kina kina

   I can see that Sonika_NY is taking a lot 26-Jun-04 anamika1
     anmika1 jee, well your statement also ge 26-Jun-04 south
       south mate... respect to what u said... 26-Jun-04 dananah
         Tell you guys what.. Generalization 26-Jun-04 ProudNepali
           Anamika1, you brought up very nice topic 26-Jun-04 Prem Charo
             Anamika1.. Now let us look at this situa 27-Jun-04 rootsNwings
               DAMMNN what a " Generalization" anamika1 27-Jun-04 confused
                 Why do our nepali ketas get threatened b 28-Jun-04 mildseven
                   Why do you guys care so much about other 28-Jun-04 Rekha

Username Post
anamika1 Posted on 26-Jun-04 04:39 PM

I can see that Sonika_NY is taking a lot of heat from our nepali thitas. The responses to her thread bring me to this new thread. Why do u ketas feel threatened or feel insecure when she is just stating a general statement.... there are exception to every rule. Hoina ra? Why do our nepali ketas get threatened by strong nepali women..... ? Umer ma moj garchan garchan ani nepal ma gayera sojho keti biha garchan. Do u not want to be with somebody who challenges ur mind and can raise strong balanced children? I say kudos to women who speak their mind and carry on. Estai bhayera ta nepali cheli haru bideshi sita biha garnu parcha ni....what a shame.
south Posted on 26-Jun-04 05:16 PM

anmika1 jee, well your statement also generalized nepali guys right? i did nt write anything in the other thread because i did nt feel necessary to write. the way she generalized nepali guys in usa, looks like she had nt met any nepali guys who has good status and legal and all. both of you you used exception word, exception as I understand is very less probability of occurance. i have seen plenty of nepali guys and girl who are good good, has good status and doign well. may be this is just a feeling among us, bhanchhan ni, najik ko mandir ko hela hunchah bahnera. as far as threatened by women or her personality, i dont think this will be issue if both loves each other. my girl friend is more intelligent than me but we love each other very much and she is nepali. if we really like each other there is very less chance of such threatened and inferity complexes. generally we all perfer good spouce. suppose i have master's degree, then i prefer my wife to be educated too so that we can understnad each other better. i wont feel insecure if she has phd. umer ma moj garne kura pani khoi, i have nt seen too many such cases, but there are few such cases and those cases involve both nepali guys and girls. some of my friends are sticked with one girl and they are happy and some of my friends even do nt have gf and they dont care about it. what i beleive is, if you try to be good and if your heart says you are good, then other will definitely say you are good person. if someone tries to cheat or lie then there will be problem. i have been to usa for sometime now, and i asked couple of white guys and girls about dating girls or guys from different countries. well most of white guys prefer to have white girls, they say its easy to understand and know them. it is becauyse they raised in similar environment and they might have similar thinking. and similarly this is nt so different among white girls too, they have also similar feeling. aba kahile kahi party ma vetne and bar ma jaane ani moj garne saayed uni haroo ko arkai kura hola. i dont think many americans wants to have spouce from other country. i know you said bideshi there in ur statement but i assume it as americans. most peobably you have also niticed this thing, indians have a lot of indian friends and hang out with them, similary chinese, korean, middle eastern, hispanic, south american and nepali. this is all because they all have simialr culture, food, thinking and raised in similar environment. i never like people who just tries to be too smart after coming here. most of us are here for studies, and we all know most of us are doign hard work to maintain our status and study. i dont think one wil be smart and knowledgeable by knowing few american slangs and wearing some brand name clothes and riding a good car. i think one knows him/her better than anyone else. i dont know what i worte above, may be i deviate with the actual topic, sorry about that. and by now, you must have realized that i can nt express well and write in good english so sorry about that too.
dananah Posted on 26-Jun-04 06:02 PM

south mate...
respect to what u said...i understand it loud and clear..:D
and to those who dun...well pity :D

and anamika_1 well kinda get what ur trying to convey

but about this?? Why do our nepali ketas get threatened by strong nepali women..... ?
urghh are u sure that only applies to nepalese?? dun u think this question applies to all guys out matter what race...its a mens world they it or has been like this way for ages(histpry books says it all)..and will continue to be(looking at it..though ppl say there is equality these days...equality my foot!!!)..:S..well one day..maybe there will be really equality where everyone will freaking realize ppl from a diff gender can be better than them..:D...

so till that day comes..(will it??) guess there will be guys who will feel threatened by women who has strong personalities..etc (hey i think im one hehe..but im getting used to it ;o)..kay garney im not perfect..was brought up this way..but trying to well change for the better..:o)..)

most of the time its cos we havent seen such kinda women before..:D..but in time when we see more women with strong personality etc (cos well there are lots..:D)..who doesnt conform to freaking stupid society rules..etc guess then everyone will be more understanding of each other..:o)

and the ppl who replied to in the other thread well they wanted to voice their opinion...just like what the other person did...does it show that she is a strong nepali woman?? for me it just shows shes one of those many so called educated..but freaking close minded ppl(doesnt necessarily have to be nepali...) who exist in this world...always generalizing a race or smthing...(but well i guess i do too..but well im stupid..:o)..kay garney..slow mind cha..but learning smthing every day ;o))

and well when u said this...Umer ma moj garchan garchan ani nepal ma gayera sojho keti biha garchan.
guess well that doesnt goo too well with me too.....i mean i know what ur trying to say..i guess u seen that happen a lot..and believe me i have too..(i think i will be one of the nepali guy to do just that in the future..hehe :P)

...but still ur generalization of nepali guys...u were generalizing hoina?...are all of them like that??well i dunno where the majority and the minority falls to..but still..urghh hate generalization..i mean if ur telling it to the person who did it..great..:o)..but well to u think they will like hearing it?

anyways respect to u too cos seems like u respect women..(i may sound i do too..but ughh not that much as u i think... but am learning to respect more..everyday..:o)..)
and well u voice ur opinion..sorry if i misunderstood it...and well i voiced mine...:o)...i am not trying to argue or create any argument here...i hate debates ;o)..cos in the end both person will never feel they are wrong..(even if they admit are they wrong hehe)..we dun have a judge whom everyone can u know..truly believe when he says whos more right etc...(even oif we did...would we believe him or ourself?? hehe)

ok im outta here..before someone starts debating with me..why debating is good..though there is no judge or anything..hehe :oP

dyam..did i make sense in anything up there??well hope so..if was just me opinion..which i understand..dun expect others too...:o) hehe..
so pls everyone uyr opinions pls..:o)..we lop giving and hearing opinions dun we??

ProudNepali Posted on 26-Jun-04 07:07 PM

Tell you guys what..

Generalization can be done when the "CAse under discusion" occurs very frequently. Cases such as "nepali guys freaking out here and going after an innocent (mostly virgin.... hey that's the fact) girl in Nepal" and "nepali GUys acting LIke Wanna BE AMericans" are very rare. Trust me Nepalese people hang out with Nepalese people more often than anyone else. No matter how long they have been here for? whether they are legal or illegal immigrants? whether they work in the most reputed organizations or under the table? I have seen them all. I can speak for myself. And.. can anyone dare tell me that Hey ProudNepali you haven't seen AMerica enough???

I remember that phrase from "Mahendra Mala (the Nepali book required for SLC).. the story called as "Palako Paicho".... The story begins like this "VEdA VEDA sita BAKHRA BAKHRA Sita......."" ANd this SUPPOsed to be "THE MElting Pot of THe World" carry plenty of evidences of that. That is so true.

Let us not elaborate it any further..... SOUTH BRo's posting exemplifies enough.

Regardless of whether that person SONYKCYA.. or something is a guy or a gal?? is serious or just having fun?? had expressed some offensive views against Nepalese men l here in the US. Oh yeah.. who cares about her opinion?? yet ... the fact remains the fact. What she had said about Nepali GUys can also be said about Nepali Girls. Oh yeah there can be one or two cases. But how wise is it to "GENERALIZE" those rare cases??? I can give plenty of counter examples against the claims made by that character named SONYKYA or something. but nahhhhhhhh that will not mean much...... THe ones who understand will need no explanation.. the onw doesn't want to understand will never understand.

By the way we are humans and we "do ADAPT to the societies we encounter with." That's just a part of evolution. And who says EVOLUtion has an end. IF it has... it won't be called evolution. We all try to make our survival easier in whaterve ways we can.... that might include trying to get Residency or Citizenship?? or imitating American lifestyle??.... that is just the part of struggle for Existence.. If anyone has problem with that.... Do I care?? hell nooo.

By the way Statistics shows that There are more Females than Males..... (not trying to dish out the female population but just stating the fact out.... some people are more sensitive than others so I gotta make sure I ain't offending anyone).... so even if that character or charcters like SONYKA doesn't marry a Nepali man .... you bet Nepalese guys won't go unmarried. By the way who are they(SONUKA and such people) gonna marry?? Nepali woman?????

Just watch and see more Nepali Bachelors will find their partners at Phoenix during the Convention.

Alrite guys
let's chill out.
I am proud to Be a Nepali.
Jai Nepal
Prem Charo Posted on 26-Jun-04 10:07 PM

Anamika1, you brought up very nice topic here. Yes, most of nepali thetas in the US have some kind of syndrome of challenge. They don't like girls who are comparatively smart. They are almost like wildboyz running naked after big birds. This can be excetion for a couple of guys, but mostly itýs true. They cannot reciprocate with their dominant mind. They donýt like to date a girl who is more challenging and smarter. What else can I sayý I hear you Anamika1.

Prem Charo
rootsNwings Posted on 27-Jun-04 01:35 AM

Anamika1.. Now let us look at this situation from a very different perspective. What about the guys and gals who went to the West and got good education and all and did decide to return to Nepal for one reason or other. Now some of them here in Nepal are in a completely different dilema. Unlike what you mention, they would want to marry someone that challenges their mind and, yes, raise balanced children. Well, for many of these gals and guys, the choice of coming to the US and finding some Nepali that even comes close to meeting their wants are unachieveable for various reasons which are more than often beyond their control. My point here being that more often than you would want, choices come with where you choose to live and where/what you decide to leave behind.

What you are highlighting is a situation that is similar to the vision of the US Federal Government. The US Federal Government must have the best of everything within and witout its borders. And, as a enlightened Nepali female and in the US of A, you are advocating for the very best of everything for yourself and your kind. Well, just like the US Federal Goverhment has had to settle for less than the best in the past, perhaps the enlightened gals like yourself must learn to settle for those Nepalis in the US that are not the exception, but the rule.

(Trying to stick to my roots and at the same time grow wings)
confused Posted on 27-Jun-04 01:51 PM

DAMMNN what a " Generalization" anamika1

by reading ur post, i have to say you havent seen the world around you, YOu tell me how many Khaires or any race, from hispanic to blacks, that did not apply to..what SOnika had stated in her thread....i think you have been hanging out w/ thitas who dont do anything beetter than partying, there are many nepalese right now, all over USA getting a good education and trying to put their carrer in work...Right here in sajha only there are lots of brilliant Bachelor nepalese guys, if i had their permission i would say their names:) ...

mildseven Posted on 28-Jun-04 06:48 AM

Why do our nepali ketas get threatened by strong nepali women..... ?
What part of Sonika's remarks shows strength?

Umer ma moj garchan garchan ani nepal ma gayera sojho keti biha garchan.
same for girls, not in general but cases exist just as they do for guys.

Do u not want to be with somebody who challenges ur mind and can raise strong balanced children?
Are you sure someone like sonika can raise strong balanced children? or children at all.

I say kudos to women who speak their mind and carry on.
I say "take it easy. think before you speak, dont say whatever comes to mind pyachha" to women (AND MEN) who speak their mind and carry on.
Rekha Posted on 28-Jun-04 12:26 PM

Why do you guys care so much about other peoples status ??? They might be living in a palace with lots of $$$ or they might be sharing this one room apartment with 4 other people, legal or illegal, rich or poor WHO CARES ??? Let them live their life and do what they wish to do.

ANAMIKA Girl I have nothing against you and I'm a girl myself. I'm not trying to take guys side but putting someone down by saying They are Short, Illegal blah blah blah blah all that BuLlShIt doesn't make anyone strong or superior.

Come on guys and gril, just go with the flow and have fun. 1974 AD song "Bacha ani Bachana Deu, Jindagi ta Sabb ko Eutai Ho".

Peace Out..............