Major Highways In Nepal - Sajha Mobile
Major Highways In Nepal
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Hi guys, This is just an imaginary highways system in Nepal. Please provide the feasibility feedback on these highways and railroad system. What parts does it need improvement on ? What are your suggestions ? I have used google maps to view the geographic Thanks, achyut dhakal
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Not everything will be seen in terms of cost and benefit. Here're the costs and benfits in my view: i. High investment initially. High cost of maintaining ii. Benefit: Lots of engineers, citizens can get job for the long term
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would definitely like to see this.
Mike Bibby
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Bornfree, Very good imagination dude
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Mike dude. It's always start with imagination dude. Just imagine driving along that picturesque road/highway of nepal. GOD bless NEPAL
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I liked the way bornfree imagined... Great !!!
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more sapana for my mero nepal.
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can somebody show me how would dharahara and sahidgate area look like ?
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the F*cking money nepal received from international donors goes to F*ucking leaders of nepal which they spend it F*uckingly...........
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Goodjob, Show me the money!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when you start a project estimate cost and benefit ..granted some things are not always evaluated interms of profit but benefit ..should always be there.. just to maintain those roads contructed is taking all your budget then what about other crucial efforts like - medicine , eduation... Dream is good but geting carried away is not good. Anyways ..that is never ever happening in nepal so it is useless to discuss.
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Imi, COnsider the impact of making roads. Businesses will start growing. And, consider the economy after the growth of business.... it will boom for sure. Busineeses will start showing their interest to maintain the roads .. Moreover, what about the aids in the name of foreign donation coming to nepal each year which are just for road ? Local Communities will also be interested if they find roads are going to be made in their area(s). The starting works can be done with their help too.... Everybody like maoists, local people, nepalese army had been helping local communities to build various roads in nepal (although its not pitched, but just gravelled). I was just talking about the foreign aid coming for Road construction and maintenance. I have not calculated the health, education , medicine grants for this .. I am just talking about a single sector... Believe me or not.. .just start by gravels in the first year... with that at least people will see some hope and then use the gran money to pitch them ... later on ..
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If everyone gets engaged in country's develpment like above, who will take incharge of street demostration, tyre burning, throwing stones. There should be some room for these activities too. We can't leave our by-birth characteristics. Just a thought..... bornfree' this picture is the real one. It is not a fake.
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donald_duck thanks dude. i didn't realize dat Nepal highway was so beautiful and modern. is every part of Nepal same thing like dat in the picture?
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Building road is the only way to move towards development in nepal. ImI doesn't seem to get and medicine can be only distributed via road (for long term). It is not always possible to "drop off" education and medicine via helicoptor. :D thanks donald_duck :)
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hahaha...imagination is sweet . love it. Achyut saathi, i think major North east-west highway and middle railroad should be removed form map. Economically and practically its not possible for Nepal. We are talking about trillions of dollers here. All major hill ridges run parallel to rivers which are north to south and we are going to end up with miles and miles of tunnels, bridges or switcbacks. Not to mention environtmental damages. How about building major east-west highway and railroad in the flatland terai and branches out towards north to every capital of every distric? Sorry pal, but your mega plan seems more than necessary.
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Guys, I am neither a civil engineer nor a geologist. But travelled some places around United States. Saw some roads in california and colorado.. Also googled on roads on south dakota areas. Then thought wouldn't it be possible in Nepal and drew my imagination... I hope some of my pals here are great engineers and geologists... Just wanted feedback from them ... and open discussion on whether its going to be possible or not.. I hope my imagination comes true....
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A good start...
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Sajahfuser .. again..long time back i was the one who said road is one of the crucial means for development so don't preach me ..i have always stood on what i believe.I was talking about constructing railway line from middle of nepal east to west.. feasiblity is factor..for poor country like ours is always good to evaluate cost benefit not profit..i am not asking here for profit. There is big difference in saying and doing..which you seem don't understand that is why still following maoist.
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How many of you will go back for ever to nepal if roads are constructed ?
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Good imagination! Let's hope our power hungry debilitating leaders will have this vision assuming Rajtantra and murderer Paras are no longer threats to Nepali democracy and development of Nepal.
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"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will. " George Bernard Shaw Irish dramatist & socialist (1856 - 1950)
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