what are the middle eastern protestors trying to prove?? - Sajha Mobile
what are the middle eastern protestors trying to prove??
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that Islam is peacufl and tolerant religion ?

that it is more about the film rather than anti-american sentiment ?

feel sorry for the americans, one way or the other they are not safe anywhere in the world...
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 Now, Romney will say War Baby War !!!!!
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Peace through strength
You don't need a war just need them to know that there will be consequences unlike current appeaser in chief Obama , trying to apologize to everyone and this is the outcome now there is neither respect nor fear!!!!
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 There is a protest in London too. I am waiting for American Muslims to protest all over America. 
I think there is also American conspiracy involved in making this video viral. To make world's mind divert from Syria. 
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So what would you do different, Yuvaraj? Send drones over them?
The issue is not with a country or its military, the problem is with people and radical islamists. You cant use force to solve everything. You think those protesters will start backingup if Obama issues stronger stmt, or uses force. Also, i dont recall when he was trying to "appease" them; he went as far as calling Egypt, not an ally...that doesnt sound appeasing to me.

Mno, so you think America created a bigger problem for itself to divert from the existing problem?

Fact is, whoever created the video, must be very happy inside, his mission is accomplished. Now many more hate the religion that resorts to violence to defend its peaceful ideology.
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First thing, whoever did the video, they are very wrong.
Why would they even upload it on Youtube? And it is reported that the video was there 2-3 months ago and if all of a sudden why did it get heat up NOW?  Who did spread this nuisance? The actors in the movie are saying the original script is different than what they saw on youtube version, implying it's the dubbed version. What could it mean? Why US ambassador and others in Libya killed like street-dogs? Were there not more troops around?

We don't need to kill anyone, neither muslim brothers/sisters nor christian , all we need to kill is the ego. And that's only possible when you see things way above religion, else keep tangling.

whatever ...I see imminent war :( 
it was nice knowing you all.. guys..... may that day never come but just saying who knows

Last edited: 14-Sep-12 07:28 PM
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Bunch of intolerarble dumbasses. If you see from american perspective then right now there should be protest here too against muslims. People complain about racism and american attitude but imagine being a white christian in pakistan or libya or ( put anyother extremist nation), is that possible?? And about obama being an appeaser, he is the adult in chief who kills the leader and sympathizes with the follwer. Thats a great way to make sure they don't get the easy recruits and still maintain the influence.
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@kiddo appeasement started in 2009 in Egypt. You should go back and review his speech from then. And, by the way he said not an ally but his state department clarified later that it is an ally. He is killing al Qaeda leaders by drones but refuses to call it what is is radical Islamists to not offend others .
People are mistaken I think to believe that what happenned inlibya is necessarily related to the video. People with weapons went in fought for hour and killed the ambassador on the anniversary of 9/11. That was a planned terrorist attack.
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Couple of issues i have with your response.
First, You said he started appeasing since he took office. Lets assume you're right. So, now they are burning US embassy, because Obama was soft? You think if his speeches were stricter, they would have backed down? Dude, we are talking about the people who are willing to give their life for a cause they believe in, no matter how wrong it is. Don't tell me that middle east problem will be solved by US taking a stricter stance. Being critical would have catalyzed the problem, not prevented it.
Second, we arent talking whether Obama is right or wrong about Egypt being an ally, even though, as the same state dept has said that he was techincally right (referring to NATO ally). We are talking about his appeasement and that statement is no where close to appeasement.

Now, what happened there and whether it was a premedicated attack or not, i will decide that once more facts come out. It will merely be a speculation on our part, and unlike Mitt Romney, it wont be wise to issue a statement based upon speculations.
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 I think obama is doing the right thing. Just take out the important terrorist leaders and not to mess around with others.. Middle east is like a hornet's nest.  Those folks out there have nothing to do.  They have plenty of time to fight for stupid things..  For those people, you can't do anything.  Let them fight over trivial things and die for allah.
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There is no hope for who's brainwashed since their childhood. They probably will never wake up out of this matrix. They don't even have that part of their brain to think differently , that could be the reason they are so violent and merciless. Like Truenepalidude wrote, you can't do anything for them. Extreme religious beliefs are like incurable cancer cells for humanity.  They who kill another fellow human, in my eye, couldn't be a human, they're mentally challenged violent animals who just look like human.
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 As long as there are dumbass stupid people who can't think beyond their religion, this act of killing and getting killed will continue. Madrasa's and religion affiliated school and organisation are brainwashing them. Libya, egypt, tunisia these countries should embrace US for supporting them during their revolution. US respected their freedom and democracy, even for the sake of egyptians they topple their long term supporter and ally mubarak. Now, if this is the response US is going to get for assisting them for their freedom, US should immediately pull out all the aid they are providing them to rebuilt their country. If religion meant every thing to these Ahole, they should be left to die and rot.This act of senseless protest and killing has proved that majority of Muslims are violent, senseless criminals without brain in their head. 

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 Truth is bitter, and bittertruth bro expressed it perfectly.
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Thanks truenepali brother

Guys sorry, but I see World War III coming :(
Israel so desperate to bomb iran, who knows I read they released Stuxnet to infiltrate and malfunction the nuclear computer system in Iran.
Obama has been avoiding every request placed by Israel to attack iran. Obama is farsighted, people politically say it's because he's near election and he's just holding up well, probably he'll even get republican votes if he goes to war, but that simply doesn't make sense, because he doesn't want to go to war.
Tired and angered, could it be israelis another vicious move to create chaos leading to war betn muslim vs christian? Just like they did with Stuxnet. When I was looking for answers to those questions I listed above, all these came into my mind, just a thought, no claim. I mean that video was there for more than 2 months ago,it's fool proof confirmed and why all of a sudden it became viral. I think they might have thought killing US ambassador would have triggered instant reason for going in the war. Obama failed the conspiracy once again, hats off to the President.

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Now hold on there
Before you blame this to an entire muslim religion, take a few steps back and ovserve what you are doing.

They are protesting because they blame entire USA for select few Americans who produced this movie. Is that fair? NO.
Then what makes it fair that you blame the whole religion for an act of few thousand?

I agree, middle east is a hornets nest. If you are putting your hand in there you gotta do it carefully, or better yet, not put your hand in there entirely. But lets not condemn billions of muslims for the act of few thousand.
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Just as I feared, these lunatics are going to the war... [Disallowed String for - bad word]..

Armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike

An armada of US and British naval power is massing in the Persian Gulf in the belief that Israel is considering a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s covert nuclear weapons programme.

Armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike
The Strait of Hormuz is only 21 miles wide at its narrowest point  Photo: ALAMY

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whao.. that's 25 nations coalition against Iran,
and there's definitely gonna be the rise of nations standing for IRAN...
or not, time will tell..
but it's WAR..
very very unfortunate event :(((((

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 I don't think there will be war.  Majority of the people in those 25 nations including USA, Britian and eurpeoan nations don't support war.  This will be an another unpopular war, and the head-of-states of those nations would not prefer to risk their popularity by embroiling into another expensive war.

Israel is getting nervous and impatience because of Iran's reluctance to give up its nuclear program. As long as Obama is in power, I don't think there will be another large-scale war (e.g., Iran war). If Romney comes into power, then there is a high probability of war since this guy has no brain to do critical thinking. Although he ran a big company like Bain capital, I don't find him a mature and wise person. His recent fiascos (e.g., foreign trips, viewpoint on anti-US movement in middle-east) are the testiments of his immaturity.  He will be a pawn of Israel. 
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I too dont think there will be war, it will give new twist to arab uprising, and iran is diifferent than that of iraq or libya.Iran has two nuclear facilty , who knows one might be nuclear capable of striking any nato associated countries.
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Thanks guys for the positivity, I hope this be fake news..

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Islam has highest level of misguided extremists. They are still today what Christianity used to be in the dark ages.
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