Nepal should stop charging exorbitant sum to climb mount everest - Sajha Mobile
Nepal should stop charging exorbitant sum to climb mount everest
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Why does Nepal govt charge a big sum of $25000 to climb mount everest and are they policing the mountains in any way? Mount everest is a natural beauty and it should not cost nature lovers $25000 to go there. Government politicians will pocket the money somehow anyways.
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 I think the reason is two folds. First off its a monopoly with only Nepal and China who have the right to grant permission for travel. Its a great source of revenue. There is not other way to climb everest. Second, it the price was too low every other guy would attempt to climb it. The high cost requires that people actually focus on climbing and to train at other places before coming here. People pay for exclusivity. If it was a easy task to do and cheap, everest wouldnt matter, would it?
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Why not it is Mount Everest . I don't mind them charging for it. Now the proper use of revenue that is generated is a different issue. Like everything else in our country it's wasted and we should find ways to fix that.
One could make an argument that if it were cheaper more people will try to climb and total revenue may actually be higher and if that's the case ( based on proper surveys) decreasing the fee should be considered.
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Even charging 25K has not stopped the pollution. Mount Everest is getting polluted these days. It should be free but it will increase the pollution many folds.

We should respect nature but some bad things white people started they made a sport out of nature. For some dubious world records and personal triumph or whatever, nature is being destroyed. I am sure Mount Everest will be a dirtier place in future.
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In that 25K : if you see the itemized heading : Liaison officer fee and  trash collection fee and so on.
It  is our government's responsibility to utilize it when they started collectiong fee.
We are awiting for other Nation to come and do the cleaing job.

Last edited: 02-May-13 03:14 PM
biwash prawashi
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 Nepal charges $25 k and China charges LESS THAN 8K to climb the same mountain to reach the same summit, go figure!
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That money is not enough to clean the mountain of trash they have created in the surrounding areas and the biggest thing is no one knows whether the government even utilize all the amounts.
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Common wonton, lets be realistic. It is one of the only source of income the Nepali govt. can generate on consistent basis. Even though they pocket all of it or to some extent some of it. While it is okay for the US govt. to charge foreign nationals extra on tuition fees and other things, I dont see why the Nepali govt should not. 
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 maxpayne made a very good point. True if it was dirt cheap even I would give it a try, if not the peak, id be saying i did make a bit above the base camp didnt i? lol 

Any how , i dont think the government would work on cleaning the mountains with that sum of money cause its hard to find someone who is willing to risk their life to clean it, and in addition, its not a one mans job! 

I just hope that the money is spent wisely! 

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this is really true, its a lot of money
if that much amt is being taken from foreigner, they should at least give quality service. or free training for climbiong
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Hey: Same airplane charges different fare rate in different seasons (4-5 hundreds more) ? Have you stopped flying?

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Why not? It's in our country, people want to climb it, we can charge whatever we want. Why should anyone get a discount? If they are looking for cheaper mountains, they can go climb smaller ones.. same analogy as flying in a plane. Small mountains - economy class. Mt. Everest - Private Jet.
Last edited: 03-May-13 09:09 AM
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