Ideas welcome - Sajha Mobile
Ideas welcome
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 I was looking to open a restaurant but i need some ideas. I dont kmow where to get cooks from. Can u guys give me some ideas who has prior experience in it pls. Thank you
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If you have passion in cooking food, then its a go.
IF you just want to be the boss then any chef you hire won't make any difference. Every time you hire a new one food will taste different.
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Well! It's a good idea. If you work hard  then you must sucessful. You know every start business need hard work and investment. My friend who live in Houston USA and hold   Green card  Through Relatives. He opened a restaurant, He done very hard work and now his resturant go to up ward. Best of luck....
Last edited: 05-Feb-14 07:55 AM
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Restaurant business is not for everybody. It will take 24 hours of your time in the beginning and even after it is established, you will have to work hard day and night. Unless you have a very trustworthy manager, which is rarity, you will have to work as if you are one of the employees of the business, with added headache of an owner.

Having said that, it could be rewarding business as well. As for the chefs, you can start advertising (Sajha would be a good place). I wouldn't recommend this but some have approached Nepali chefs working at an Indian restaurant where the chef is not happy.

Know what you are getting into. Do you have enough funding, time and experience to get into this business?
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If you are desparately looking to open a business only with a desire is to make money while your culinary skills less than ordinary and the service you provide is least important to you then chances are you might fail. I am that one person who jumped on the bandwagon and depleted my savings account. And quite honestly your inquiry in sajha, if serious, already bodes a problem on how effective your business will be (pardon my honesty). But if you are looking for ideas maybe I could give you some.

- Develop a passion for cooking, and try new recipes, a chicken butter masaala could be made different by adding cashews and berries. Think out of the box.

- Run of the mill recipes are extremely mundane and your competitors might make it better, use wine, lemongrass, maybe add teriyaki sauce with garam masala, just make the recipe different than your competitiors.

- Make your restaurant look contemporary, paint it with bright colors, hang pictures of Nepal (refrain from putting photos people have seen many times before), don't try to make the decorations gaudy, most nepalese and Indian restauranr owners do not get that. Try visiting hgtv website and get ideas.

- If possible make your kitchen transparent and clean, Americans like that. Also, make the best use of natural light during daytime and recess lighiting at night, get rid of chandeliers,

- Hire servers that speak flawless English and encourage them to make good friends with patrons.

- Housekeeping should be the first and foremost priority

- Decorate your menu, Don't print it off your printer, spend some money.

There are twenty other things I could tell you but I guess you get the idea.

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Desperately looking for one good nepali resturant in dallas, tx. Where is it going to be?

As customer, my suggestion, please make sure it won't smell some dushi when you get in like most of nepali or indian restaurant , make it in nice neighborhood or dine out location, clean fresh air good light , decent looking servers, decent receive with fresh ingrident will definitely do good.
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Possible bad combination.....
Berries in butter chicken is ghetto...
Wine and garam masala is a big red flag........
It's obvious why you lost your investment ...

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Many times people are simply attracted to the idea of being an owner of business instead of working for someone. But like someone else pointed out, you will probably end up working more than if you were working for someone and it is not necessary that you will be earning more than you would if you were working for someone.

I have seen both sides of the coin and it does take a lot to have a successful business. It's only a matter of how much return on investment you get from your business. Some business take years and years before they start becoming profitable and before your investment is even returned.

If you make enough money working for someone to live a comfortable life it will be a big change for you to have to constantly be on your toes till your principle investment is paid back.

Good luck
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If you have a cook you can rely for long time or make him/her partner. Behoove has given you some best ideas.
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Economic Outlook for 2015
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Will your restaurant serve an energy drink called "Rishi Dhamalaa"?

Jokes aside, first thing first, do श्री-गणेश with a mission statement.
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