Kathmandu Airport (TIA) - Sajha Mobile
Kathmandu Airport (TIA)
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 All of us know how TIA is and we hardly talk about it. It might be becoz we think there is nothing we can do to improve the conditions. It's not that TIA doesnot have enough fund, employees to run the airport smooth and keep it clean. I think its the result "Nepali Mentality" where we dont really care enough about everything. I am myself a Nepali and in no way, I am trying to make fun. But I know how that works and the implications it brings with it.  When we were in Nepal, we didnt notice it or even if we did we ignored. But once you come abroad, you realize it doesnot work good. 
All of us after landing at TIA won't have a smooth experience unless you are escorted by a employee of the airport (mummy ko mama ko kaka ko chora who works there or some distant relatives ). I have done similar things in the past coz I didnt want the hassle.

Let's send the TIA and its officials reminder to urge to improve the conditions at TIA. They have plenty of resources to keep the good service and cleanliness. The officials dont care about it. WE have seen how other airports looks like and TIA is a nasty one compared to them. Read the reviews:

Last edited: 17-Feb-13 03:24 PM
Last edited: 17-Feb-13 03:32 PM
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It is improving albeit slowly in my opinion
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A massive overhaul was required 20 years ago. The state of the airport is embarrassing and pathetic. A domestic airport in some rural city in Alabama is probably better managed than TIA. Whatever did happen to plans opening a new Airport in Lumbini. 
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now its better than previous, i think with new construction going, it will be more advance than wht we have ryt now, we can just hope
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yeah every time i go to Nepali, I feel bad about my expereince in the airport at kathmandu. 

This whole thing is because of the way business is done in Nepal, especially in the goverment sector. There's very little personal accountabilty or any sense of it. Also the goverment or public secor is full of cases of people getting jobs not based on their personal qualifications or experience, but because of their connection in power. Also there's corruption everywhere; it's like cancer.

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The music is more dangerous than the situation lol
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TIA is the worst transit ever in the entire world today. messy, sloppy and deterioriting,

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We need to send them a message and urge to improve the conditions. I am sure they cant turn a deaf ear if we keep sending them some messages. The whole fun of the trip ends when you land at TIA and the nightmare begins. 
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 Huna pani ek dam over corruption cha Nepal ma. Dherai pachadi Nepal gaako, runai maan lagyo. 

 I weighed my luggage at home. It was little less than allowed weight. In TIA it was 3+3 kg over weight including my carry on. Guy wanted money from me. But then I persist to talk to manager and he told me that I do not need to pay anything this time, but next time they will charge me. How can the same luggage in house and TIA weighs different?

We took 2 taxis from Singha Durbar to our house. One shows Rs200 other one Rs300. And the guy with Rs300 is not scared of being caught. He kept on arguing for the meter fare. People starts gathering and he left. 

In Durbar Margh they hesistate to give you parking receipt. Its only Rs20 over 2 hours, clearly written in the receipt. But they ask you for 30-40. I asked him why is the difference. Funny part is........ He read the receipt incorrectly. LOL. That was funny. It happens all the time. 

So many incidents like that, Kathmandu is not what it used to be. You go to some business, they treat you like, they are doing you a favor, not that you are their customers. 

You go to trek and they hesistate to give room to Nepali. If they did, for the same price like tourists, they give you low quality room. Total discrimination by own Nepalese people. After I came back from Nepal, I do not think white people really discriminate to us any more. They are really civilized. 

Not all of them were like that, but many were. My very existence in KTM was unbearable. Sorry but thats the reality of our country. 

Jai Nepal. 
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For sure its not fair even after paying handsome money and not getting good services
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 Most of us have some bad experience at TIA at some point. The thing that makes me sad is I am always a pleasant trip (i usually avoid european transits) and right when I get excited to be on my own country, TIA officials start bugging me or I see the pitiful conditions in the airport. We are a poor country but we are not that poor not to be able to afford to clean the important buildings. We need to raise some voices.  
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