Nepali guys who get with white girls are killers. - Sajha Mobile
Nepali guys who get with white girls are killers.
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· Snapshot 197
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 haha, did you ever wonder that there are some guys who purposefully did not get with a white girl, because they knew that it was never going to work out???
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· Snapshot 830
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Gorikopoi is right. Most Nepalis either can't speak good english, and even if they do they can't really carry a conversation. Luckily for me, I used to have an internship in college, and the only websites allowed there were news websites, after four months I developed a genuine interest in many things American, soon enough I felt at ease with them and got to experience the authentic American college life.
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Worldwideweb I m happy for u, mera gori didi bahini haru lai dhoka nadeu hai
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@Gorikopoi, I won't. :) I will squeeze her tightly and never let her go. lol.
@hakim_saab, Exactly. You need to have a good conversation skill to get any girl whether it be american or Nepali or mexican or chinese. Nepalese here try to make a fake accent but fail on grammar.
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And after years of posing on faceboom and unsuccessful attempts at getting anyone who'll give them
the time of day, the socially challenged boka gives up, goes home and marries a materialistic Nepali woman
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@worldwideweb, did you read I wrote "Once again, I can't disagree to few exceptions out there." through out the whole posting of mine not twice but thrice? Do you even know what does that mean? 
Peace, be happy, you are those 'few exceptions' for the "time being".

wit's end
· Snapshot 893
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WWW > I'll take your word for it. Good for ya. :o)

· Snapshot 960
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@Masane - What are you talking about? Not everyone is like you. (You must be one of those fools that think that just because money is important, one would take bribe). 

Last edited: 06-Jun-13 11:51 PM
· Snapshot 1032
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every Nepali dude thinks he's American accent is better than his counterpart's and he's the most Americanized Nepali.
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pakhe haru
· Snapshot 1141
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Hahaha....this is one funny post...and more than anything i cant help laughing at the thread starter hakim-saab...hahaha....thanks for making my sound like you came to america and the whole point of america was to marry a white gal like its kind of grand prize ...lmao..get a life man ....seriously?
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Btw congrats for making your dream come true
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This makes me a little sad. If this is the level of discussion our youth are capable of, how can we expect anything good to come out of them?
Seriously fellas, get out more and have some intellectual conversation with real human beings.
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@Kiddo, this is Sajha, not the United Nations, intellectual guff garna sajha ma airakhnu pardaina. Just wanted to get people's views on this.
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Yeah people like kiddo are the real hope of this generation. They are the contractors for all things high class including their lifestyle, their jobs, their contribution to society , their patriotism towards the nation, their love for good things and hate for bad things(eg BostonBoi) .
They are the intellectual achievement of mankind. They can think very high without letting a fart out the other end. They are well mannered, well educated , well behaved and hope of the society..
Without them the world would resort to cannibalism. So bow down to these people like KIDDO and their herd.
And please don't post anything if its not intellectual or provokes your genius thought process...

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It gives me a lot of laughter..Thank you guys!

Here are my findings: The guys who post these kinds of self-approving actions they took, they have had serious problems. Why would you tout about your silly actions otherwise? If you are confident of a certain life choices, what is causing you to contemplate this deep and come out. You feel very insecure inside, dude! Just sat there, thought a lot, nothing worked; finally they found something..and HEY BINGO...LET'S publicize it...Is it true?

I don't take sides of white or nepalese girls..espcially with the cultural changes in Nepal you cannot really stereotype nepalese girls as naive, emotional, patibhakta. If these are the characteristics you are looking for in your wife, you are a chauvinist mofo....and you don't deserve to be called an American. 

What's wrong with Nepalese girls not being virgin? You have problem with that? That tells you who are. So Americans have been easy..and open about this...while Nepalese deny yet do the exact same thing...

Last edited: 07-Jun-13 02:57 PM
· Snapshot 1742
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@Masane; last time you called me names, I have you hereof of doubt even when others called you for it. You hid your face then as you had no response; I thought that was that

Now you are back at it; I am now convinced I might have said something to you that upset you in the past in sajha, either you or one of your avatars. I am not going to scan through past posts as I am not hung up in an online persona like you, whose whole life seem to revolve around here.

If you want to discuss it maturely; let me know what wrong I said. But of-course, I know yu are going to resort back to either name calling or 4th grader's logic that you spilled out in ur last post.
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I never called names ... They were mere adjectives...
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i agree with her. Honestly it just means you failed with Nepali girls and no nepali girl will marry you  unless you want to go back to Nepal haha.
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@hakimSaab: your userName and this thread lead me to imagine how conceited your thoughts are..
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@arni1101 & others, I am telling you. This person has had a big mental/emotional breakdown. This is the new resolution he has found. So be nice to him. Ok?

Hakim-saab, how long do you have to take depression medication? Don't miss any, ok?

Good luck!
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