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Several months ago, I was vilified when I posted,
"FaahK* Nationality, we're Earthlings Quote viz Meme"
I stand to my point till this date with better version here,
expecting more of ignorant closed minds down below..
Help yourself :) 

Last edited: 17-Sep-13 05:42 PM
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Nationality is a false ideology. This ideology is a mental creation of mind. For more information on how mind creates reality, check my other post heading "Life - A dream." Ekameva advitiam Brahman - Brahma is one without a second. This whole universe doesn't exist somewhere outside but within consciousness. All these numerous universes are just a tiny ripple on it like a wave in the ocean. People because of their ignorance associate with small limited consciousness and think they are separate entity but in reality they are all one consciousness: Pure Chaitanya or Suddha Chetana, which cannot be understood by mind because mind operates by its power. Therefore, I keep telling Sajha people, stop hankering after Green Card of America, because America itself is unreal.
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ujl, do you have a passport?
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 Ujl, are you going to tell people to stop living because life is unreal?
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kiddo... damnnnnn.. that was harsh... lol
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 who told you there is god ?
who told you there is a devil ?
Has anyone ever seen either of them other than the few very chosen ones in the history od mankind ?
Has god remained the same since the begining of civilization ?
Nope, our definition of god keeps evolving as human civilizations keeps developing(from worshiping mother nature, to idol worshiping, to spirituality).
So what is god ?
Nobody knows, even the pope dun know. We just go by what we are told. 
Do prayers work ? 
Only god knows.... lol !!
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Those who know don't speak about it.
We are one consciousness, just one.
We have lost ourselves and hence this crisis all over the Earth.
Kill one another over what? borders, religions? We made it.
We swear we live by our nationality or patriotism? What for? We're brainwashed.
Imagine the day, when there is no country but just earthlings.. who walk off the earth.
War will cease to exist.
So ya fck  your nationalism, we're earthlings :) 

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@ Kiddo...I do have a Nepalese passport. The issue here is not of a passport. Having passport does't make me a Nepalese! I am a pure consiousness which is unlimited meaning you cannot put me in attributes though attributes are for practical purpose. For example, your sajha usename is "kiddo" but you are not kiddo in reality. It's just a name and you are not a name. Similary, countries are mere sounds! If you want to make yourself limited by attributing yourself as being Nepalese or American or Indian, then your consciousness will be limited. And this limited consiousness creates ego, and ego separates people saying this is yours, this is mine which is false because everybody is pure consciousness. When you fill the balloon with air, the air inside the ballon has temporary identity of being separate from the air outside but the moment you make a small hole in that ballon, the air inside the balloon unites with the air outside and you cannot descriminate which is which air. In fact, the balloon is mind. The air inside is our limited ego consiousness and the air outside is the infinite consiousness. What is blocking our limited ego consiousness to unite with the infinite consiousness is the mind itself. Mind creates unreal things and becomes attached to it and suffers. The whole passport things are useless for an enlightenment beings because passport is the result of limited consciousness. The democratic administrative system throughout the world is childish because it doesn't take any responsibility  to bring about total brain functioning in its citizens so that life becomes free of mistakes. Instead, the government has created rigid laws and rules, and if you don't follow their rigid rules you will be put in prision. I call this barbarianism. Passport things are created for practical purpose based on limited consciousness and until the dawn of supreme intelligence on humans these things will persist. So technically speaking, the crisis is the crisis of consciousness.

@ rethink....who said life is unreal. Mind is unreal. Life is pure existence, pure consciousness, and pure ananda. Know that and be free.

Last edited: 18-Sep-13 03:47 PM
· Snapshot 603
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You said, "The issue here is not of a passport. Having passport does't make me a Nepalese!" And what makes you think GC makes these people American? My point is that you are using passport and visas as utaliatirian measure and so is everybody else.

I see your point, I would channel it in a different way. Not caring about these things is akin to the hippie movement of the 60s and 70s; that won't amount to much. Rather, realize that these things are manifestations of our conscious. One can then make a judgement on whether he/she wants to get hung-up with boarder issue and patriotism and all that; or treat them as an man-made identity/imagination-piece and treat it as such. I am with you on the definition of them, however, since we live in this world, I don't reject every manifestation out of its imagination.
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@ Kiddo.. I am not in oppose of someone having GC or American Citizenship. Let them have it and enjoy for the time being. But again, the moment you are dead these things doesn't even exist for you. So, all your life you hankered after things that was mere mental creation. Such things even happen in dreams! In dreams, I was a citizen of amazing heaven! Should I care? I am in oppose of hankering after these things loosing one's real identity as pure consciousness. And again, the two worlds: The material world, and the world of Infinite consciousness are of opposite qualities. You have to give up one to enjoy the other. The choice is yours. However, the material world itself is born out of ignorance loosing infinite consciousness, so it is full of pain and misery. Therfore, seek the truth and be free. The world of relativity is merely an appearance. Sky is blue because of optical phenomenon but it is not the standard. The sky outside may be red, green and black depending on the wavelength of the light.  And again, choice is yours!
· Snapshot 756
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A couple of points

(1) If a  borderless world means peace, I am all for it.  But I seriously doubt whether erasing borders will necessarily erase violent conflict. It is  a noble thought and a good starting point but there is more to it as you explore the idea further. After all people fight and kill within borders too.  More Americans are killed by each other within America's borders than are killed by Al Qaeda or other terrorists. (source: here and here) . People may stop killing each other in the name of religion or country, but they are going to find other reasons to kill for. The cause of violence is within us. If we don't kill for country or religion, we will kill for jealousy, anger, lust, greed, pride or out of sheer insanity.  

(2) The powerful have too much at stake in today's borders. Many in the richer societies of  America and Europe tend to see themselves as better than the rest of the world because of their societal and economic achievements. I doubt they will want a borderless world where they have to live next to a poor Mexican or Algerian and deal with their problems. Lenon might have been a Britisher who enamored Americans, French and Russians - to name a few - but many in these countries see a borderless world as very much against their social, economic and political interests. 

(3) The spirit of John Lenon's song is well taken and lives on but it should be re-purposed towards decreasing violence within societies. UJL's point is also well taken. Reality is a mental construct. The one thing I would add is we need to live in our own realities but be mindful of  the reality of others. My reality may tell me borders and immigration controls are horse manure. Of course the immigration officer at JFK or TIA lives in a different reality. When I am at the airport, his reality trumps mine. In my house, it's the opposite. Contextual, and not absolute, reality operates in our lives.

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In spite of all the peace that can be had by achieving infinite state of consciousness but intense misery out of lust, greed, or materialism, I bet you more Nepalese people will celebrate Baanu Jayanti next year AGAIN compared to Buddha Jayanti.
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vivant, thats what I would think as well.
Reality comes to bite us.
I rather go with the flow regardless of how and what we think..
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 Imagination is MUCH MORE important than knowledge. So this ‘one world’ imagination is also admirable. Is it achievable? It depends upon your personal views. It roots to the basic questions; do you believe humans are inherently selfish creatures with evil intents or ‘godly’ creatures only doing evil things due to their circumstances?

Ujl very well puts the philosophical aspect of us as a Chetana. It makes us very special and far-sighted, and so we use it to question the existence of country, importance of wealth, power, bodily beauty etc. Yes, we should question what society calls ‘normal’. BUT I was born in Nepal and now living in the US. This is very real. I cannot rip-off my passport and roam around.

Other posters like kiddo and vivant have contrasted Ujl’s position well, especially Vivant’s 3rd point. Practicality is something we must confirm to regardless of your philosophically state. One cannot contribute to the society, in fact cannot even survive, without at least having some level of ‘herd mentality’. Socratic thoughts are still relevant and probably will remain such for coming couple of centuries if not longer, but he was so far out than everyone else that he got poisoned.
I believe human being is not a colossal bag of bunch of things. We are like a train, a group of many many individual compartment filled with each individual thing and one (or only few things) at work at a time not everything churned together. One compartment filled with love, the next with hatred, desire, generosity, patriotism, Chetana…etc.
Now about the sense of patriotism, even with the utmost Chetana one must have some sense of ego. You cannot say, for everything around you, ‘ohh it means nothing’. Ego is fact it very useful (of course, everything has its limit). We only see ego in its negative context like war, power/money hunger etc. But think about it…it was the ego that brought humanity out of the cave, that ego to better that stone knife, that ego to have a sustainable food production, find herbs to cure cuts, invent water clock, invent machines…and the list goes on. Einstein didn’t have to do what he did. It’s that desire/ego to feel proud of yourself by bringing out the best of your inner being. We would still be using pigeons to transmit messages if we kept thinking ‘why does it matter?’ Why are Japanese or European rich…they went through a miserable history..and evolved a sense of ego to do better..because it matters. So you cannot disconnect yourself from your circumstance by focusing only in one compartment. 
Last edited: 19-Sep-13 11:01 AM
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 we are just  walking each-other HOME in our own ways in this planet.
Last edited: 20-Sep-13 10:27 PM
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