LAST DAYS------Sitara

   As usual, my writings carry a message of 24-Jun-04 SITARA
     *Also, please edit as you read! :) 24-Jun-04 SITARA
       Bon voyage! :) 24-Jun-04 john doe
         May god speed you to kathmandu 24-Jun-04 JagaltayBhoot
           John Doe and J Bhoot; Thank you for y 25-Jun-04 SITARA
             Enjoy the trip Twinkle. Nice blog, I 25-Jun-04 DWI
               Enjoyed reading. 26-Jun-04 Prem Charo

Username Post
SITARA Posted on 24-Jun-04 08:42 AM

As usual, my writings carry a message of "read at your own risk!".

In this DC sweatbath, (well okay it has been cooler) it has been observed that "cursing" evolves into an involuntary mechanism while "appologies" take a backseat. Now, that Summer is finally here, according to the summer solstice, whew! (and I thought we've had summer since May!) and I have finished boxing up my classroom for the summer, I can sit back and plan on what to do during my n number of hrs of traveling and transit time! Well, the "pleasure-reading" books I had ordered from have yet to arrive.....blame it on the snail.

Last day of school without children:
"And, I had some of the sperm in my hand... it had spilled!" said Leena, my heavily pregnant colleague. Julia and I had just walked into a graphic conversation taking place in the staff room. "What????!!!! " exclaimed those sitting around my pregnant colleague while Julia and I stopped dead in our tracks. "yeah, and you know those things come in a small vial and I had to be extrememely careful about saving every drop!" Julia, my African friend's jaws dropped in sheer shock, embarrassment did not even factor into it! I took one look at her and started laughing. Julia, apparently did not know that Leena is a lesbian and for the life of her could not figure out what she was doing with a vial of sperm in her hand. "Aand whaad about your husbund?" asked an astonished Julia in a heavy African accent. "oh, I'm divorced! He doesn't care! My, wife and I decided to have this baby!" informed a zealous Leena. Leena was loving all this attention and was capitalizing on her gay-hood and pregnant state to scrounge every ounce of attention from her unsuspecting colleague. "Your wife!!!!!!!!!" asked an even more bewildered Julia. "Ya, my wife... Ms. Julia, you didn't know, I'm a lesbian!". I was surprised that Julia didn't know as Leena had made it her business to educate everyone of her sexuality. Not that, there was anything wrong about it...but, attention-mongering through graphic sexual descriptions was not palatable to every one. Anyhow, since Leena was leaving for good, people let any aggravation slide. "My whut is dis wald comeing to...!!!!" said a thoroughly shaken Julia as we walked away.

Speaking of gay rights always leads me to Bushdom. I can't blame Julia her culture shock... who can I blame Bush for his? "The enemy can't stand the thought of free societies. That's why they attacked us, see." said Bush of Afganisthan, wonder where in the "free society" does gay rights fall. "marriage is to be defined by the people, not by the courts" says the contradictory president implying "he" da people of da US of A. However, we must credit him with acknowledging that "We are all sinners!" and therefore gays are greater sinners????! I sometimes, wonder at the terms "sinners", "evil", "justice"; trite words that pushed Bush into Gabriel-hood of the order of the avenging angels. Give him credit for raising the death rate to double to avenge those of 9/11; Ah no! he was not seeking revenge but justice. How easy it seems to seek justice while deploying sons and daughters of the brave American people. The very same brave American soldiers who personify bravery, patriotism American-ism but for some odd reason do not do not depict the "evils" and "attrocities" of prison torture! Selective modeling... I believe it is called or is it selective memory.

Last days of Clinton's attempt at scraping for attention!!!!!!!! Man, what timing, for Bill to have his conscience attack! ! Kerry doesn't seem too pleased at all the negative attention the Lewinsky case is getting; it seems to show off Bush in his virginal, untainted, un-edited best!! While Bush smirks at the halo around his oval office...ofcourse the moral values have been restored in the White House; stains scraped off, blue dressed auctioned off and.... blueprints of the sale of weapons (of mass destruction) to Iraq, erased. Alas! Alzheimers has struck Reagon, CIA, Condolisa Rice, Bush Sr/Jr, Cheney, Rumsfield, Powell!!! Guess where this deadly strain of rare contagious Alzheimers mutated from?!

"Crash!!! Bang!!!!! S.O.S signals, BEEEP!!!!.......... BEEEP!!!!!!!!!!.... ----------------------flat liner!!!!!!!! DEAD!!!!" Unfortunately, my computer's death was not as dramatic as the ICU of DC General Hospital ( they are still destroying it...for lack of funds!). One fine day...yesterday, my screen went red, then white and then blue then blank!!! Yes, I even saw stars ...!!! After a few strings of unutterable "unmentionables" I prayed and the computer turned back on! Yes, prayers do work miracles but ominous as it sounds, I believe this will be my last post before I can give it a decent funeral.

Have a wonderful and safe summer, everybody! For those in KTM, we'll see you in matribhumi, hopefully!!!!!!!!

SITARA Posted on 24-Jun-04 08:44 AM

*Also, please edit as you read! :)
john doe Posted on 24-Jun-04 09:24 AM

Bon voyage! :)
JagaltayBhoot Posted on 24-Jun-04 10:59 AM

May god speed you to kathmandu

SITARA Posted on 25-Jun-04 08:05 AM

John Doe and J Bhoot;

Thank you for your well wishes.

Apparently, things have quietened down in KTM...not that I will be doing much other than absorbing the essence mother and mother town. Strange as it might sound, I seem to be re-visiting memory lanes of my childhood/school days. Was it in the movie "Everest" that Tenzing Sherpa's son mentions catching his breath everytime the airplane noses into the valley at the final stages of its descent?! Surreal and scenic, an out- of- body experience as the aircraft emerges from the monsoon fog to an unforgettable view of the swiftly approaching valley! Yes, I confess, these last few days have me even more home-sick!
DWI Posted on 25-Jun-04 08:56 PM

Enjoy the trip Twinkle.

Nice blog, I just didn't realize while reading how you jumped from one topic to another. Good transition, thought about publishing lately?
Prem Charo Posted on 26-Jun-04 03:09 PM

Enjoyed reading.