn't matter if it was a minor or major surgery or whatever.  They should take it seriously.   What do you guys think? Should a doctor act like this? Can s/he take their job so lightly? Isn't this a height of negligence? I want to take this matter very seriously and want to report it so that the concerned authorities take some actions  and stop the doctors from risking patient's health with such childish acts. 
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 So what?  You have never taken a picture of yourself at work?  Doctors are people too.  It's not like they are showing the internals of the patient or revealing the patient's identity.  Plus, like the doctor said, they were in the process of finishing it up.  I'm sure she was not performing the procedure while looking towards the camera.  Just a split second camera fun does not mean irresponsibility or negligence.
True Nepali
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Nepalikancha I think you are one of those idiots who liked this pic. You cannot compare a doc's job with any other jobs in this world. Their job involves other people's lives. I think you would not say the same if you  or one of your loved one were the patient lying on that operation table. Shame on you.
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You are the one who's an idiot.  If they were in the middle of the procedure and fooling around then it would have made me mad.  Learn to be easy sometime.  If you don't like doctors like her then be one yourself.
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And, by the way, can you even see the patient's face?  Do you recognize the patient?  I don't think so!
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i act agree wid true nepali......this pic reflects lack of work ethics and sincerity towards the matter, its major or minor; YOU DONOT TAKE PIC INSIDE OR(unless for educational purpose: n ya u do need consent from patient too). 
and true nepali where u gonna report??? to some healthcare administration in nepal??? donot waste ur time.....if it was taken in US, there wud definitely have been some disciplinary action...
True Nepali
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Who cares what these bunch of idiots who do not even heard of the term "work ethics" say. I will report this to some authority for sure. Though I will try to not disclose the identities of the docs involved coz I'm sure they didn't have intention to harm the patient. This occured solely from the lack of awareness on their part. And I dont want them to lose their job. Everybody deserves second chance. But having said this, I want to draw the attention of the concerned authority on how lighly the healthcare professionals are taking their job. How can anyone share a pic of someone else's misery and that too when you are the one in charge of his/her well being. And what if any mistake occurs because of the distraction? And are they allowed to take cell phones/camera inside the operation theatre? If this were the case of US, they would have already been sacked from their job. Please suggest me whom should I contact to report this. Should I give this to some journalists who write about malpractices or the govt. authority? If anyone know any particular journalist, pls let me know.
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I 100% agree with true nepali here. In Nepal, becoming a doctor has become a fashion. Huge numbers of Nepalese go to China and earn MBBS without intense practice. They come back to Nepal with their low standard Chinese degree and start doing childish act like in the above pic. As 'mrbored' said above, it is lack of work ethics. It is lack of professionalism. What happens when pilot in the cockpit start playing "marriage' instead of flying airplane? One small negligence can cost high price.
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It is purely a lack of work ethics. To Nepalikanchha's question about 'have you not taken your picture at work?', the situation here is different. The doctor is not taking a pic when she is working on something sitting at her table. Think about a judge taping his/her verdict and posting it on youtube. Do you think that is right? Based on your arguement he/she is just sharing a moment at work!!!! How ethical is that???
One has to understand his/her responsibilities and practice those ethically. I have seen people posting their pic taken at work on fb to show their proudness, which is very unethical and shows how irresponsible they are.
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Thought this was relevant. Very Unprofessional.

Two Reliant Stadium security guards get fired for taking photos with Tom Brady


Sunday’s game between the Patriots and Texans generated a footnote almost as interesting as Antonio Smith’s misguided claim that the Patriots have been spying, again.

Via KHOU 11 in Houston, a pair of Reliant Stadium security guards lost their jobs after posing for pictures with Pats quarterbackTom Brady.

Contemporary Services Corporation quickly fired Joe Williams (pictured with Brady) and Christopher Moore after Sunday’s game.

“It is strictly against CSC policy for its employees to request photos or autographs from players,” CSC told KHOU 11 in a statement.  “CSC stands by its decision to terminate the two employees who violated this policy.”

On the surface, the move makes sense.  It’s generally frowned upon for anyone working at a stadium, from security guards to members of the media, to ask players or coaches to pose for pictures or sign autographs while in their workplace.  Absent a bright line that everyone honors, a gray area emerges that eventually will distract players and coaches.  Even if it happens after a game, clamoring for player photos and autographs is something that people who are paid to be at the stadium generally shouldn’t be doing.

At a minimum, it’s unprofessional.  At worst (i.e., as far as CSC is concerned), it’s grounds for termination.

But Williams and Moore have made an intriguing allegation.  They contend CSC doesn’t apply the rule against photos and autographs consistently.

“What they say and what they practice are two different things,” Moore said.  “What we see on a daily basis, whether it be Reliant or CSC employees, is them taking pictures and asking for autographs from players.”

If that’s true, then there’s a chance that CSC has selectively applied the rule to Williams and Moore as a pretext for some other reason to get rid of them.  Which could make a situation that seems cut and dried on the surface a lot murkier, especially if Williams and/or Moore land in the offices of a local law firm.

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It is possible that a nurse called them to take their picture. So before we start scolding them, we should find out what exactly happened.
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True Nepali,

Check this link out :  Photos of Doctors in Operating Room

You can either be outraged at doctors all over the world, or realize that as long as patient privacy is protected and that safety has not been overlooked, taking pictures in the operating room is no big deal. I personally go with the latter.
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Suppose they got the consent. But, one thing I didn’t understand is why the male doctor pulled his mask showing his nose. Any thing above waist during surgery is considered sterile and no one is supposed to pull out their mask in sterile field. But the male doctor looks like he pulled his mask with his left hand. He needs to pay attention to those things. If patient got nosocomial infection because the doctor, then pt would be in big problem. 

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taking photos of an operation during procedure is highly unprofessional and unethical. Doctors do take pictures of a surgery but for case records and not to post on FB to gather likes.. 
btw the google search link you posted are mostly stock photographs where actors dressed up as doctors are acting in a set so they can sell the copyrighted images for websites and magazines..
thus.. I think taking photos under safe and sterile condition is OK only if done for medical records but to post on FB for likes is not..
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