Nepal's official constitution

   I was taking "American Governement" clas 29-Jun-04 nepali_hunk
     damn we got so many rights on paper but 29-Jun-04 momo_cha
       Again, the question is how good is the c 29-Jun-04 darshankaka

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nepali_hunk Posted on 29-Jun-04 09:59 AM

I was taking "American Governement" class this summer and got curious what the Nepali constitution looks like.. Well here it is.


As a Nepali, I think everyone should go through this document at least once.

It is pretty similar to how the American constitution is written but the only problem is they are mere words and none of it is implemented. There is no legitimacy. If only the politicians would follow the constitution.

If you have any views, feel free to share them here..
momo_cha Posted on 29-Jun-04 12:57 PM

damn we got so many rights on paper but only "lefts" in reality.

sucks huh?

darshankaka Posted on 29-Jun-04 03:29 PM

Again, the question is how good is the constitution. Who are the law-makers in Nepal that should be implememnting the consitution for the benefit of the country and it's people.

As soon as the consitutions is practiced as written, those law-makers will understand that they are not eligible to be there. But do they really understand? And those who understand.. do they really act accordingly. NO. Those who understands the consitution needs the remaining ones who do not understand to remain in the power.